So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Getting experimental vaccines that could be deadly, is NOT a legal requirement for any job.
Testing should satisfy any employer, if they are not an ignorant fascist.
As long as government is making the call. In all cases. It seems the left and the right agree on that these days.
kaz I thought that was the entire premise of our country, FKING INDIVIDUALISM

Of course it is. But the way you framed it, it sounded like a rebuttal to my post. I'm confused now, I thought you already addressed it saying you did understand that I'm for people taking the vaccine but against anyone requiring it and now you're bringing it up again
Of course it is. But the way you framed it, it sounded like a rebuttal to my post. I'm confused now, I thought you already addressed it saying you did understand that I'm for people taking the vaccine but against anyone requiring it and now you're bringing it up again
Sorry, not trying to confuse you. Just growing tired of demofks thinking they own me.
that's third world government not the USA's.

He's slamming conservatives. He likes doing that while he high fives leftists followed by butt slaps. He just can't think of any examples
Because that would allow employers to discriminate illegally, such as no political beliefs, religion, race, age, sex, sexual harassment, etc.
It's illegal to discriminate based on religion, race, age, sex etc, because we wrote a law about it.
You are correct and I totally agree with your right to decide what goes into your body. Others also have rights, such as refusing to allow you come near them, or work in their workplace, or serve you in restaurants and bars.
If a restaurant or store owner says I can't enter unless I wear a mask or declare and prove my vaccine status, I'll go somewhere else.

I fully support their right to make those rules though
I am a far left socialist, and have been vaccinated, but anyone mandating vaccines needs to be immediate arrested for their obvious crimes.


So the state cannot inject you forcibly, but the state can own your labor? A discussion for another thread, I realize. Be interested in it though.
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So the state cannot inject you forcibly, but the state can own your labor? A discussion for another thread, I realize. Be interested in it though.

Remember the Democrat's North Carolina potty law that the owners of bathrooms had no say in who can use them? Charlotte Democrats forced employers to let transgenders use the bathroom of their choice, not the owner of the bathroom's choice.

Oh, but now it's up to employers, when they are getting their way. Democrats constantly contradict themselves. Having nothing but double standards is in reality having no standards.

Democrats are all, but employers can force you to be vaccinated. Private company.
People who get vaccinated after having COVID are less likely to get reinfected.
there is zero evidence. Zippola. Bud you just keep flinging it, I'll keep telling you that's all it is. Can't beat 100% antiBodies.
It shouldn’t be controversial, but Jesus the amount of push back is nuts.
You think so?

From the link;

"All Hail Governor Horseass!

Historians rightfully ridicule Roman excess in having a Caesar who made his horse a senator, and yet we have Califrutopia, which has gone even farther, in making a horse's ass its governor.
Apparently, Jackass-In-Chief Gabbin' Nuisance has confused himself with Caesar, in decreeing, ex deus, as if he possessed that power, that as of September 30th, all health care workers must be fully vaccinated for Kung Flu.

Good luck with that, Fucktard. You want a personal war, that's where it's going to start.
And worst case: I can be a practicing RN in an ER in Las Vegas or Phoenix in about 4 hours drive, and still fight this tooth and nail the other four days a week, without a hiccup.
And that's just on the legal side.

I've consulted the State's Constitution, and when last I looked, the governor's powers don't seem to include making medical decrees aimed at an entire class of employees, to mandate injection with an aborted fetus vaccine so experimental it's not even approved for use on animals, as if he were some sort of demi-god, let alone set aside all other personal Constitutional rights at the stroke of a pen or on a bong-fueled flight of whimsy. Not in this state, nor any state.
He's in for a wee bit of trouble over this level of shitheadedness, and it only remains to be seen whether it's from a pack of enraged Norma Raes, or a small army of Dorners, but either way, grab some popcorn. Because what you really want in a state with a decades-long nursing shortage, is to make a significant percentage unemployable, and/or flee the state in perpetuity. That's going to leave a mark.
This is the beginning of things, not the end, and his odds don't look too good for a man facing recall in a few months.
Maybe he just wants to go out in blaze of glory. Or a puff of red mist. I honestly can't tell. But he's definitely confused himself with some sort of deity, and that sort of sociopathy never ends well for any politician.

You don't want a blood feud? This is how you GET a blood feud..."
It's illegal to discriminate based on religion, race, age, sex etc, because we wrote a law about it.
yep, and discriminate is still discriminate. You said so, can't make it up. You like to think you can, but nope.
My reality might be different than yours. Unlike most of the country, I've been dealing with it day and day out. People sitting at home for the last year don't really understand what it's been like.
And until 3 months ago, I worked in a busy ER in downtown Houston, so spare me your attempts to pretend that you know more than the rest of us.

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