So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

It did for damn near everyone that tried it, fatso.

Hurry up with my sandwich and I'll buy you a salad.
Itā€™s sammitch, you lazy moron. Donā€™t tell me your ass is stuck in the recliner again. Just push the button

Aside from that a number of perfectly healthy people, young, with no underlying conditions have died of Covid, and even more left with permanent damage. Your Darwinian ideals of survival of the fittest, let it run amuck, are costly in both lives and dollars.
"If a baker has a business and doesn't want to bake the gay wedding cake, it's his business. You're free to go somewhere else."

Wow, this is gonna be great.

If the employer only requires certain classes of people to be vaccinated, you might have a point. The bakerā€™s objection is based on a thin, stretched idea of ā€œreligious rightsā€. When it comes vaccinations, exceptions can and are made for certain religious objections.
You can choose to protect yourself and take the inoculation or not. Do you not have confidence in the vaccine? If you did, you wouldn't care if someone else didn't get vaccinated, because you're protected
That isnā€™t exactly the issue. A large pool of unvaccinated people provide a reservoir for new mutations. In addition there are people who genuinely can not get vaccinated or vaccinations donā€™t take. Have enough vaccinated people helps protect them. If you choose not to get vaccinated, then choose to wear a mask in certain situations until the wave is over.
The Leftists here love the employers making rules about injecting their employees with chemicals
This is a lie.

ā€˜Liberalsā€™ are merely acknowledging facts of employment law and policy that benefit employers concerning terms and conditions of employment ā€“ laws and policies codifying the supremacy of private employers, as fought for and established by Republican lawmakers.

And to be vaccinated is not to be ā€˜injected with chemicalsā€™ ā€“ thatā€™s also a lie.
If the employer only requires certain classes of people to be vaccinated, you might have a point. The bakerā€™s objection is based on a thin, stretched idea of ā€œreligious rightsā€. When it comes vaccinations, exceptions can and are made for certain religious objections.
Actually, she doesnā€™t have a point at all, given the fact this issue is the relationship between employer and employee, not business owner and patron.

Indeed, itā€™s both a false comparison fallacy and a red herring fallacy.
You hear about everything on tv these days and thank God for that. How many more deaths would there be if tv did not discuss the Covid. Thimk!

Yeah, think of all the suicides and drug overdoses that would have been avoided.

Itā€™s sammitch, you lazy moron. Donā€™t tell me your ass is stuck in the recliner again. Just push the button

Aside from that a number of perfectly healthy people, young, with no underlying conditions have died of Covid, and even more left with permanent damage. Your Darwinian ideals of survival of the fittest, let it run amuck, are costly in both lives and dollars.
It's actually "sammich", (no T)....... and I save that for the ones I am truly fond of.
You're still in the audition phase; not only have you not presented a sandwich for my evaluation, I haven't seen you do not one sink full of dishes yet, or even fold any laundry.

C'mon woman...... show me something! I'm rooting for you!!

Another rousing chorus of the old classic, "It's different when we do it."

One more round, for old time's sake!
Itā€™s sammitch, you lazy moron. Donā€™t tell me your ass is stuck in the recliner again. Just push the button

Aside from that a number of perfectly healthy people, young, with no underlying conditions have died of Covid, and even more left with permanent damage. Your Darwinian ideals of survival of the fittest, let it run amuck, are costly in both lives and dollars.
A number huh?

What number, exactly?
Barely above zero, right? :rolleyes:

And the overreaction and "elite panic" displayed around the world is going to be the cause of far more deaths, than if we had simply ignored this and got on with our lives..
If the employer only requires certain classes of people to be vaccinated, you might have a point. The bakerā€™s objection is based on a thin, stretched idea of ā€œreligious rightsā€. When it comes vaccinations, exceptions can and are made for certain religious objections.

Nope. The baker doesn't bake gay wedding cakes. For anyone. If the customer doesn't like it, the customer can find another shop.

Sound familiar?

You like?
Well, there's a cheery thought.
Scientist have been creating mRNA vaccines for decades. There was just not a need for a new vaccine. When Corvid came along all the research had been done. All that was needed was to design the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein on outside of muscles cells.

The spike protein on the exterior of the virus or the spike protein created by the mRNA vaccine on the exterior of muscle cells are both recognized by he immune system as a foreign substance and thus create antibodies. The antibodies created due to the vaccine, in effect train the immune system to quickly recognize the spike protein on the virus thus producing a fast response and massive antibody attack which is critical to destroying the virus.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Employees and patrons are two different things, one having nothing to do with each other.

You're right. There are many more employment laws for employers to follow when demanding that their employees inject themselves with chemicals or lose their jobs than simply refusing to serve customers.
That is MY choice to make, same as it is YOUR choice to make a thousand other choices that affect your health, and no one else's.

Actually your decision to get a vaccine can effect the health of others. This is why so many institutions, government, healthcare providers, and businesses are urging everyone to get vaccinated. In the US, like a number of countries vaccination, remains a personal choice but that choice may have consequences such as restrictions on travel, jobs, shopping, dining, and entertainment.
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What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.
The employee can remind him that the CDC Director says they don't prevent getting infected, and that they are not FDA approved.

49 to go.
The dangers of flammable gasoline are proven.
The dangers of the experimental mRNA vaccines that are never going to be FDA approved, are unknown but strongly expected.
You can't sensitize the immune to spike proteins used by the body, and get away with it.
It is the worst medical mistake I have ever seen.
You'll pardon me if I take the advice of people who ACTUALL know what they're talking about.
If the employers says to wear red clown shows to work and you wear blue ones and are fired it's not because you are a clown. No, wait, that's exactly why you were fired.
My mistake.
Nope. The baker doesn't bake gay wedding cakes. For anyone. If the customer doesn't like it, the customer can find another shop.

Sound familiar?

You like?
They arenā€™t asking for a gay wedding cake, just a wedding like any other can request. Still has no relavence to vaccines.

Every is treated the same.
You have literally been whining about being on the losing side of all this for almost a year. Like, you cry like a bitch every day about it.

I'm winning on every front...... every day more and more people are waking up to how crazy this whole thing was, and still is. How out of control, incompetent, and power crazy these politicians really are. How dishonest the mass media is.

Every day they are pulling more of their support from the government, and taking control over their local school boards, city councils, and county governments, and putting an end to these top-down directives.

The ones crying like a bitch are you and yours, mad because no one will go along with your nonsense anymore....... good ideas don't need coercion and mandates to implement. And the only thing anyone ever wants to censor is the truth.
I'm winning on every front...
You are not. Covid is spiking and businesses are legally and successfully requiring proof of vaccination. Mask mandates are reappearing and the stats show the virus is hitting the unvaccinated the hardest. You are literally losing by every objective measure one can dream up. Everything you say about covid, the vaccines, the mandates, etc is demonstrably, objectively wrong. All of the numbers and evidence stand against every word out of your mouth. At this point, it's as if you are crafting a fantasy world for yourself.

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