So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Q. What am I talking about?

A. What I'm writing is my assessment of people like you. I do it in all honesty, and not to belittle you or others whose values are not mine.
You're a fool if you think that McDonald's should have the right to inject you with whatever they want before you can get a job there.
Who says you can't? Get a different job, then. Tough titties, you chose the wrong side of morality, of ethics, and of history. That's on you.
So you think that McDonald's should be able to inject anything they want into my body before they give me a job?

You're an idiot. Can't help you. Sorry.
It's not experimental. It passed FDA safety and effectiveness requirements in the lab 18 months ago, passed FDA requirements in 3 clinical trials of 40,000 people. And it's safety and effectiveness has been confirmed by 330 million vaccinations. FDA final approval for these vaccines is just a formality. By the time most of those mandates take effect, the vaccines will have full FDA approval. Expect a number of other companies to require vaccinations or weekly covid tests after full FDA approval.
We're all part of the drug trials, I'm simply in the Control Group.
Unless you are military, no one is telling you have be vaccinated. You have choice.
So let's say I need the job at McDonald's to feed my family. I am therefore forced to inject something into my body that I don't want to. It happened to a friend of mine, he was offered a great job, but had to be injected. He's mad, but feels forced to do it, it's nice step up in his career. So that's wrong.
So let's say I need the job at McDonald's to feed my family. I am therefore forced to inject something into my body that I don't want to. It happened to a friend of mine, he was offered a great job, but had to be injected. He's mad, but feels forced to do it, it's nice step up in his career. So that's wrong.
/——/ Go work someplace that doesn’t require a vaccination. Problem solved.
You're a fool if you think that McDonald's should have the right to inject you with whatever they want before you can get a job there.
McDonald's is not injecting you with anything. McDonald's has the right to protect their customers and workers from you if you are sick with the Covid.
McDonald's is not injecting you with anything. McDonald's has the right to protect their customers and workers from you if you are sick with the Covid.
Vaxxed people can get and shed covid as well. The only thing the vax does it protect the user from dying, and even there tons of vaxxed people have already died of covid. So what does the vax really do? Except to be a long term experiment with human guinea pigs?
I get to decide to take the shots and have a job, or not take the shots and have no job, so can't feed my family. That's no decision, that's forced to take the shots.
No, that's not forcing you to do anything. On the other hand, what you're asking for is force - you want the law to step in and force an employer to pay you against their will.

You seem to be adopting the premise that you have a "right" to a job, that it's something that's owed to you, that employers can't discriminate against you, or ask you to do something, unless they have a "good reason" (ie one approved by the government).

It feels somewhat unfair to pounce on you for this view, given that liberals have been promoting it for decades - the very same liberals who are now spouting the opposite. But it's still wrong, regardless of how the parties have flipped or flopped.
No, that's not forcing you to do anything. On the other hand, what you're asking for is force - you want the law to step in and force an employer to pay you against their will.

You seem to be adopting the premise that you have a "right" to a job, that it's something that's owed to you, that employers can't discriminate against you, or ask you to do something, unless they have a "good reason" (ie one approved by the government).

It feels somewhat unfair to pounce on you for this view, given that liberals have been promoting it for decades - the very same liberals who are now spouting the opposite. But it's still wrong, regardless of how the parties have flipped or flopped.
Never said I had a right to a job, you had to make that up because you have nothing. Neither am I a Lib. Strike 2.

Women have been fighting for control of their own bodies forever, this is the same thing. My body, my choice. It's like asking you if you're for or against abortion before McDonald's will hire you. It's none of their business, just like my medical decisions.

I know, you're going to say that I should get another job, but what you're actually saying is that any employer should be able to inject any employee with anything they want, or they get fired. Move to North Korea please. I'll even help you pack.
Never said I had a right to a job, you had to make that up because you have nothing. Neither am I a Lib. Strike 2.
I know you're not a lib, but you're making lib arguments.
Women have been fighting for control of their own bodies forever, this is the same thing.
No, it's not. Women have been fighting those who want to force their views no them by law. This is about an employer's right to hire and fire employees
I know, you're going to say that I should get another job, but what you're actually saying is that any employer should be able to inject any employee with anything they want, or they get fired. Move to North Korea please. I'll even help you pack.
Do you think employers should be free to hire and fire as they please? For whatever reasons they might dream up? Or do you think they should have to ask permission from the government?
I know you're not a lib, but you're making lib arguments.

No, it's not. Women have been fighting those who want to force their views no them by law. This is about an employer's right to hire and fire employees

Do you think employers should be free to hire and fire as they please? For whatever reasons they might dream up? Or do you think they should have to ask permission from the government?
I think that it's completely absurd that you get fired for not injecting the company formula into your body. If you can't see that that's wrong, there's no helping you, sorry.

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