So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Where does it stipulate such?

Considering this happens RIGHT NOW as already pointed out as a regular practice in cancer wards at the very least, you are apparently incorrect.
"Where does it stipulate such?"


Where does it stipulate such?

Considering this happens RIGHT NOW as already pointed out as a regular practice in cancer wards at the very least, you are apparently incorrect.
Being in a cancer ward already diagnosed with cancer is watermelon to oranges as far as proving you are vaccinated or being fired if you won’t prove or won’t vaccinate.
the reason you libs can’t do comparables is that you don’t Think.
Where does it stipulate such?

Considering this happens RIGHT NOW as already pointed out as a regular practice in cancer wards at the very least, you are apparently incorrect.

HIPAA has no such clause.

When a person first fills out forms at a doctor or dentist office they have to sign a bunch of forms.

One of those forms says that you allow your medical information to be shared with the insurance company.

If a person doesn't sign that form allowing those records to be shared, the insurance company won't pay any medical bill.

Which is a classic "or else."

HIPAA only says that a person's medical records can't be shared with anyone without the written permission of the patient.

Asking someone if they have been vaccinated isn't going to a doctor's office to get a person's medical records without the patients written permission.

Telling an employee that they must be vaccinated or be fired isn't going to a doctor's office to get copies of the employee's medical records without written permission from the employee.
"Where does it stipulate such?"


Says nothing about facing consequences of withholding your vaccination status. It does say:

The Rule requires appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of personal health information, and sets limits and conditions on the uses and disclosures that may be made of such information without patient authorization.

Exactly what I have been stating.
You do not have to prove anything as to your medical status. This is part of the “prove yourself innocent” which got started with Kavanaugh
True. You do not have prove your drug test was negative, nor your
That's a fair point.

The thing is, my main objection is the principle of the matter....... in actual fact, I think this is probably a good thing in the long term.
A lot of us have been advocating for a counter economy where we only do business with those we voluntarily choose to interact with, and we use cash, gold, or crypto as a medium of exchange, in order to avoid funding the corrupt government with our taxes, as much as possible. We believe in growing/harvesting our own food, printing our own guns, educating our own children, etc.; we call it being free. :cool:

Shit like this is only going to accelerate that movement.

A lot of ya'll who are for this sort of exclusion from society of people who refuse to toe your line, are missing the fact that we don't want to be around any of you...... we don't like you, and we find you to be ethically challenged and morally retarded. And since we tend to be much more productive and self-sufficient than most of you are, this sort of decoupling from one another is really going to hurt all of you a lot more than it will us.

We don't need you.

But I think you all need us.
If don't want to be part of this society, then maybe you should look elsewhere, although, I don't know where. Just about everywhere there is civilization people ban together for the common good and inevitable that leads to government.
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Being in a cancer ward already diagnosed with cancer is watermelon to oranges as far as proving you are vaccinated or being fired if you won’t prove or won’t vaccinate.
the reason you libs can’t do comparables is that you don’t Think.
Us libs? Once again, cant address basic facts without returning to partisan idiocy.

It is not a comparable, it is the EXACT THING THAT YOU ARE SAYING DOES NOT HAPPEN. Employers denying employment and firing employees for failing to be vaccinated.
I must get my news from fox because?

More pointless accusations. I stated things that are facts - period. FL is in the middle of the pack with deaths, the three states I listed are at the top, NJ with a 60% higher death rate. Not small potatoes by any reasoning, but is utterly avoided by you. I wonder why that is?

Lockdowns and mask mandates are effective? Because you make a blanket statement that they are? Then why are states that have had strict mandates not stratified with those that have not had strict mandates? Why is FL in the middle of the pack, UT in the bottom when NY, NJ and MA are at the very top and CA in the middle? FL and UT had almost no mandates, the others very strict ones.

There is no correlation with mandates and death rates in this nation. None.
You get your news from Fox because they are the poster boy for misinformation, yes? Florida and Texas are at the top of the lost in COVID cases, and they have no mandates. My statement bears fruit because if you follow the guidelines-stay away from restaurants, crowds, wear masks, socially distance- your chances of infection are greatly reduced. Just a little common sense. You wonder why what is?
You don't offer facts about the current infection problem, and there might be fewer deaths if protocols were followed. Keep in mind that NY and NJ airports were inundated with tourists when trump supposedly closed the borders, so yes those states were exposed big time before the vaccines became readily available. You don't need correlations to know that we are discussing sickness which may lead to death.
The fact is that you worker hating lovers got your at will employment so any employer can, with any reason, fire it's most stellar workers. You cannot in any way deny this. The best workers will be QUICKLY forced out. Idiots.
Is the employer going to do the tests himself?

