So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

First of all Bozo, no law has been passed or EQ to require any civilian to take the vaccine!
At the moment the Military may require all personal to be vaccinated by September; I'm hopeful that the private sector follows.

Because of people like you who are culpable in making this new wave with your fear mongering this has made this wave more dangerous than the other outbreaks; in fact it is taking the lives of infants and children.

Of course Callous Conservatives don't care about such outcomes. A continuation of the Republican Parties unreported goals: "We've got ours, fuck the rest of you"
No, that's just bullshit.
Maybe they should take the same view of women so they aren't the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth.
for the most part the woman's situation you refer to is self inflicted. Why is that? Oh, the body that is removed isn't the female's body. So factually you are incorrect.
First of all Bozo, no law has been passed or EQ to require any civilian to take the vaccine!
At the moment the Military may require all personal to be vaccinated by September; I'm hopeful that the private sector follows.
It happened to a friend of mine, he was offered a great job, but had to be injected. He's mad, but feels forced to do it, it's nice step up in his career. So that's wrong.
/——/ I agree. There are those with religious beliefs who will be discriminated against.

Body autonomy? A conservative is insisting people have body autonomy?

Conservatives have spent the last nearly 50 years trying to take body autonomy from women and they are proud of it.

They now want body autonomy?

Maybe they should take the same view of women so they aren't the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth.
It is amusing to see right wing anti-vaxers protesters with signs reading..'my body - my choice'. Somebody should walk up to one of them and say..I'm pro-choice on the abortion issue so can I borrow your sign when your done with it?
"Vaxxed people can get and shed covid as well." True
If vaccinated people are infected they can spread the virus but their chance of being infected is far less than the non-vaccinated.

"The only thing the vax does it protect the user from dying," False
The vaccine protects you from becoming serious ill and having to go into a hospital as well as death. It also reduces your chances of developing mild cases of Covid

"there tons of vaxxed people have already died of covid." False
Even with the delta variant, your chances of becoming ill and entering the hospital are down more 90%

"Except to be a long term experiment with human guinea pigs" False
There has never been any vaccines approved by the FDA that has been proven safer than the Covid vaccines. Clinical trials with over a hundred thousand volunteers proved their safety without single death or serious adverse effect. The safety has been confirmed with 330 million doses given under the emergency authorization with only 3 death due the J&J vaccine and none due to the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. In the history of FDA licensing vaccines over the last hundred years, there has not been a single long term adverse effect linked to a vaccine.
You have no links to back up what you say. EPIC FAIL!
Got a link, or you say so?
Stories on our local news (both Fox and NBC) as well as ABC national news. All with interviews of Doctors and Nurses.

Not Faux News (national) with Tucker, Hannity, et al) or other fake news on the Internet.

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