So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

I love clowns who claim they don't "need" anyone else. Why are you living in the USA, if you don't need anyone and don't want to pay taxes? Taxes are your share of costs of living in a first world country. For someone who doesn't "need" anyone else, and doesn't want to pay taxes, you could move to any deserted island where there are no taxes, and no need for you to deal with other people you don't "need". You can't live in a first world country for "free".

You can hunt, fish, grow your own food. Build your own roads, make your own pots and pans, spin y own fabric, sew your own clothing, and when you get sick, you can perform surgery on themselves with no anesthetic.
All those guys who run the power plants, build your houses, drill for oil and run the refineries, well...... those guys like me a lot more than they do you.
And they're a lot more likely to side with folks like me, than they will with people like you.

You ever work on an oil rig?

You got any mechanics in the family?

Do you know how to raise livestock?

Repair an HVAC unit?

You know any electricians?

All of us do.

Good luck getting along without us.
It's a hoot how many Dems are now supporters of private ownership.

They think it's great if Big Tech bans posters, or if privately owned businesses ban unvaccinated people.

But -- strangely -- the same people go berserk if a privately owned bakery declines to bake a cake for certain people or if a privately owned restaurant declines to serve certain people.

Laughing my posterior off!

Democrats have always been supporters of private ownership.

We think it's great if Big Tech keeps disinformation about covid off their websites. They should do MORE to ban those who lie to and mislead the public. Telling people an election was stolen when it was not stolen, should be illegal.

The lies, unchecked are getting people killed. You don't seem to care about people dying, unless you can score political points on their deaths.
Democrats have always been supporters of private ownership.

We think it's great if Big Tech keeps disinformation about covid off their websites. They should do MORE to ban those who lie to and mislead the public. Telling people an election was stolen when it was not stolen, should be illegal.

The lies, unchecked are getting people killed. You don't seem to care about people dying, unless you can score political points on their deaths.
You are the liars.

You're evil and and you are promoting totalitarianism.

I hope you die in a fire, lady.
You are the liars.

You're evil and and you are promoting totalitarianism.

I hope you die in a fire, lady.

The problem with you right wingers is that you've been lied to for so long, you can't even recognize the truth anymore. I'm not promoting anything other than telling the truth, and being required to tell the truth makes conservatives bat shit crazy.

That's why you're being banned from social media. The lying. The right has to lie to people because their policies are abject failures.

If people stop paying taxes in the USA, you become Greece. You're already well on the way to becoming Brazil, because the rich don't pay taxes. The USA is following the same failed fiscal and economic structures that have turned South America into a continent of second tier nations.
I love clowns who claim they don't "need" anyone else. Why are you living in the USA, if you don't need anyone and don't want to pay taxes? Taxes are your share of costs of living in a first world country. For someone who doesn't "need" anyone else, and doesn't want to pay taxes, you could move to any deserted island where there are no taxes, and no need for you to deal with other people you don't "need". You can't live in a first world country for "free".

You can hunt, fish, grow your own food. Build your own roads, make your own pots and pans, spin y own fabric, sew your own clothing, and when you get sick, you can perform surgery on themselves with no anesthetic.

There are good things and bad things about modern society, and you can't just accept them all as package deal.
It is the responsibility of each person to fight against the bad things.
Like Vietnam, the lies about WMD in Iraq, the War on Drugs, etc.

So where to the bad things come from?
The wealthy elite who control and demand more than their share or they deserve.
So Freyasman has a point.
Trying to stay out from under is the right thing to do.
The problem with you right wingers is that you've been lied to for so long, you can't even recognize the truth anymore. I'm not promoting anything other than telling the truth, and being required to tell the truth makes conservatives bat shit crazy.

That's why you're being banned from social media. The lying. The right has to lie to people because their policies are abject failures.

If people stop paying taxes in the USA, you become Greece. You're already well on the way to becoming Brazil, because the rich don't pay taxes. The USA is following the same failed fiscal and economic structures that have turned South America into a continent of second tier nations.

Sorry, I am far left of you, but yet I think you are wrong.
Your covid beliefs for example, are all wrong.
The strategy of "flattening the curve" is wrong and anti science.
These are not real vaccines either, but stem cell monstrosities they have no idea what they will do.
And it is right wing when they are just trying to make profits off an epidemic like this.

Greece is not in trouble because no one is paying taxes, but because they spent badly and now have to pay too much interest.
People are all retiring at 50.
Brazil seems average as far as personal taxes, but does seem to have a low corporate tax.
The applicable tax rate will vary from 4% to 17.42%, depending on the type of activity—industry, commerce, services, and so on.
Someone will take this to court and win. You can't force a medical procedure on someone as a condition to getting hired or keeping your job. Unions will come alive when some of their members get fired.

