So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

He's not "trying to keep out from under", he's trying to free load off taxpayers. He wants the safety and security of a first world nation, for free. Without contributing anything.

When you parrot right wing lies and bullshit, you lose all credibility. I say you'll end up like Brazil, and you parrot tax rates. I'm talking quality of life.

In Brazil, massive numbers of poor people live in crime infested barrios with little opportunity of escape - low quality schools, and a very stratified society. The middle class is barely scraping by, but the oligarchs live in gated communities in luxury. There are few social programs, taxes are low, and the government is strong on law and order and keeping leftists down.
The politicians you idolize, are the ones freeloading off us taxpayers, you retarded cvnt. (smh)
It's people like you who are contagious with your fear mongering. No where did I state that I have taken your rights away! No where did I state with or without the vaccines someone can transmit the disease, nor did I state the vaccine was a panacea.

Your Libertarian ideology never has nor (IMO) will never compete with the Democratic Party. Your ideology is built on a foundation of Selfishness, I've read your platform:

"As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty: a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and are not forced to sacrifice their values for the benefit of others....

"Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate. Individuals have the freedom and responsibility to decide what they knowingly and voluntarily consume, and what risks they accept to their own health, finances, safety, or life."
Note that no notion of concern for others is of paramount concern in Libertarianism. And that seems to be your belief.
Your way of thinking is really screwed up.
One judge does not a conclusion make.
Hospitals have lots of money, so the local judge was likely influenced.
That won't be true on appeals.

The Methodist employees appealed to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and although it’s not clear how soon the court will hear the case, it’s already shaping up to become a national legal battle pitting personal medical freedom against public health.

There are lots of valid religious and medical reasons why vaccines can not legally be mandated.
We're not though; this was never a "pandemic", it was a nasty flu season blown entirely out of proportion by a bunch of out of control maniacs.

And that overreaction, that spastic, knee-jerk grab for total power over others, is going to kill a lot more people than this pissant little flu ever will.

You people are all fucking nuts.
How many deaths does a pandemic make?
It can be a condition of new hires but not imposed on those already hired. It puts currently hired in an “or else” position and that’s illegal
It can certainly be a condition of employment for those already employed. Either get vaxed or be tested very often.
The horses asses reside in Florida and Texas.

FL should have the highest death rate in the nation considering they are the second oldest population (and the number one risk factor is age) and also has economy based on tourism. No question about it that they are by far the most at risk state yet they maintain a position in the middle. The rhetoric is worthless, the facts speak for themselves. FL has not had an overall poor response no matter how much CNN wants it to be true. NJ, NY and MA lead the pack, wonder why you fail to see those states or the dozen others with higher rates than FL.

The lockdowns and mask mandates were totally ineffectual. States like UT that were almost never locked down and had the fewest mask mandates are doing better than CA which has been locked down virtually the entire time with strict mask mandates. There is no correlation to these asinine government mandates and actual real world results.

FL should have the highest death rate in the nation considering they are the second oldest population (and the number one risk factor is age) and also has economy based on tourism. No question about it that they are by far the most at risk state yet they maintain a position in the middle. The rhetoric is worthless, the facts speak for themselves. FL has not had an overall poor response no matter how much CNN wants it to be true. NJ, NY and MA lead the pack, wonder why you fail to see those states or the dozen others with higher rates than FL.

The lockdowns and mask mandates were totally ineffectual. States like UT that were almost never locked down and had the fewest mask mandates are doing better than CA which has been locked down virtually the entire time with strict mask mandates. There is no correlation to these asinine government mandates and actual real world results.
The lockdowns and mask mandates were certainly effective. When people gathered in groups, the virus erupted. Florida had the lowest rate of infections and now has the highest along with Texas due to the intransigence of their governors. You must get your info from Fox.
The lockdowns and mask mandates were certainly effective. When people gathered in groups, the virus erupted. Florida had the lowest rate of infections and now has the highest along with Texas due to the intransigence of their governors. You must get your info from Fox.
I must get my news from fox because?

More pointless accusations. I stated things that are facts - period. FL is in the middle of the pack with deaths, the three states I listed are at the top, NJ with a 60% higher death rate. Not small potatoes by any reasoning, but is utterly avoided by you. I wonder why that is?

Lockdowns and mask mandates are effective? Because you make a blanket statement that they are? Then why are states that have had strict mandates not stratified with those that have not had strict mandates? Why is FL in the middle of the pack, UT in the bottom when NY, NJ and MA are at the very top and CA in the middle? FL and UT had almost no mandates, the others very strict ones.

There is no correlation with mandates and death rates in this nation. None.
It can certainly be a condition of employment for those already employed. Either get vaxed or be tested very often.
Is the employer going to do the tests himself?

If not, how do the testers know who to test?

Did the employee sign an authorization for his employer to share his private medical info with a 3rd party?

If not, then isn't telling the testers who to test a HIPPA violation that will result in a lawsuit?

Are any other employees being tested for any of the dozens if not hundreds of other infectious diseases out there?
Why not?

If not, isn't this employee being singled out in an arbitrary and capricious manner and forced to endure a hostile work environment?

I see a lot of trouble ahead.
600,000 certainly is more than enough. 200,000 is enough - that places third on the leading causes of death. You, clearly, do not consider the 600k as enough to declare it a pandemic so, how many deaths does a pandemic make?
Nahhh....... I don't think so.

BTW, the 3rd leading cause of death in the US is medical error.

Don't put too much faith in the health industry, guy.
The lockdowns and mask mandates were certainly effective. When people gathered in groups, the virus erupted. Florida had the lowest rate of infections and now has the highest along with Texas due to the intransigence of their governors. You must get your info from Fox.
Utter bullshit.

The way you guys shamelessly lie over and over and over and over, is just mind-boggling.
Actually, you are politicizing the issue because it is simply common sense when even you can see what is happening to those who have not been vaccinated. Follow trump wherever he goes, yes?
ahhhhhhhhhh :itsok:
It can certainly be a condition of employment for those already employed. Either get vaxed or be tested very often.
Yes but it’s almost entirely been portrayed as get vaccinated Period which is, As always, Fake.

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