So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

No, they don't, or shouldn't. I'd be getting discriminated against and barred from restaurants... because of my medical history? And specifically because I refuse to be a guinea pig for Big Pharma and the government? If that's going to be the case, can you point me in the direction of the land of the free?
Head north till your compass says you're going south
yes I posted the links last week. If you are vaccinate yuo were quatifiably less likely to transmit the virus if infected than someone infected who was not vaccinated. IF you have the delta variant, the data is not clear cut, and from what I saw tending to show you were not less likely to pass on the virus than an infected, non-vaccinated individual BUT if you are vaccinated you are somwhere around 50-60% less likely to be infected with the delta variant than a non vaccinated person

50-60% less likely to be infected, not less likely to spread it, and even at 50-60% less likely to be infected is a moving target, and not an impressive statistic. Not impressive enough for government, schools, and corps to be mandating the vaccine for everyone.
I don't think the unions will push back against this. The government just mandated that employers have the right to force vaccinations, I don't know if the unions will have the power to get that overturned.
Why would they? The Unions are lock-step with Democrats, who want everyone to be vaccinated, even if you have a .000001% of having any serious issue.

Meanwhile, they'll drive their cars into their work... cars kill 80-100 people per day. Those lives don't matter i guess.
There are two issues in play.

1) At least until Delta came along, a young healthy person whose lifestyle did not bring them into a lot of human contact, might rationally conclude it is safer to avoid any known side effects and "take their chances."

2) Until the FDA gives full authorization, theoretically the vaccines are no different than experimental treatments given FDA emergency authorization based the calculation that "with the vaccine there's XAmount Risk to the population and without the vaccine there's +Amount Risk."

It will be interesting (not in a good way) to see whether schools shut down again.

The question of emergency authorization is like a catch-22. The FDA can't give full approval until any potential side effects have been studied for 1-2 years. There is no way to rush that timeline.

And we are facing a crisis with the delta infection rate filling up our hospitals like at the height of the pandemic.
For someone pretending to be a doctor, you're not very smart. It's discrimination based on your medical profile, when the job has nothing to do with that. Nobody's asking about a degree, lol... except you.
Ah, so some discrimination is okay. Glad we can agree on that. It’s progress. Discrimination is not all the same.

We aren’t discriminating on health or disability so it’s not illegal.
No, they don't, or shouldn't. I'd be getting discriminated against and barred from restaurants... because of my medical history?
Would you go to a restaurant where the customers are obviously ill?

Would you let somebody with the chicken pox, or measles dine with the other customers?
Ah, so some discrimination is okay. Glad we can agree on that. It’s progress. Discrimination is not all the same.

We aren’t discriminating on health or disability so it’s not illegal.
You're an idiot. No way you're a doctor.
They aren’t asking for a gay wedding cake, just a wedding like any other can request. Still has no relavence to vaccines.

Every is treated the same.

No, that is the whole point, in that the employers is not treating everyone the same.
They are discriminating against those with religious, medical, or intellectual reasons against getting the vaccine.
This is not a safe or effective vaccine since it is not FDA approved, so then it is just whim on the part of the employer, so is illegal.
You're an idiot. No way you're a doctor.
I hear they have doctors at Mayo Clinic.

But I guess they’re idiots like me. And you’re super smart.
Nope, if you don't want the vaccine, you obviously don't want the job.

No different than if you're a waitress at Hooters, but you claim to be harassed because they want you to wear the skimpy outfit.
You are not. Covid is spiking and businesses are legally and successfully requiring proof of vaccination. Mask mandates are reappearing and the stats show the virus is hitting the unvaccinated the hardest. You are literally losing by every objective measure one can dream up. Everything you say about covid, the vaccines, the mandates, etc is demonstrably, objectively wrong. All of the numbers and evidence stand against every word out of your mouth. At this point, it's as if you are crafting a fantasy world for yourself.

Covid spiking is due to "flattening the curve", which prevents herd immunity from ending it.
The vaccine is not proven effective or safe, so then the employer has no right to insist on what is essentially a dangerous experiment.

Understand what the dangers are.
It is not the virus, which itself has never harmed anyone.
The danger is entirely the over active immune response.
The vaccine essentially is just spike proteins, so not only can initiate the same deadly immune over response, but can cause your immune system to start attacking other spike proteins, such as your own exosomes (used for intercellular communications),
50-60% less likely to be infected, not less likely to spread it, and even at 50-60% less likely to be infected is a moving target, and not an impressive statistic. Not impressive enough for government, schools, and corps to be mandating the vaccine for everyone.
I’m 100% up to now without
Ah, so some discrimination is okay. Glad we can agree on that. It’s progress. Discrimination is not all the same.

We aren’t discriminating on health or disability so it’s not illegal.

Anything that you are discriminating that you do not have a proven need to discriminate over, is illegal.
Since these vaccines are not FDA approved, they could easily be more dangerous than the virus.
You don't know.
So it is illegal for you as an uninformed lay person, to dictate the medical procedures of your employees.
Only the FDA can mandate vaccines, and they refuse to do that with this one.
Any employer doing this on their own should be imprisoned.
Anything that you are discriminating that you do not have a proven need to discriminate over, is illegal.
Since these vaccines are not FDA approved, they could easily be more dangerous than the virus.
You don't know.
So it is illegal for you as an uninformed lay person, to dictate the medical procedures of your employees.
Only the FDA can mandate vaccines, and they refuse to do that with this one.
Any employer doing this on their own should be imprisoned.
You have it backwards. You can discriminate over anything that is not specifically forbidden, such as race or gender.

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