So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

If the employer can impose their will be demanding injections, then it is slavery, and they might as well also demand a tattooed number on their arm.
Tell that to a real slave. You know, the kind who gets whipped if they defy their owner.
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Of course they do not.
That is why we have so many labor laws.
Laws against dangerous conditions, child labor, bosses sexually harassing's women, unemployment compensation, discrimination laws, etc.
Since we have removed the wilderness, we have taken away the natural and inherent resources all people have a right to access in order to survive.
Therefore, employees now have a right to employment.
Its either that or return them enough forest land to be able to hunt and shelter i]\\

Seriously, can your employer fire you today for any reason? And if not, why?
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Yes, your view is the premise of labor laws. But I think that was a mistake. This issue is a good example of why it was a mistake.
Well, he's not totally off the mark. Some more progressive states' laws require an employer be able to say it fired a worker because the worker ceased performing.

But yeah, being more apt to catch covid and pass it in the work place is .... not performing.
You seem to think that injecting someone with whatever you want is ok for an employer. It's not. Now you know.
It's entirely voluntary. No one is forcing you to take an injection.
Well, he's not totally off the mark. Some more progressive states' laws require an employer be able to say it fired a worker because the worker ceased performing.

I agree, that view is common, and the view adopted by most governments. But in my view it's wrong, and a mistake.
If don't want to be part of this society, then maybe you should look elsewhere, although, I don't know where. Just about everywhere there is civilization people ban together for the common good and inevitable that leads to government.
and yet there are people who get drunk and high and drive!!! So your post is intellectually wrong.
Your autonomy isn't being violated. You seem to think of an employee as a slave.


Body autonomy? A conservative is insisting people have body autonomy?

Conservatives have spent the last nearly 50 years trying to take body autonomy from women and they are proud of it.

They now want body autonomy?

Maybe they should take the same view of women so they aren't the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth.
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Yes, your view is the premise of labor laws. But I think that was a mistake. This issue is a good example of why it was a mistake.
safety laws, min wage, anti-discrimination, the 40 hour week, mandatory holidays (w/o pay btw), family leave (w/o pay) ... all set a floor beneath which an employer cannot legally require a worker to do. But there's no law preventing an employer from firing workers who don't comply with health policies .... unless the health policies can be shown to be actually harmful. And as discussed, emergency workers and HC workers have been mandated to get vacinnes before.
Body autonomy. Just like the women have been fighting on abortion. If an employer can come up to an employee and say roll up your sleeve, I want to inject you with something, with apologies to Godwin, that's fucking Nazi-esque.
First of all Bozo, no law has been passed or EQ to require any civilian to take the vaccine!
At the moment the Military may require all personal to be vaccinated by September; I'm hopeful that the private sector follows.

Because of people like you who are culpable in making this new wave with your fear mongering this has made this wave more dangerous than the other outbreaks; in fact it is taking the lives of infants and children.

Of course Callous Conservatives don't care about such outcomes. A continuation of the Republican Parties unreported goals: "We've got ours, fuck the rest of you"
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It's entirely voluntary. No one is forcing you to take an injection.

I agree, that view is common, and the view adopted by most governments. But in my view it's wrong, and a mistake.
voluntary doesn't have conditions set.
Lockdowns and mandates have shown a correlation with COVID-19 prevention and that is the issue.
You say that over and over yet provide literally nothing to back it up.

I have provided real world examples. Provide something that shows a correlation with mandates here in the US with those places that did not have strong mandates.
Tyranny is the actions of a cruel and oppressive government. Your employer requiring you to get a shot to protect you, your fellow workers and his customers is not tyranny..

The thing is............its not really protecting anyone. The immunity has already worn off after three months, hundreds of thousands who have taken the injection are now becoming sick and many hospitalized. So, this nonsense about protection will need to be brought to the forefront and there will be lawsuits and liability issues as the deaths and injuries continue to pile up.
I just looked up the death totals for NY, FL and TX.

Yes they are near the death rate as New York. Especially Texas.

New York deaths 54,325
Florida deaths. 39,695
Texas 52,452

Give it time, Florida and Texas will catch up to the death total New York has. Especially since both Texas and Florida have made mask mandates illegal.

Nj: 300
NY: 276
MA: 263
FL and TX: 185

Sure they will. You keep on having faith that more are going to die in giant waves so you can be justified in demanding massive power grabs by the government.

There is a reason you immediately reached for overall numbers as well, it is dishonest in the extreme.
Vaxxed people can get and shed covid as well. The only thing the vax does it protect the user from dying, and even there tons of vaxxed people have already died of covid. So what does the vax really do? Except to be a long term experiment with human guinea pigs?
"Vaxxed people can get and shed covid as well." True
If vaccinated people are infected they can spread the virus but their chance of being infected is far less than the non-vaccinated.

"The only thing the vax does it protect the user from dying," False
The vaccine protects you from becoming serious ill and having to go into a hospital as well as death. It also reduces your chances of developing mild cases of Covid

"there tons of vaxxed people have already died of covid." False
Even with the delta variant, your chances of becoming ill and entering the hospital are down more 90%

"Except to be a long term experiment with human guinea pigs" False
There has never been any vaccines approved by the FDA that has been proven safer than the Covid vaccines. Clinical trials with over a hundred thousand volunteers proved their safety without single death or serious adverse effect. The safety has been confirmed with 330 million doses given under the emergency authorization with only 3 death due the J&J vaccine and none due to the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. In the history of FDA licensing vaccines over the last hundred years, there has not been a single long term adverse effect linked to a vaccine.
Tyranny is the actions of a cruel and oppressive government. Your employer requiring you to get a shot to protect you, your fellow workers and his customers is not tyranny..
No, that's just coercion at the behest of the government.

Are you going to leave people alone when they create alternatives, or is it going to be like with social media where the big companies all attacked any alternative platforms?

I think I already know the answer.

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