So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

You *should* be able to keep anyone that you want out of YOUR workplace, property rights would obviously allow you to disperse your property as you see fit. That is not, of course, how thing currently work.

I think that such would intersect with the law a bit differently than a vaccination as it would be covered under the ADA where vaccinations would not. As long as there is no medical 'condition' preventing you from taking the vaccine then employers are not limited by current law. Those that cannot take vaccinations, as there are a few conditions that would prevent such, will also be protected from vaccination requirements as, again, such would fall under the ADA.

In the end, and something I am repeating here, in order to SUPRESS the rights of your employer in this manner there would need to be a specific law that actually accomplishes that. In regards to vaccinations, there is no law that prevents an employer from ending employment based on vaccination status.

If you think there is one then do what no one else has been able to: cite the law.
Hippa protection laws
600,000 certainly is more than enough. 200,000 is enough - that places third on the leading causes of death. You, clearly, do not consider the 600k as enough to declare it a pandemic so, how many deaths does a pandemic make?
30-35000 have died solely from Covid and Covid Alone per CDC

You all worshiped CDC when they were locking us down but ignore them when they dont hype the fear.
So you cant actually answer the question then.

Color me shocked.
I don't consider anything with a 99% survival rate to be scary...... I just don't.
There is simply no way I will ever be afraid of that.

So whatever the book definition of "pandemic" may be, I just can't consider this any sort of emergency...... it barely raises to the level of "crisis", as far as I'm concerned.

I hesitate to put a number on it because the book definitions are funny; the word "arsenal" for example, just means a collection of weapons, but to someone like me who grew up in Texas, if you can fit all your guns in a single safe, then I don't consider that an "arsenal".
If the cops raid some guys house though, the news will call anything over 1 an "arsenal". And while that may be technically correct, it's certainly misleading.
Hippa protection laws
Do not cover this. HIPPA simply states that your private medical records cannot be given to others without your consent.

It is illegal for your employer to go to your hospital and obtain your vaccination records.

It is NOT illegal for your employer to ask you for them and the fire you when you refuse.

HIPPA laws do not do what you seem to think they do.
Do not cover this. HIPPA simply states that your private medical records cannot be given to others without your consent.

It is illegal for your employer to go to your hospital and obtain your vaccination records.

It is NOT illegal for your employer to ask you for them and the fire you when you refuse.

HIPPA laws do not do what you seem to think they do.
Of course they do, that is why employers can't fires someone for HIV, STDs, etc And the funny thing vac cards are not impossible to get
I don't consider anything with a 99% survival rate to be scary...... I just don't.
There is simply no way I will ever be afraid of that.

So whatever the book definition of "pandemic" may be, I just can't consider this any sort of emergency...... it barely raises to the level of "crisis", as far as I'm concerned.

I hesitate to put a number on it because the book definitions are funny; the word "arsenal" for example, just means a collection of weapons, but to someone like me who grew up in Texas, if you can fit all your guns in a single safe, then I don't consider that an "arsenal".
If the cops raid some guys house though, the news will call anything over 1 an "arsenal". And while that may be technically correct, it's certainly misleading.
99% survival rate may mean 3 million deaths. That is a rather high bar. I would say that this should never have risen to the level of mask mandates, lockdowns or panic BUT it is a pandemic and it does deserve the attention that entails.
no evidence to support this post at all. wow. when one wants to make shit up. It's all experimental, it isn't approved. That fact makes it experimental. And you can't prove it saves anyone. How would one know if one would have died without it? tell us.

What I can prove is the vast majority of people being admitted to hospital are unvaccinated.
There's nothing experimental about that.

Your problem is still that lingering pathetic excuse that it's some conspiracy, trump is still occupying your mind regarding dems destroying humanity and because Joe urged you to take it you immediately refuse.
There's that other old favourite also
That God will protect you.
Of the total of all those who have died so far, approximately half were godbotherers. Where's God in this issue.

So go away and clear you mind of the republicans propaganda it's filled with.
But you are free to not get it and die how you like. But if you do get it, don't go to those socialist hospitals because they are run by communist government employees. Stay at home and thank God for the right to exercise your freedom.
Is that clear now?
Of course they do, that is why employers can't fires someone for HIV, STDs, etc And the funny thing vac cards are not impossible to get
Saying they do proves nothing. Your assertion is utterly without merit. AGAIN, HIPPA just does not allow the acquisition of medical records without your authorization. That is it.

You are claiming that practices that happen right now are illegal. Hospitals require CURRENT vaccinations in, at a minimum, certain roles. Refuse the flu vaccine and a cancer ward will get you fired.

And I already addressed what laws cover HIV, ADA not HIPPA. Those are 2 entirely different laws.
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Do not cover this. HIPPA simply states that your private medical records cannot be given to others without your consent.

It is illegal for your employer to go to your hospital and obtain your vaccination records.

It is NOT illegal for your employer to ask you for them and the fire you when you refuse.

HIPPA laws do not do what you seem to think they do.
Hippa does protect from being forced to produce your medical records “or else”
So prove it!

Here's the link. Don't be so ignorant to suggest the source is unreliable which is what most of you fools do.
Secondly don't be so stupid to suggest I say something that is not fact because your denial of it is proof it is you who is lying.

I don't expect to hear from you again dopey.
I don't consider anything with a 99% survival rate to be scary...... I just don't.
There is simply no way I will ever be afraid of that.

So whatever the book definition of "pandemic" may be, I just can't consider this any sort of emergency...... it barely raises to the level of "crisis", as far as I'm concerned.

I hesitate to put a number on it because the book definitions are funny; the word "arsenal" for example, just means a collection of weapons, but to someone like me who grew up in Texas, if you can fit all your guns in a single safe, then I don't consider that an "arsenal".
If the cops raid some guys house though, the news will call anything over 1 an "arsenal". And while that may be technically correct, it's certainly misleading.
No one but a biddable fool and a Texan, but I repeat myself, cares what you are concerned about.
No need. All you have to do is turn off Faux News and watch the MSM. Or, get your head out of your ass and stop stinking up this message board - nothing you post has a bit of substance to it.

The proof has been posted many times on this board.

I started a thread about it.

Even if you provided another link, the person won't read it then claim it's fake news.

It's a waste of time to post links to people like the one you replied to.

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