If not, how do the testers know who to test?

Did the employee sign an authorization for his employer to share his private medical info with a 3rd party?

If not, then isn't telling the testers who to test a HIPPA violation that will result in a lawsuit?

Are any other employees being tested for any of the dozens if not hundreds of other infectious diseases out there?
Why not?

If not, isn't this employee being singled out in an arbitrary and capricious manner and forced to endure a hostile work environment?

I see a lot of trouble ahead.
Pardon me, hotshot. Pharmacies give those tests at no cost, and it is done all the time. Insurance companies decide what is necessary and whether they will pay and that is why not. We have an influx of Covid infections. You and your fucking lawsuits.
No, the employee is singled out because he may infect others and cause the business to close or be incapable of operating effectively. Maybe that employee should be sued. Grow up!
You get your news from Fox because they are the poster boy for misinformation, yes? Florida and Texas are at the top of the lost in COVID cases, and they have no mandates. My statement bears fruit because if you follow the guidelines-stay away from restaurants, crowds, wear masks, socially distance- your chances of infection are greatly reduced. Just a little common sense. You wonder why what is?
You don't offer facts about the current infection problem, and there might be fewer deaths if protocols were followed. Keep in mind that NY and NJ airports were inundated with tourists when trump supposedly closed the borders, so yes those states were exposed big time before the vaccines became readily available. You don't need correlations to know that we are discussing sickness which may lead to death.
They are at the top for cases TODAY, yes. That does not mean they will translate into deaths or that the spikes now have any relation to the spikes before mass vaccination. What we do know is that FL and TX are nowhere near the death rates that you have seen in NY, NJ or MA period. They are very unlikely to get there, almost everyone in a high risk category has already gotten vaccinated.

If we are looking at policy and trying to see what the ACTUAL outcomes have been, lockdowns and mandates show no correlative function with death. none at all. Pulling out a specific slice in time and focusing on something that is irrelevant - I do not care how many cases there are, only how many may die/become disabled - does not bolster the idea that such mandates were effective. By all available information, they have been utterly ineffective.
The fact is that you worker hating lovers got your at will employment so any employer can, with any reason, fire it's most stellar workers. You cannot in any way deny this. The best workers will be QUICKLY forced out. Idiots.
I didn't know that the best workers will refuse the vaccines. Gosh, you have enlightened me.
The "best" workers also make the best money for the most part, and they have enough sense to
recognize that staying home sick does nothing for their paycheck.
They are at the top for cases TODAY, yes. That does not mean they will translate into deaths or that the spikes now have any relation to the spikes before mass vaccination. What we do know is that FL and TX are nowhere near the death rates that you have seen in NY, NJ or MA period. They are very unlikely to get there, almost everyone in a high risk category has already gotten vaccinated.

If we are looking at policy and trying to see what the ACTUAL outcomes have been, lockdowns and mandates show no correlative function with death. none at all. Pulling out a specific slice in time and focusing on something that is irrelevant - I do not care how many cases there are, only how many may die/become disabled - does not bolster the idea that such mandates were effective. By all available information, they have been utterly ineffective.
Lockdowns and mandates have shown a correlation with COVID-19 prevention and that is the issue.
99% survival rate may mean 3 million deaths. That is a rather high bar. I would say that this should never have risen to the level of mask mandates, lockdowns or panic BUT it is a pandemic and it does deserve the attention that entails.
Proportionate attention....... a response that was appropriate to the actual level of risk we faced, which this bullshit has been anything but.

In a sane world, only a few people that were seriously at risk would have been staying home, and no no businesses or schools or anything else would have been closed.

But it was never about the virus, was it?
What I can prove is the vast majority of people being admitted to hospital are unvaccinated.
There's nothing experimental about that.

Your problem is still that lingering pathetic excuse that it's some conspiracy, trump is still occupying your mind regarding dems destroying humanity and because Joe urged you to take it you immediately refuse.
There's that other old favourite also
That God will protect you.
Of the total of all those who have died so far, approximately half were godbotherers. Where's God in this issue.

So go away and clear you mind of the republicans propaganda it's filled with.
But you are free to not get it and die how you like. But if you do get it, don't go to those socialist hospitals because they are run by communist government employees. Stay at home and thank God for the right to exercise your freedom.
Is that clear now?
I don't believe you can prove that.

So tell me, how exactly did you get access to the private medical records of all these patients?

Or are you just another liar?
No need. All you have to do is turn off Faux News and watch the MSM. Or, get your head out of your ass and stop stinking up this message board - nothing you post has a bit of substance to it.
See what I mean?

You're just all kinds of fucked up.

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