So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Not angry with you, limitations of the written word. I am frustrated with the sheer number or contradictory directives, news releases, and supposed "science" that isn't science that is being disseminated as fact. Also not particularly happy with the number of lemmings that are just blindly following and not using common sense.
It's so sad that you have no clue as to the Scientific Methods and yet you believe in common sense. How wrong you are. Common sense isn't common, and has eroded more and more in those who continue to post crap such as your post.
It shouldn’t be controversial, but Jesus the amount of push back is nuts.
Well I can see why people would not want to be vaccinated, or their kids vaccinated, w/o full FDA approval. I don't agree, but I can see it.

But there is no valid scientific basis to disagree with the fact that with the vaccine you are less likely to get the virus, and simply by virtue of not getting it, be less likely to pass it on. So, those arguing they shouldn't be fired if they don't get vaccinated, are saying their right to autonomy is superior to an employer's duty/right to keep his customers and workers safe.

THAT is not the law. An employee has no right to a job, and an employer has no right to force an employee to work. The rights are COEQUAL. An employee can look to his/her health as they see fit, and an employer can look to his/her interests in non-infected workers and customer.

And it's a little different in education. A child has a legal right to participate in publicly funded K-12 education. Not to derail the thread. But that situation can't be comparable to a work situation, where there's no right to a job, and no right to an employee filling a job.
Is it illegal for a hospital to discriminate against people who don’t hold medical degrees and refuse to hire them to practice medicine?
I dunno, is studying the same as being forced to inject something into your body?
Yes. You're using their logic against them - I get it. This is exactly why I've always opposed government getting mixed up in this shit in the first place.
I’m merely showing how you are a bigot
Well I can see why people would not want to be vaccinated, or their kids vaccinated, w/o full FDA approval. I don't agree, but I can see it.

But there is no valid scientific basis to disagree with the fact that with the vaccine you are less likely to get the virus, and simply by virtue of not getting it, be less likely to pass it on. So, those arguing they shouldn't be fired if they don't get vaccinated, are saying their right to autonomy is superior to an employer's duty/right to keep his customers and workers safe.

THAT is not the law. An employee has no right to a job, and an employer has no right to force an employee to work. The rights are COEQUAL. An employee can look to his/her health as they see fit, and an employer can look to his/her interests in non-infected workers and customer.

And it's a little different in education. A child has a legal right to participate in publicly funded K-12 education. Not to derail the thread. But that situation can't be comparable to a work situation, where there's no right to a job, and no right to an employee filling a job.
Still haven't quantified what 'less likely' means, inquiring minds really want to know? What about if you've already had covid and have natural antibodies, superior to the vaccine results, or should you take the experimental shot 'just because you say so' anyway?
Damn, you're just an expert at everything including HIPAA. I think you better read the HIPAA law again. Here's a little bit about it.

No problem. After you get fired for non compliance, you are welcome to try and sue your employer based on that criteria.
Well I can see why people would not want to be vaccinated, or their kids vaccinated, w/o full FDA approval. I don't agree, but I can see it.

But there is no valid scientific basis to disagree with the fact that with the vaccine you are less likely to get the virus, and simply by virtue of not getting it, be less likely to pass it on. So, those arguing they shouldn't be fired if they don't get vaccinated, are saying their right to autonomy is superior to an employer's duty/right to keep his customers and workers safe.

Think of it like an IQ test.

If their excuse for not getting vaccinated is something like the vaccine being magnetic, containing micro-chips, or that it will make women sterile, then you're too stupid to work here.
What about if you've already had covid and have natural antibodies, superior to the vaccine results,...
Actually the vaccine is a known for effectiveness, where natural immunity is being speculated on.

They did a study and found that someone who recovered from COVID, gets a substantial boost from a single vaccine shot.

So even if natural immunity is a 10, then a vaccine pushes it to 11 (spinal tap reference)
I’d be pretty careful about using fraud to get a job. I think there could be civil penalties for that.
what happens to someone who says they have a degree and they later find out they didn't. What's that violation?
No problem. After you get fired for non compliance, you are welcome to try and sue your employer based on that criteria.
Having the person prove vaccination status, is no different than having them prove citizenship status. Both are voluntary, but failure to do so, is a reason for an employer to let them go.
Having the person prove vaccination status, is no different than having them prove citizenship status. Both are voluntary, but failure to do so, is a reason for an employer to let them go.
nope. this is simple.

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