So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Been there, done that.

Stick your head outside of there sometime and you'll see the world isn't coming to an end.
I never said the world is coming to an end.

I just said this is far worse than any influenza.
As we have said it can be a condition if being hired but you cannot be fired for refusing.

If he was working for me, I can do what I like with him. You're having a little trouble understanding this.
One minute you're defending the rights of the worker who is probably a Democrat while simultaneously trying to justify him not getting jabbed.
You sound confused.
If he was working for me, I can do what I like with him. You're having a little trouble understanding this.
One minute you're defending the rights of the worker who is probably a Democrat while simultaneously trying to justify him not getting jabbed.
You sound confused.
No I’m very clear. You cannot fire an otherwise stellar employee because he won’t ingest an experimental vaccine and you cannot require the proof of such or be fired.
Who mentioned colour?

Where are you going with this?
I’m going with dispensing of the fallacy that an employer can fire an otherwise stellar employee because he won’t get vaccinated nor if the employee refuses to provide a vaccination card.
It well may suit your fears and feelings to feel you can or should be able to but legally you cannot
No I’m very clear. You cannot fire an otherwise stellar employee because he won’t ingest an experimental vaccine and you cannot require the proof of such or be fired.

It's not experimental, it's proven to be saving lives. I can't ask for his ID and other items.
That's irrelevant. I can and will sack if I chose and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
You can bleat your bias on this forever but if it's my business and don't want him destroying it, he's like last week's pay. He's gone.
If he was working for me, I can do what I like with him. You're having a little trouble understanding this.
One minute you're defending the rights of the worker who is probably a Democrat while simultaneously trying to justify him not getting jabbed.
You sound confused.
Can you make him get a limb amputated, then?
It's not experimental, it's proven to be saving lives. I can't ask for his ID and other items.
That's irrelevant. I can and will sack if I chose and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
You can bleat your bias on this forever but if it's my business and don't want him destroying it, he's like last week's pay. He's gone.

Of course you'd disagree. You've got nothing left.
You can fire a stellar employee under the label of underperformance. It's called at will employment. It's surely is a great thing. Sarcasm.
Kind of ironic that the rightwing has worked for decades to destroy unions. And now that they need one . . .
Know the difference between “destroying unions” vs. “reigning in Unions”. Left unchecked, unions try to save jobs by mandating multiple trucks carrying individual products on the same route. Contrast the more sensible option of multiple products on the same truck or fewer trucks on the same route.

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