So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Still haven't quantified what 'less likely' means, inquiring minds really want to know? What about if you've already had covid and have natural antibodies, superior to the vaccine results, or should you take the experimental shot 'just because you say so' anyway?
yes I posted the links last week. If you are vaccinate yuo were quatifiably less likely to transmit the virus if infected than someone infected who was not vaccinated. IF you have the delta variant, the data is not clear cut, and from what I saw tending to show you were not less likely to pass on the virus than an infected, non-vaccinated individual BUT if you are vaccinated you are somwhere around 50-60% less likely to be infected with the delta variant than a non vaccinated person
Harassment is never okay. It’s not discrimination that makes harassment illegal. It’s that it’s unwanted sexual advances.

The sex makes it illegal.
may have nothing to do with sex. harassment is harassing someone who doesn't want it. I don't want a vaccine, don't harass me to take it. same thing.
The integrity of your body is being violated. Only you should decide what goes into your body. Women have been fighting forever for choice over their own bodies. This is the same type of thing.
You are correct and I totally agree with your right to decide what goes into your body. Others also have rights, such as refusing to allow you come near them, or work in their workplace, or serve you in restaurants and bars.
what happens to someone who says they have a degree and they later find out they didn't. What's that violation?
That could be a fraud upon the company, and they are entitled to sue for any costs associated with that fraud. Such as the costs of replacing the employee with one who is actually qualified. The cost to their reputation, such as if their reputation is based on the quality of it's employees, and the fraud harms their reputation.
may have nothing to do with sex. harassment is harassing someone who doesn't want it. I don't want a vaccine, don't harass me to take it. same thing.
Yep. My boss keeps harassing me to work harder. Fuck that shit.
may have nothing to do with sex. harassment is harassing someone who doesn't want it. I don't want a vaccine, don't harass me to take it. same thing.
It’s called sexual harassment you idiot.

No one should harass you for not getting a vaccine. I’m right on there with you on that. It’s wrong.

Being fired is not harassment.
I don't want a vaccine, don't harass me to take it. same thing.
Nope, if you don't want the vaccine, you obviously don't want the job.

No different than if you're a waitress at Hooters, but you claim to be harassed because they want you to wear the skimpy outfit.
Think of it like an IQ test.

If their excuse for not getting vaccinated is something like the vaccine being magnetic, containing micro-chips, or that it will make women sterile, then you're too stupid to work here.
I think that's true. From what I've read and the people educated in the field whom I spoke with, IF a vaccine had side effects, we'd see it by now because the vaccine itself degrades. And the notion that mRNA alters dna is simply not true.

But I was trying to ask "can you say a person has no legal justification to take a vaccine not FDA fully approved?" I think the answer is no. But that doesn't mean they have legal rights superior to their employer's rights.
Is it harassment if my employer keeps making me wash my hands after going to the bathroom?

Of course not.

It's a safety issue.
But I was trying to ask "can you say a person has no legal justification to take a vaccine not FDA fully approved?" I think the answer is no. But that doesn't mean they have legal rights superior to their employer's rights.

First, the 4th amendment means that the government can't mandate any kind of medical treatment. Such as they can't force anybody to get an abortion, a transfusion, take a medication, or get vaccinated.

But that doesn't mean you are free from the consequences of that decision. The government can legally require people with communicable diseases be isolated, and refusal of medical treatment could extend that isolation indefinitely.
First, the 4th amendment means that the government can't mandate any kind of medical treatment. Such as they can't force anybody to get an abortion, a transfusion, take a medication, or get vaccinated.

But that doesn't mean you are free from the consequences of that decision. The government can legally require people with communicable diseases be isolated, and refusal of medical treatment could extend that isolation indefinitely.
A person has no legal justification to keep a job if an employer mandates covid vaccination or masks. But whether it is rational to not get vaccinated is a different issue. There are two issues in play.

1) At least until Delta came along, a young healthy person whose lifestyle did not bring them into a lot of human contact, might rationally conclude it is safer to avoid any known side effects and "take their chances." Delta may be more dangerous compared to the "regular" covid 19 to statistically change that evaluation. (Of course a person making that choice would be saying they were self isolating or just saying to hell with anyone else.)

2) Until the FDA gives full authorization, theoretically the vaccines are no different than experimental treatments given FDA emergency authorization based the calculation that "with the vaccine there's XAmount Risk to the population and without the vaccine there's +Amount Risk." That sort of boosts argument 1, even though there's no scientific support for "unknown side effects" or changes in dna

You bring up the interesting issue of whether the govt can mandate masks. OF course the govt cannot force anyone to take a medicine or vaccine. But those aren't an issue.

It will be interesting (not in a good way) to see whether schools shut down again.
No. But discrimination is discrimination. Isn’t it?
For someone pretending to be a doctor, you're not very smart. It's discrimination based on your medical profile, when the job has nothing to do with that. Nobody's asking about a degree, lol... except you.
You are correct and I totally agree with your right to decide what goes into your body. Others also have rights, such as refusing to allow you come near them, or work in their workplace, or serve you in restaurants and bars.
No, they don't, or shouldn't. I'd be getting discriminated against and barred from restaurants... because of my medical history? And specifically because I refuse to be a guinea pig for Big Pharma and the government? If that's going to be the case, can you point me in the direction of the land of the free?

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