So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

I said it’s at least ten times worse than influenza. That’s true. The data backs me up. I never said it was the plague. I never said the world is ending.

If you know what I said, you chose to misrepresent it.
Not really, though.

Flu always kills the weak.

This one actually skips the young, which is a good thing.
No, that is the whole point, in that the employers is not treating everyone the same.
They are discriminating against those with religious, medical, or intellectual reasons against getting the vaccine.
This is not a safe or effective vaccine since it is not FDA approved, so then it is just whim on the part of the employer, so is illegal.
Actually people with valid medical and religious exceptions are usually accommodated. “Intellectual reasons” are not a valid reason.
If you can justify discriminating against people in the name of "public health", then a whole lot of things are going to become "public health" issues, that never were before.

Watch and see.
Discrimination against people because of things such as their race, sex, age, ethnicity, etc is wrong because people have no control of these things. Discriminating against people for their actions or lack of actions that hurt society is reason to discriminate.. Just as we discriminations against criminals who break our laws, shun those that would do harm to ourselves or our family, we should discriminate against those who knowingly and purposefully do harm to society by refusing a vaccination.

IMHO, the unvaccinated should required to show negative test results to use any public transportation, attend any public event, or enter any business that has a such a requirement. Healthcare workers and all government employees that routinely come in contact with the public should be required to vaccinate
Discrimination against people because of things such as their race, sex, age, ethnicity, etc is wrong because people have no control of these things. Discriminating against people for their actions or lack of actions that hurt society is reason to discriminate.. Just as we discriminations against criminals who break our laws, shun those that would do harm to ourselves or our family, we should discriminate against those who knowingly and purposefully do harm to society by refusing a vaccination.

IMHO, the unvaccinated should required to show negative test results to use any public transportation, attend any public event, or enter any business that has a such a requirement. Healthcare workers and all government employees that routinely come in contact with the public should be required to vaccinate
Before you punish someone, they are entitled to due process; you have to prove they harmed someone, and you have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

It would be damn near impossible for you to do that with this flu, and you know it, so you want to change the rules.

IMHO, people like you should be beaten within an inch of their lives every time they publicly express the truly fucked up ideas they have in their heads.
You're a wannabe tyrant, and you're hoping to realize your dreams of oppressing other people.
No it doesn't.

But you know what does?

Being strong and fit, getting lots of sunshine, and vitamin D.
There isn't enough data to recommend use of vitamin D to prevent infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 or to treat COVID-19, according to the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization. So you can go soak up the sunshine and it might help you avoid Covid-19 or maybe not. Or you can take a vaccine that has been proven in the lab, in clinical trials with 40,000 volunteers, and the emergency authorization with 330 million doses given; all showing the vaccine does work at preventing serious illness and deaths due to covid-19.

Bottom line is if you think you have a vitamin D deficiency then get some Vitamin D, but don't count on it saving you from Covid-19.

Before you punish someone, they are entitled to due process; you have to prove they harmed someone, and you have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

It would be damn near impossible for you to do that with this flu, and you know it, so you want to change the rules.

IMHO, people like you should be beaten within an inch of their lives every time they publicly express the truly fucked up ideas they have in their heads.
You're a wannabe tyrant, and you're hoping to realize your dreams of oppressing other people.
Due process protects you from government depriving you of life, liberty, or property. Government or private businesses requiring you to vaccinate or show proof that you are not infected in order to protect other employees or customers is not a violation of due process. It may be inconvenient or it may go against what you believe, but it is no a violation of due process.
They can demand medical info, such as physicals, etc., and drug tests results. They can require vaccinations for passports and visas, and the military certainly requires many for a variety of jobs.
HIPPA protects your medical information from others providing you do not sign a waver to give it to them.
It's not experimental, it's proven to be saving lives. I can't ask for his ID and other items.
That's irrelevant. I can and will sack if I chose and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
You can bleat your bias on this forever but if it's my business and don't want him destroying it, he's like last week's pay. He's gone.
Please do exactly that and advise us of what happens
Due process protects you from government depriving you of life, liberty, or property. Government or private businesses requiring you to vaccinate or show proof that you are not infected in order to protect other employees or customers is not a violation of due process. It may be inconvenient or it may go against what you believe, but it is no a violation of due process.
You do not have to prove anything as to your medical status. This is part of the “prove yourself innocent” which got started with Kavanaugh
Not sure what that has to do with anything. I have vaccine records from my childhood. Not that big of a deal.
Highly unlikely
Who else here can pull out their chickenpox, mumps and measles paperwork from 1960?
If my company forces me or "I"m fired", and I submit and am vaccine injured, they have a fat, fat workman's comp claim and maybe a lawsuit on their hands.

This is why many companies are not going there. Frankly I'm shocked that some companies that employ a lot of people like United, Disney, Tyson and others are taking that bargain. More pity them--they WILL be paying out
A survey did show that employers were reluctant to require vaccinations because of employee workman comp claims and laws suits.
Other companies after consulting legal council decided to require vaccinations.

I'm sure companies that decide to mandate vaccines considered all of the following and decided requiring vaccines would not be a major financial exposure.
  • Reactions that last more than a few day are rare which means there will be few claims.
  • Many companies that are mandating vaccines are giving employees the choice of vaccine or weekly corvid tests.
  • Whether you can claim workman's comp for a reaction to the vaccine depends on rules of the various states.
  • To file a claim, the claimant must convince a doctor that their reaction is real. Keep in mind that the CDC will investigate all claims.
  • Even if the workmen comp. claim is granted, it only lasts 3 years in most state, 7 years in few and the payment is only about half of the salary and if the employee get's a job the payments will typically be reduced or go always entirely.
  • Also if you file workman's a comp claim and it goes through you lose the right to sue the company for damages.
No I’m very clear. You cannot fire an otherwise stellar employee because he won’t ingest an experimental vaccine and you cannot require the proof of such or be fired.
An employer has every right to ask you to get vaccinated. And you have every right to tell them to get screwed. That's how freedom works.
You do not have to prove anything as to your medical status. This is part of the “prove yourself innocent” which got started with Kavanaugh
Employers have a huge latitude in job requirements. Employers can require periodic physical exams, drug tests, covid tests, and vaccinations etc. The way the courts look at this is employment is a mutually agreed contract that can be changed or terminated by either party at any time subject any other legal binding contract.

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