So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

The coming spirit of this will issue from the abortion-happy Democrat (kill 'em all!) Party.

Quite simple:

Get vaccinated or get shot. Death squads demanding your papers. Got none?


Hey, facts mean shit these days. To the liberal mind if you're not jabbed you're dead meat walking so why not get it over with.

FEAR ON America.

It's what's best for you. Doubt me? OK, Ask Xiden. He MIGHT remember.
Let me explain something to you. Just one more time. Just one. The shots are having less and less of an effect on transmission and contraction--so little an effect the CDC Director said and I quote, "They do not prevent transmission". They are now only useful for severe infection and death. So this is not a COMMUNITY decision now. It's an individual decision.

I am now done talking about this with you.
The purpose of vaccines from day one has been to prevent hospitalizations and deaths, not a stuffy nose and low fever. The CDC quote was taking out of context. The vaccine will not prevent transmission of the virus if you are infected. It's the same as other repertory diseases such as flu. However, if you have been vaccinated, and you are infected, it will likely be a mild infection and the less infection you have the less there will be to transmit to others.
I hope I'm wrong about this shot, because I don't much care if you die, but I know other people who got it, and I'm worried about them stroking out.
339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. Only three deaths have been linked to vaccinations compared to 633,000 Covid deaths so the people you know that took the vaccine show be safe from both the vaccine and Covid..

BTW, These 3 deaths were linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented. There have been no deaths liked to either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine.
If my company forces me or "I"m fired", and I submit and am vaccine injured, they have a fat, fat workman's comp claim and maybe a lawsuit on their hands.

This is why many companies are not going there. Frankly I'm shocked that some companies that employ a lot of people like United, Disney, Tyson and others are taking that bargain. More pity them--they WILL be paying out
I think your company is pretty safe with 3 deaths due the vaccine out of 330 million vaccinations. However there will be nuisance laws suits that will have to settled. Some employers are betting on the increasing vaccinations rates will take care of the problem. Also many companies are running short on people and they don't want to take the chance of having employees quite over the vaccination.
The purpose of vaccines from day one has been to prevent hospitalizations and deaths, not a stuffy nose and low fever. The CDC quote was taking out of context. The vaccine will not prevent transmission of the virus if you are infected. It's the same as other repertory diseases such as flu. However, if you have been vaccinated, and you are infected, it will likely be a mild infection and the less infection you have the less there will be to transmit to others.

The way to prevent over half a million needless deaths would have been by NOT "flattening the curve" last March.
The vaccine is no going to help anyone.
Not only is it not FDA approved or safe, but it has already killed thousands and could easily kill every single person who took it, including me.
It is not a vaccine really.
A vaccine has a dead virus, so gets the immune system sensitized to that virus.
But this is just a spike protein, and our own exosomes also need to use a spike protein.
The risk of it trigging an deadly auto-immune reaction is extremely high.
As of right now, the employee has two options, either be vaccinated, or find a new job.

The government just gave all employers unfettered ability to force their employees to be vaccinated.

Since when did the government do that? Link?
I think your company is pretty safe with 3 deaths due the vaccine out of 330 million vaccinations. However there will be nuisance laws suits that will have to settled. Some employers are betting on the increasing vaccinations rates will take care of the problem. Also many companies are running short on people and they don't want to take the chance of having employees quite over the vaccination.

That is just a lie.
There have been thousands of anaphylactic shock victims and hundreds of enlarged hearts.
Thousands have been killed by the vaccines, and it could easily eventually kill every single person who got vaccinated.
The vaccine is the most risky slight of hand that any medical company has ever tried to pull off.
It is not a vaccine.
It does not have dead virus.
It only has spike proteins, and you can't safely sensitize the immune system to spike proteins because we need spike proteins.
They are what our exosomes depend upon.
339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. Only three deaths have been linked to vaccinations compared to 633,000 Covid deaths so the people you know that took the vaccine show be safe from both the vaccine and Covid..

BTW, These 3 deaths were linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented. There have been no deaths liked to either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine.
Yet. If it's so safe, why hasn't the FDA approved it?
As of right now, the employee has two options, either be vaccinated, or find a new job.

The government just gave all employers unfettered ability to force their employees to be vaccinated.

That is a lie.
The DOJ just put that out as their opinion.
It is not law, has no force, and the courts most certainly will not agree.
There is no way employers can legally force a medical procedure that is still not FDA approved, and likely never will be.
They aren’t asking for a gay wedding cake, just a wedding like any other can request. Still has no relavence to vaccines.

Every is treated the same.

And it violates the religion of the baker, same as there is a religion exemption for the vaccines. Funny how you just want to tiptoe around that freedom thing. Implement it when it's convenient, or not.

I will go full libertarian with you, and say if you don't like the mandate go find another job. But then, the baker has the absolute right not to bake the cake. You don't like it, go find another baker.

Be consistent, at least.
The purpose of vaccines from day one has been to prevent hospitalizations and deaths, not a stuffy nose and low fever. The CDC quote was taking out of context. The vaccine will not prevent transmission of the virus if you are infected. It's the same as other repertory diseases such as flu. However, if you have been vaccinated, and you are infected, it will likely be a mild infection and the less infection you have the less there will be to transmit to others.

That is patently false and can be easily proven in court, and it will be if necessary. NO ONE took these vaccines at the beginning because they thought they would still get infected AND pass the virus on but it might "prevent hospitalizations and death". We were all led to believe this would end the epidemic, are you kidding me?
That is a lie.
The DOJ just put that out as their opinion.
It is not law, has no force, and the courts most certainly will not agree.
There is no way employers can legally force a medical procedure that is still not FDA approved, and likely never will be.

I think the shakier ground is: what is the basis of an employer demanding an employee take a vaccine that has no impact on transmission, per the CDC director? Sure, it might affect the employee's own personal health. Okay, but then is the employer also going to ask about STDs, smoking, healthy eating, exercise? All other behaviors that affect personal health?

Once we can all get over our Moral Panic and admit, like Iceland just did, that the vaccines are not sanitizing, then the mandates are done.
You are not. Covid is spiking and businesses are legally and successfully requiring proof of vaccination. Mask mandates are reappearing and the stats show the virus is hitting the unvaccinated the hardest. You are literally losing by every objective measure one can dream up. Everything you say about covid, the vaccines, the mandates, etc is demonstrably, objectively wrong. All of the numbers and evidence stand against every word out of your mouth. At this point, it's as if you are crafting a fantasy world for yourself.
339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. Only three deaths have been linked to vaccinations compared to 633,000 Covid deaths so the people you know that took the vaccine show be safe from both the vaccine and Covid..

BTW, These 3 deaths were linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented. There have been no deaths liked to either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine.
Yes there have.

Several thousand.
If you can justify discriminating against people in the name of "public health", then a whole lot of things are going to become "public health" issues, that never were before.
It doesn’t. At least, not to people with a reasonable amount of logic.
People with a reasonable amount of logic don't lose their shit over a flu that has a survival rate of over 99%.
Hundreds of thousands of people dying from COVID and some idiots think they’re reasonable when they say it’s a “flu”.
The last lockdown was child's play compared to the one coming when the much more potent variants comes.

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