So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Tell that to a real slave. You know, the kind who gets whipped if they defy their owner.

The morality of the wealthy elite has not changed, they just discovered you get more out of slaves if you don't let them know how enslaved they really are.
All you have to do is distract them with ads for the expensive things they don't really need, that you will let them buy at rip off prices.
Yes, breakthrough infections which are typical mild, but "both mRNA COVID-19 vaccines strongly protected against infection and severe disease" which is reason people take the vaccine, not protect themselves for sniffles and sneezing. What is most concerning is the fact more mild cases means more transmission of virus which points to greater need for masks and vaccinations.

It is entirely and completely wrong for anyone to claim, "vaccines strongly protected against infection".
The the immediate vaccine antibodies only last about a month, and after that, you are as prone to infection as anyone.
No vaccine ever has or can prevent infection of any kind.
You do not normally have antibodies, so then there is nothing to prevent infection.
Vaccine immunity only starts building antibodies AFTER an infection has been detected.

But I agree that they limit symptoms, which makes people who are infected to feel well enough to go out instead of staying at home.
However, that is not a reason for masks or vaccinations, since the vaccines are way too risky and untested.
Much safer if everyone healthy just tries to get infected.
No one has to die if they stop using those outdated medical methodologies they used to use for pneumonia.
First of all Bozo, no law has been passed or EQ to require any civilian to take the vaccine!
At the moment the Military may require all personal to be vaccinated by September; I'm hopeful that the private sector follows.

Because of people like you who are culpable in making this new wave with your fear mongering this has made this wave more dangerous than the other outbreaks; in fact it is taking the lives of infants and children.

Of course Callous Conservatives don't care about such outcomes. A continuation of the Republican Parties unreported goals: "We've got ours, fuck the rest of you"

While the variants are more infectious, they are far LESS lethal, but as much as half.
And no it is NOT effecting infants and children.
Of the 660,000 deaths so far, only less than 400 are under 18.
"Vaxxed people can get and shed covid as well." True
If vaccinated people are infected they can spread the virus but their chance of being infected is far less than the non-vaccinated.

"The only thing the vax does it protect the user from dying," False
The vaccine protects you from becoming serious ill and having to go into a hospital as well as death. It also reduces your chances of developing mild cases of Covid

"there tons of vaxxed people have already died of covid." False
Even with the delta variant, your chances of becoming ill and entering the hospital are down more 90%

"Except to be a long term experiment with human guinea pigs" False
There has never been any vaccines approved by the FDA that has been proven safer than the Covid vaccines. Clinical trials with over a hundred thousand volunteers proved their safety without single death or serious adverse effect. The safety has been confirmed with 330 million doses given under the emergency authorization with only 3 death due the J&J vaccine and none due to the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. In the history of FDA licensing vaccines over the last hundred years, there has not been a single long term adverse effect linked to a vaccine.

Not totally accurate.
A month after vaccination, there is absolutely no way a vaccination can ever prevent infection.

It is true that right now the chances of needing to be hospitalized are down more than 90%, but we have no idea what future increased hospitalizations the pseudo vaccines will cause. They may turn out to be fatal to everyone vaccinated eventually.

And it is totally inaccurate to claim these mRNA vaccines are even remotely tested.
There were NOT over a hundred thousand trials.
There were only 30,000, over a 2 month period.
That is all.
Nothing has ever been released with so little testing.
And there have been thousands of deaths, from anaphylactic shock, heart swelling, and various other causes of death from the pseudo vaccines.

These are NOT real vaccines, are extremely dangerous, are totally synthetic, and could easily initiate deadly autoimmune diseases.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with the left on this. Remember all that talk about employers having the right to run their business as they see fit? Well, here we are. We can't have it our way only when its convenient.

A company does not owe you a job. If they decide you need to be vaccinated to work for them, then you have a choice to either comply with their requirements, or find a company that does not require a vaccine.
It is entirely and completely wrong for anyone to claim, "vaccines strongly protected against infection".
The the immediate vaccine antibodies only last about a month, and after that, you are as prone to infection as anyone.
No vaccine ever has or can prevent infection of any kind.
You do not normally have antibodies, so then there is nothing to prevent infection.
Vaccine immunity only starts building antibodies AFTER an infection has been detected.

