So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

"Vaxxed people can get and shed covid as well." True
If vaccinated people are infected they can spread the virus but their chance of being infected is far less than the non-vaccinated.

"The only thing the vax does it protect the user from dying," False
The vaccine protects you from becoming serious ill and having to go into a hospital as well as death. It also reduces your chances of developing mild cases of Covid

"there tons of vaxxed people have already died of covid." False
Even with the delta variant, your chances of becoming ill and entering the hospital are down more 90%

"Except to be a long term experiment with human guinea pigs" False
There has never been any vaccines approved by the FDA that has been proven safer than the Covid vaccines. Clinical trials with over a hundred thousand volunteers proved their safety without single death or serious adverse effect. The safety has been confirmed with 330 million doses given under the emergency authorization with only 3 death due the J&J vaccine and none due to the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. In the history of FDA licensing vaccines over the last hundred years, there has not been a single long term adverse effect linked to a vaccine.
Here's a good article for you to read from VA.

It is amusing to see right wing anti-vaxers protesters with signs reading..'my body - my choice'. Somebody should walk up to one of them and say..I'm pro-choice on the abortion issue so can I borrow your sign when your done with it?
But are they pro-life? Don't thing so if they're willing to spread a deadly virus and it's really not all right wingers I know several on the left that also think that way.
You say that over and over yet provide literally nothing to back it up.

I have provided real world examples. Provide something that shows a correlation with mandates here in the US with those places that did not have strong mandates.
I watch the medical community speak every day on tv about this. What are you watching?
The thing is............its not really protecting anyone. The immunity has already worn off after three months, hundreds of thousands who have taken the injection are now becoming sick and many hospitalized. So, this nonsense about protection will need to be brought to the forefront and there will be lawsuits and liability issues as the deaths and injuries continue to pile up.
"The thing is............its not really protecting anyone. The immunity has already worn off after three months,..." More misleading FALSE data. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines have performed well so far. The most recent Pfizer-BioNTech data shows 91% overall efficacy falling to 84% at the six-month mark, and a steady 97% against severe disease, based on a July preprint that has not been reviewed by outside scientists. Moderna’s vaccine was 93% effective overall through six months and 98% effective against severe disease, according to a company statement in August.

We're talking about the law. Do you think it should be illegal for an employer to fire someone for "completely absurd" reasons? Or should they have to justify their decision to the government?

This the same issue that comes up in employment "discrimination" laws. As I've pointed out, libs and cons are on the opposite side in those debates - so the hypocrisy is pretty glaring.
An employer has the right to fire an employee for cause or no cause at all. There are exceptions such as federal workers and those protected by union contracts or law.
Private businesses should be able to ban negroes from their lunch counters but allowing them to mandate vaccines is GOING TOO FAR DAMMIT!
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You have no links to back up what you say. EPIC FAIL!
Here's a good article for you to read from VA.

It's a good article. The data about 1,000 times the viral load came out of the Wuhan virology lab. Also I noticed he mentions the Singapore Virology Institute. In all the political nonsense about who is responsible and how the Chinese government lied or withheld data about the virus, what get's lost is China has some of the top virology labs in the world and a great deal of what we know about this virus and other members of the coronavirus family came out of China.
"The thing is............its not really protecting anyone. The immunity has already worn off after three months,..." More misleading FALSE data. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines have performed well so far. The most recent Pfizer-BioNTech data shows 91% overall efficacy falling to 84% at the six-month mark, and a steady 97% against severe disease, based on a July preprint that has not been reviewed by outside scientists. Moderna’s vaccine was 93% effective overall through six months and 98% effective against severe disease, according to a company statement in August.

But, not really. Phizer has dropped to 42 percent in July while moderna has dropped to 76 percent while hospitalizations for the injected has risen to 25 percent.

Kind of ironic that the rightwing has worked for decades to destroy unions. And now that they need one . . .
With 10+ million unfilled jobs, I don't think the unions are going to need to be consulted. If a person is just working a "job" then there are plenty of options and some might even be a better fit. IF a person has 18 years in and seniority, a tough choice has to be made.
BTW, Conservatives are FAR from being the only Americans who have no trust in those who are pushing this so hard. That'd primarily be black and Hispanic Americans or at least "America squatters"
With 10+ million unfilled jobs, I don't think the unions are going to need to be consulted. If a person is just working a "job" then there are plenty of options and some might even be a better fit. IF a person has 18 years in and seniority, a tough choice has to be made.
BTW, Conservatives are FAR from being the only Americans who have no trust in those who are pushing this so hard. That'd primarily be black and Hispanic Americans or at least "America squatters"
And more than a few Democrats. If the Dems push for widespread government mandates, they'll pay the price politically - it will ensure Republicans take back Congress.

Nj: 300
NY: 276
MA: 263
FL and TX: 185

Sure they will. You keep on having faith that more are going to die in giant waves so you can be justified in demanding massive power grabs by the government.

There is a reason you immediately reached for overall numbers as well, it is dishonest in the extreme.

Wow you will spin like a top to try to dispute the truths I posted.

The fact is that Florida and Texas are a lot closer to the death tolls that New York has than what you claimed in the post I replied to.

No amount of your spin and lies are going to change those facts.
Yes, your view is the premise of labor laws. But I think that was a mistake. This issue is a good example of why it was a mistake.

Labor laws were what stopped the horrendous abuses of labor from 1830 to 1900 or so.
It is those labor laws that made another revolution unnecessary.
But it is obvious the wealthy elite still have way too much power and are still abusive.
This is a good example.
Dictating useless and dangerous vaccines are way beyond legal.
But, not really. Phizer has dropped to 42 percent in July while moderna has dropped to 76 percent while hospitalizations for the injected has risen to 25 percent.

Yes, breakthrough infections which are typical mild, but "both mRNA COVID-19 vaccines strongly protected against infection and severe disease" which is why people take the vaccine, not to protect themselves from the sniffles and sneezing. What is most concerning is the fact that more of these mild cases means more transmission of the virus which points to a greater need for masks and vaccinations.
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