So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Due process protects you from government depriving you of life, liberty, or property. Government or private businesses requiring you to vaccinate or show proof that you are not infected in order to protect other employees or customers is not a violation of due process. It may be inconvenient or it may go against what you believe, but it is no a violation of due process.
That's a fair point.

The thing is, my main objection is the principle of the matter....... in actual fact, I think this is probably a good thing in the long term.
A lot of us have been advocating for a counter economy where we only do business with those we voluntarily choose to interact with, and we use cash, gold, or crypto as a medium of exchange, in order to avoid funding the corrupt government with our taxes, as much as possible. We believe in growing/harvesting our own food, printing our own guns, educating our own children, etc.; we call it being free. :cool:

Shit like this is only going to accelerate that movement.

A lot of ya'll who are for this sort of exclusion from society of people who refuse to toe your line, are missing the fact that we don't want to be around any of you...... we don't like you, and we find you to be ethically challenged and morally retarded. And since we tend to be much more productive and self-sufficient than most of you are, this sort of decoupling from one another is really going to hurt all of you a lot more than it will us.

We don't need you.

But I think you all need us.
As of right now, the employee has two options, either be vaccinated, or find a new job.

The government just gave all employers unfettered ability to force their employees to be vaccinated.
Or demand that employees not be vaccinated.
HIPPA protects your medical information from others providing you do not sign a waver to give it to them.
And like I also said they can't be forced to hire you if you refuse to allow them to see the results or refuse to take a drug test.
Yes, they have every right to protect themselves and you have no right to infect others. After all, this is the land of the free.
So every unvaxxed person is positive for covid forever, and everyone who is vaxxed isn't and never will be?

You're an idiot. Can't help you.
So every unvaxxed person is positive for covid forever, and everyone who is vaxxed isn't and never will be?

You're an idiot. Can't help you.
What? Is that your interpretation? You are a genius in disguise.
What? Is that your interpretation? You are a genius in disguise.

Employers can't dictate whatever they want, but have to have a reason.
And people having been vaccinated does not seem to make them any safer to be around.
The only advantage of being vaccinated is a lower death rate, so is only an advantage to the individual, not to those around them, like employers.
Employers can't dictate whatever they want, but have to have a reason.
And people having been vaccinated does not seem to make them any safer to be around.
The only advantage of being vaccinated is a lower death rate, so is only an advantage to the individual, not to those around them, like employers.
I disagree. People who have been vaccinated have a lesser chance of contracting this virus and are safer to be around, much safer than the non-vaccinated who are now clogging our hospitals.
So go ahead, what's your point?
My point remains the same. Read it again. People have the right to protect themselves and to keep you at bay if you choose not to protect yourself.
The hospitals are indundated with unvaccinated trumpeciles whereas the vaccine will certainly help.
My point remains the same. Read it again. People have the right to protect themselves and to keep you at bay if you choose not to protect yourself.
The hospitals are indundated with unvaccinated trumpeciles whereas the vaccine will certainly help.
But you did protect yourself by getting vaxxed. So what are you so afraid of?

PS I didn't vote for Trumplethinskin.
I disagree. People who have been vaccinated have a lesser chance of contracting this virus and are safer to be around, much safer than the non-vaccinated who are now clogging our hospitals.

No one is clogging hospitals.
The CDC says the chance of contracting the virus is the same if vaccinated or not.
They are saying you just will have less symptoms if vaccinated.
My point remains the same. Read it again. People have the right to protect themselves and to keep you at bay if you choose not to protect yourself.
The hospitals are indundated with unvaccinated trumpeciles whereas the vaccine will certainly help.

That is totally wrong.
The delta variant is slightly more infectious, but much less lethal, so fewer are being hospitalized than ever.
And the vaccine does not make you less likely to be infected, at all.
The only point you may have is that a person vaccinated may shed less virus?
But even that is just idle speculation.
Since the vaccinated will be less symptomatic, it is also more likely they will come to work even if infected, because they won't know it.
What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.

It's a hoot how many Dems are now supporters of private ownership.

They think it's great if Big Tech bans posters, or if privately owned businesses ban unvaccinated people.

But -- strangely -- the same people go berserk if a privately owned bakery declines to bake a cake for certain people or if a privately owned restaurant declines to serve certain people.

Laughing my posterior off!
That's a fair point.

The thing is, my main objection is the principle of the matter....... in actual fact, I think this is probably a good thing in the long term.
A lot of us have been advocating for a counter economy where we only do business with those we voluntarily choose to interact with, and we use cash, gold, or crypto as a medium of exchange, in order to avoid funding the corrupt government with our taxes, as much as possible. We believe in growing/harvesting our own food, printing our own guns, educating our own children, etc.; we call it being free. :cool:

Shit like this is only going to accelerate that movement.

A lot of ya'll who are for this sort of exclusion from society of people who refuse to toe your line, are missing the fact that we don't want to be around any of you...... we don't like you, and we find you to be ethically challenged and morally retarded. And since we tend to be much more productive and self-sufficient than most of you are, this sort of decoupling from one another is really going to hurt all of you a lot more than it will us.

We don't need you.

But I think you all need us.

I love clowns who claim they don't "need" anyone else. Why are you living in the USA, if you don't need anyone and don't want to pay taxes? Taxes are your share of costs of living in a first world country. For someone who doesn't "need" anyone else, and doesn't want to pay taxes, you could move to any deserted island where there are no taxes, and no need for you to deal with other people you don't "need". You can't live in a first world country for "free".

You can hunt, fish, grow your own food. Build your own roads, make your own pots and pans, spin y own fabric, sew your own clothing, and when you get sick, you can perform surgery on themselves with no anesthetic.
That's a fair point.

The thing is, my main objection is the principle of the matter....... in actual fact, I think this is probably a good thing in the long term.
A lot of us have been advocating for a counter economy where we only do business with those we voluntarily choose to interact with, and we use cash, gold, or crypto as a medium of exchange, in order to avoid funding the corrupt government with our taxes, as much as possible. We believe in growing/harvesting our own food, printing our own guns, educating our own children, etc.; we call it being free. :cool:

Shit like this is only going to accelerate that movement.

A lot of ya'll who are for this sort of exclusion from society of people who refuse to toe your line, are missing the fact that we don't want to be around any of you...... we don't like you, and we find you to be ethically challenged and morally retarded. And since we tend to be much more productive and self-sufficient than most of you are, this sort of decoupling from one another is really going to hurt all of you a lot more than it will us.

We don't need you.

But I think you all need us.
Atlas Shrugged

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