But I agree that they limit symptoms, which makes people who are infected to feel well enough to go out instead of staying at home.
However, that is not a reason for masks or vaccinations, since the vaccines are way too risky and untested.
Much safer if everyone healthy just tries to get infected.
No one has to die if they stop using those outdated medical methodologies they used to use for pneumonia.
It is entirely and completely wrong for anyone to claim, "vaccines strongly protected against infection".
The the immediate vaccine antibodies only last about a month, and after that, you are as prone to infection as anyone.
No vaccine ever has or can prevent infection of any kind.
You do not normally have antibodies, so then there is nothing to prevent infection.
Vaccine immunity only starts building antibodies AFTER an infection has been detected.

But I agree that they limit symptoms, which makes people who are infected to feel well enough to go out instead of staying at home.
However, that is not a reason for masks or vaccinations, since the vaccines are way too risky and untested.
Much safer if everyone healthy just tries to get infected.
No one has to die if they stop using those outdated medical methodologies they used to use for pneumonia.
The study used the phrase protection from infection and severe disease. The word Infection has serval meanings, the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents" or it can mean a disease resulting from infection. I think the latter was the writer's meaning. A vaccination can not protect against the initial infection when the spike protein enters the cell. This is the act that kicks off the immune response. If the person has been vaccinated, the immune system will respond with the production antibodies and T cells. If the person has not been vaccinated it can take up to a week for the body to mount a response to the virus.

The body's response to the spike protein produced by the vaccine produces a response in the form of antibodies and possibly T Cells. You're correct, these immune system agents do not remain for more than a few weeks at most. What does remain in the Immunological memory is the ability to quickly and specifically recognize this virus and mount an attack. This is critical in understanding how mRNA vaccines work. It is not what is in vaccine that stops the virus it is what the vaccine teaches the immune system that will stop it. The spike protein, the instructions, and the immune system response leaves the body, but the memory of the immune system response remains so when the real virus attacks the immune system will have a rapid and strong response.
Not totally accurate.
A month after vaccination, there is absolutely no way a vaccination can ever prevent infection.

It is true that right now the chances of needing to be hospitalized are down more than 90%, but we have no idea what future increased hospitalizations the pseudo vaccines will cause. They may turn out to be fatal to everyone vaccinated eventually.

And it is totally inaccurate to claim these mRNA vaccines are even remotely tested.
There were NOT over a hundred thousand trials.
There were only 30,000, over a 2 month period.
That is all.
Nothing has ever been released with so little testing.
And there have been thousands of deaths, from anaphylactic shock, heart swelling, and various other causes of death from the pseudo vaccines.

These are NOT real vaccines, are extremely dangerous, are totally synthetic, and could easily initiate deadly autoimmune diseases.
You're right. The vaccine does not prevent infection. It is what it teaches your immune system that stops the infection.
"The thing is............its not really protecting anyone. The immunity has already worn off after three months,..." More misleading FALSE data. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines have performed well so far. The most recent Pfizer-BioNTech data shows 91% overall efficacy falling to 84% at the six-month mark, and a steady 97% against severe disease, based on a July preprint that has not been reviewed by outside scientists. Moderna’s vaccine was 93% effective overall through six months and 98% effective against severe disease, according to a company statement in August.

Depends on what "protecting" means.
If you think the vaccine protects anyone from infection, you would be wrong.
That is impossible, once the initial antibody surge has died after 1 month.
If you think it prevents the worst symptoms and most deaths, then you would be right.
But that only protects the person vaccinated, and is no reason to care if anyone else if vaccinated or not.
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The study used the phrase protection from infection and severe disease. The word Infection has serval meanings, the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents" or it can mean a disease resulting from infection. I think the latter was the writer's meaning. A vaccination can not protect against the initial infection when the spike protein enters the cell. This is the act that kicks off the immune response. If the person has been vaccinated, the immune system will respond with the production antibodies and T cells. If the person has not been vaccinated it can take up to a week for the body to mount a response to the virus.