Why are you trump people so ill informed?

If someone takes this to court they will lose.

It has already been to court.

A private hospital in Texas announced to their employees that they had to be vaccinated by June.

Some of the employees took the hospital to court.

The ronald reagan appointed conservative judge ruled in favor of the hospital. Saying yes, that hospital can require the vaccination or the employees can be fired if they don't get the vaccination.

That judge told the employees they are free to find employment elsewhere.

As soon as the judge's ruling was announced, that hospital fired 150 employees who refused to get vaccinated.


This was in the news in June. Where were you?

Do try to keep up with current events. That way you won't show everyone just how down right stupid and ill informed you are.

Add to that, the Supreme Court ruled in 1905 that the government can require vaccinations. That case involved the small pox vaccination.

So no matter what you want, the government AND private business can mandate vaccinations.
It's an experimental type of gene therapy. Invasive medical procedures as a condition of employment? That's absurd, in several generations our dna will be so fucked up, we'll go extinct.

Keep showing just how stupid you are.

The court has already ruled on this.

The private business can mandate vaccinations or the employee can be fired for not getting it.

It doesn't matter what you want.

A judge in Texas has already ruled.

More or less - yeah. The entire premise of that kind of state intervention is flawed. Ultimately, it produces the kind of idiocy you promote.

No it won't be allowed.

Harassing an employee is a crime.

Getting a vaccination IS NOT a crime.

Do you see the difference?
Why are you trump people so ill informed?

If someone takes this to court they will lose.

It has already been to court.

A private hospital in Texas announced to their employees that they had to be vaccinated by June.

Some of the employees took the hospital to court.

The ronald reagan appointed conservative judge ruled in favor of the hospital. Saying yes, that hospital can require the vaccination or the employees can be fired if they don't get the vaccination.

That judge told the employees they are free to find employment elsewhere.

As soon as the judge's ruling was announced, that hospital fired 150 employees who refused to get vaccinated.


This was in the news in June. Where were you?

Do try to keep up with current events. That way you won't show everyone just how down right stupid and ill informed you are.

Add to that, the Supreme Court ruled in 1905 that the government can require vaccinations. That case involved the small pox vaccination.

So no matter what you want, the government AND private business can mandate vaccinations.
That's totally messed up. I'm self-employed so it doesn't affect me, and a hospital is somewhat in a grey zone, but Amazon or GM mandating an experimental drug to keep your job? Well, there go any Charter of rights and Freedom right onto the fire heap, might as well throw the whole Constitution in the garbage since there is no body autonomy anymore. I bet you want to outlaw abortion as well.
Keep showing just how stupid you are.

The court has already ruled on this.

The private business can mandate vaccinations or the employee can be fired for not getting it.

It doesn't matter what you want.

A judge in Texas has already ruled.

Women have been fighting for body autonomy forever. This is similar.
An employer has every right to ask you to get vaccinated. And you have every right to tell them to get screwed. That's how freedom works.

And the employer is perfectly free to fire their ass.

That's how freedom works.
But you did protect yourself by getting vaxxed. So what are you so afraid of?

PS I didn't vote for Trumplethinskin.
Somebody who isn't vaxxed could pass it along to others who are or are not vaxxed and spread the pandemic, and that is what is happening now. If vaxxed, your chances are greatly improved.
It's not experimental, it's proven to be saving lives. I can't ask for his ID and other items.
That's irrelevant. I can and will sack if I chose and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
You can bleat your bias on this forever but if it's my business and don't want him destroying it, he's like last week's pay. He's gone.
no evidence to support this post at all. wow. when one wants to make shit up. It's all experimental, it isn't approved. That fact makes it experimental. And you can't prove it saves anyone. How would one know if one would have died without it? tell us.
No, they don't, or shouldn't. I'd be getting discriminated against and barred from restaurants... because of my medical history? And specifically because I refuse to be a guinea pig for Big Pharma and the government? If that's going to be the case, can you point me in the direction of the land of the free?
The restaurant has the right to protect the safety of their customers. Go somewhere where vaxxes are not required, so that you can infect each other. Actually, you are politicizing the issue because it is simply common sense when even you can see what is happening to those who have not been vaccinated. Follow trump wherever he goes, yes?
No problem. After you get fired for non compliance, you are welcome to try and sue your employer based on that criteria.
As Anon once said, "anyone can sue a ham sandwich." An trump's lawyers and obsequious clowns tried 60 times and got tossed out by the Federal Court.

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