So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

No, it is illegal to fire someone based on discrimination, if you have more than 3 employees.
You can not fire based on sex, age, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual harassments, etc.
If you don't tell anyone why you fired them, that may be a fairly safe course of action.
But if you make it a condition of getting a vaccine, then it is actionable, and I think the courts would rule against the employer.

Then you think wrong. But you always do.

This has already been to court. In Texas. The employer won. When the ruling came down the hospital suspended or fired 178 people who refused to get vaccinated.

So once again you can't be more wrong if you tried.

Add to that in 1905 the Supreme Court ruled that the government can mandate vaccines. In that case it was the small pox vaccination.

The courts have ruled that both private business and government can legally mandate vaccinations.

So no matter what you want, think or say, YOU ARE WRONG.

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This has already been to court. In Texas. The employer won. When the ruling came down the hospital suspended or fired 178 people who refused to get vaccinated.
so society suffered since there were 178 fewer resources to care for patients. That's insane. Wow, when people really don't care about patients.
lol. Projection is all right-wingers know. Why should anyone believe what right-wingers tell us?
you're ok with 178 nurses being let go and making society suffer. You're really a cool dude.

remain stupid.
Maybe in right-wing fantasy where you are Always Right, simply because you merely say it.

Again, this is not fantasy land. Tech, media have been censoring all opposition to this injection while the NIH, CDC, govt, move the goal posts around and change their story on a daily basis now. They give us "experts" who never offer the scientific data to back up their statements. Just lie after lie after lie and more propaganda. Its so egregious that many look the other way and believe the lie.
Anyone wishing to get on a cruise ship must show proof that they aren't an American. And any from Mississippi must not apply in person.
That many nurses in just one hospital, don't want to get the vaxx.....

That should tell you something.
The vaccines are killers and so no American should be vaccinated..
Children under the age of 12 though should be allowed to choose for themselves regardless of the parent's wishes.
Employers have a huge latitude in job requirements. Employers can require periodic physical exams, drug tests, covid tests, and vaccinations etc. The way the courts look at this is employment is a mutually agreed contract that can be changed or terminated by either party at any time subject any other legal binding contract.
Good point, Do not remember any political back lash over mandatory drug testing to get a job.
Its to late now but we would not be in this much of a mess now going on two years. if we had just been willing to follow original guide lines to protect our self's and others. it was just to much to ask that you keep your distance, reduce your interactions. Making a medical problem political is the bad actor in this virus mess.

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