The body's response to the spike protein produced by the vaccine produces a response in the form of antibodies and possibly T Cells. You're correct, these immune system agents do not remain for more than a few weeks at most. What does remain in the Immunological memory is the ability to quickly and specifically recognize this virus and mount an attack. This is critical in understanding how mRNA vaccines work. It is not what is in vaccine that stops the virus it is what the vaccine teaches the immune system that will stop it. The spike protein, the instructions, and the immune system response leaves the body, but the memory of the immune system response remains so when the real virus attacks the immune system will have a rapid and strong response.


But since the mRNA vaccines do not have actual dead virus, but instead just synthetic spike protein, it is very unclear what it is teaching the immune system?
If it sensitizes the immune system to spike proteins other then when attached to a covid virus, it could easily be very harmful.
Lets say for example, that it over hypes the immune to another coronavirus that is common but normally fairly benign, like the common cold?
If that happens, then instead of the cold just producing sniffles and a cough, it could be the increased immune response might incite the same deadly cytokine storm that it now initiates with covid-19? Since the common cold us endemic to humans, that could easily wipe out the entire species.
Remember that exosomes have the original spike protein that all coronaviruses are mimicking, so even exosomes are at risk.
You nasty little liar.

Everyone who understands medicine, agrees with me, including Flopper.
Here is his response:
{... You're right. The vaccine does not prevent infection. It is what it teaches your immune system that stops the infection. ...}
This is basic.
Vaccines prepare the immune system to recognize and fight the next infection.
It can never cause any infection to be prevented.
It takes hours, if not a whole day, for the antibodies from the immune to be produced and find the infection.
And it can't ever prevent an infection.
That would require magic.
Everyone who understands medicine, agrees with me, including Flopper.
Both lies. Vaccines absolutely do provide protection from infection. Are you saying, they don't provide 100% protection, forever? Well no shit, who ever said they did? Thank you, Captain Obvious.
An employer has the right to fire an employee for cause or no cause at all. There are exceptions such as federal workers and those protected by union contracts or law.

No, it is illegal to fire someone based on discrimination, if you have more than 3 employees.
You can not fire based on sex, age, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual harassments, etc.
If you don't tell anyone why you fired them, that may be a fairly safe course of action.
But if you make it a condition of getting a vaccine, then it is actionable, and I think the courts would rule against the employer.
Both lies. Vaccines absolutely do provide protection from infection. Are you saying, they don't provide 100% protection, forever? Well no shit, who ever said they did? Thank you, Captain Obvious.

No, I am saying the immune system is a background process, and only kicks into gear AFTER you are infected badly enough for cells to be dying and for them to be sending out exosomes as distress calls.
Then it still takes a day for the immune system to ramp up antibody production and for the antibodies to find the infection.
No, I am saying the immune system is a background process, and only kicks into gear AFTER you are infected badly enough for cells to be dying and for them to be sending out exosomes as distress calls
Then you are just ass backwards wrong. The vaccines absolutely boosts the immune response, on the whole. Both speed and strength.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with the left on this. Remember all that talk about employers having the right to run their business as they see fit? Well, here we are. We can't have it our way only when its convenient.

A company does not owe you a job. If they decide you need to be vaccinated to work for them, then you have a choice to either comply with their requirements, or find a company that does not require a vaccine.

Companies do not get to own you, and can only do what is necessary for the protection of their business.
But if the employee is vaccinated or not does nothing at all for the employer.
Risk of infection and transmission remains the same.
The fact the vaccine prevents most symptoms and deaths, only benefits the employee, NOT the employer.
So then the employer demanding vaccinations has no practical need on the employer's part, and instead is just an arbitrary exercise in imposing the will of the employer over the political and personal beliefs of the employee.
And that is clearly illegal.
Then you are just ass backwards wrong. The vaccines absolutely boosts the immune response, on the whole. Both speed and strength.

Yes of course the vaccines boost both speed and strength.
But the point is no immune system can work until after an infection has triggered the alarm system.
So preventing infection by any immune system, is totally and completely impossible, and always will be.

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