So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

I think that it's completely absurd that you get fired for not injecting the company formula into your body. If you can't see that that's wrong, there's no helping you, sorry.
We're talking about the law. Do you think it should be illegal for an employer to fire someone for "completely absurd" reasons? Or should they have to justify their decision to the government?

This the same issue that comes up in employment "discrimination" laws. As I've pointed out, libs and cons are on the opposite side in those debates - so the hypocrisy is pretty glaring.
What if an employer is so wealthy and powerful that they demand that they will only hire eunuchs?
Have we fallen so low that we have declined back to feudal times?
Eunuchs will rejoice?

There's nothing medieval about freedom.
That's actually an amusing comparison. Before the first installment of the Black Death, peasants were tied to their serfdom. After Europe's population was reduced by more than half, their labor became valuable. Perhaps not unlike the competition for entry level service jobs today. LOL
We're talking about the law. Do you think it should be illegal for an employer to fire someone for "completely absurd" reasons? Or should they have to justify their decision to the government?

You have to justify it now. When I was running my own businesses, I bought businesses and merged them into my existing ones. I picked up good employees and bad ones. Owners often don't deal with the bad ones when they are ready to sell since they don't have to.

I decided to clean house and fired one black lady the same day I fired four white people (two men, two women). Sure enough, she filed a racism complaint. Fortunately the government looked at that everyone else was white and didn't pursue her complaint. But justify it to the government? That's why they want those laws. It's for the power it gives them to decide
There not only have already been thousands of deaths attributed to these pseudo vaccines, but the whole point of what kills people who have covid is the immune system allergic reaction. So we should not expect the deadly symptoms of these fake vaccines to be immediate. The deadly allergic reactions may be be trigger for a long time. But they likely will still be bad, and can be worse than covid-19.

All the scientists say these are badly done vaccines, and extremely dangerous.
How much did you pay for your4 brainwashing? Or, was it free when you are listening to Faux News and AM Radio faux conservatives?

Your opinions are ludicrous, ridiculous and absurd.
Eunuchs will rejoice?

There's nothing medieval about freedom.

That is sort of my point, in that we don't even know what freedom is any more, so do not even recognize when we lose what little was left.
We think freedom is doing what everyone else is told by the government to do, when in reality government is only trying to maximize big pharma vaccine and test kit profits.
How much did you pay for your4 brainwashing? Or, was it free when you are listening to Faux News and AM Radio faux conservatives?

Your opinions are ludicrous, ridiculous and absurd.

I am vastly more left than you and don't listen to radio or news stations.
I do an ancient ritual known as reading, and doing research.
You might want to try it some time?

Care to list something I wrote you do not agree with?
We're talking about the law. Do you think it should be illegal for an employer to fire someone for "completely absurd" reasons? Or should they have to justify their decision to the government?

This the same issue that comes up in employment "discrimination" laws. As I've pointed out, libs and cons are on the opposite side in those debates - so the hypocrisy is pretty glaring.
If there's a line to be drawn anywhere, it's here, at body autonomy. You can't inject shit into your employees willy nilly.
That's actually an amusing comparison. Before the first installment of the Black Death, peasants were tied to their serfdom. After Europe's population was reduced by more than half, their labor became valuable. Perhaps not unlike the competition for entry level service jobs today. LOL

I tend to think that freedom from feudalism came from the invention of firearms, that equalized the difference between big strong mercenaries, and average people who wanted to be free. Thus the end of the monarchies, barons, etc., all corresponded with with the beginnings of firearms.
What Right is that?
Body autonomy. Just like the women have been fighting on abortion. If an employer can come up to an employee and say roll up your sleeve, I want to inject you with something, with apologies to Godwin, that's fucking Nazi-esque.
Of course there's a right involved. Do employers have the right to hire and fire as they please? Or not?

Of course they do not.
That is why we have so many labor laws.
Laws against dangerous conditions, child labor, bosses sexually harassing's women, unemployment compensation, discrimination laws, etc.
Since we have removed the wilderness, we have taken away the natural and inherent resources all people have a right to access in order to survive.
Therefore, employees now have a right to employment.
Its either that or return them enough forest land to be able to hunt and shelter in.
I tend to think that freedom from feudalism came from the invention of firearms, that equalized the difference between big strong mercenaries, and average people who wanted to be free. Thus the end of the monarchies, barons, etc., all corresponded with with the beginnings of firearms.

Your autonomy isn't being violated. You seem to think of an employee as a slave.

If the employer can impose their will be demanding injections, then it is slavery, and they might as well also demand a tattooed number on their arm.

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