So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

It really doesn't matter if it's safe or not, what's at play here is my body, my choice. Just like abortion, the woman's body, her choice. To have McDonald's say that I have to inject myself with the flavour of the days, or even flavourS, is just absurd, and can't be happening in a free country.
Unless you are military, no one is telling you have be vaccinated. You have choice.
No, sexually harassing's an employee is not a crime, just sleazy.
Forcing a dangerous experimental vaccine that is not FDA approved is a crime, since there no science to justify it.
It depends on the act. Certain acts of sexual harassment are crimes.
There not only have already been thousands of deaths attributed to these pseudo vaccines, but the whole point of what kills people who have covid is the immune system allergic reaction. So we should not expect the deadly symptoms of these fake vaccines to be immediate. The deadly allergic reactions may be be trigger for a long time. But they likely will still be bad, and can be worse than covid-19.

All the scientists say these are badly done vaccines, and extremely dangerous.
Attributed by who? All the scientist? You just make this shit up as you go don't you?
How about a link to support your statements. I've given you many.
Your problem is you don't think at all. Medical records are irrelevant. They don't admit them for covid for the exercise or to skim off money from the government.
Do your own checking dickhead.

So you got nothing then?
It's not just about jobs. Without a vaccine, a lot of things in our society such as international travel, use of public transportation, admissions to large indoor events, and job opportunities will either be denied or will require routine corvid tests which are are a pain in the ass. Once the FDA approves the vaccine, probably next month, there's going to be a lot of businesses that are going to require vaccinations or recent covid tests. I have already seen several restaurants and bars that require proof of vaccination to enter. Although society can't force you to get vaccinated, it can certainly make life better for you with a vaccine.
Nothing about the shit you just described is, in any way, a "better" life.
Do you not hear yourself?

It's textbook tyranny.
I would bet that most of them after having to get a covid test every week to keep their job, or go to a concert, indoor sporting event, or their favorite bar or restaurant will make a decision to go get vaxed.

I think they will take their business somewhere else.
And I think a lot of alternatives are going to be found or created.

Any establishment or venue that treats people like this doesn't respect them. And most people don't want to give money to people that don't have any respect for them.
It's not experimental. It passed FDA safety and effectiveness requirements in the lab 18 months ago, passed FDA requirements in 3 clinical trials of 40,000 people. And it's safety and effectiveness has been confirmed by 330 million vaccinations. FDA final approval for these vaccines is just a formality. By the time most of those mandates take effect, the vaccines will have full FDA approval. Expect a number of other companies to require vaccinations or weekly covid tests after full FDA approval.
Y'all the same, dumb, dishonest and arrogant.

I look forward to seeing you and your ilk like this.

You deserve it.
Reality is just what I informed you of. Again, what is your educational background? I am sure that a logic course was not a part of the curriculum.
No it's not.

And logic would tell you not to create a world wide panic over a flu bug that hardly kills anyone that isn't already dying.
It's not experimental, it's proven to be saving lives. I can't ask for his ID and other items.
That's irrelevant. I can and will sack if I chose and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
You can bleat your bias on this forever but if it's my business and don't want him destroying it, he's like last week's pay. He's gone.
You're probably doing him a favor.

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