So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

But the point is no immune system can work until after an infection has triggered the alarm system.
Yes, vaccines improve that response and prevent infection, thereby also preventing transmission.

I see what you are doing: playing loose with the word "infection". I think I will leave you to that silliness.

Thank you for the argument that no vaccines ever have or ever will protect us from "infection". I will file that one in the circular file.
Wow you will spin like a top to try to dispute the truths I posted.

The fact is that Florida and Texas are a lot closer to the death tolls that New York has than what you claimed in the post I replied to.

No amount of your spin and lies are going to change those facts.
The numbers are right there. No spin at all, not one bit. You did try and spin them, yes, but you cannot examine statistical information without using per capita rates.

You are right, no amount of spin is going to change the death rates, they are plain and right there for you to see even though you continually attempt to ignore them.

But since the mRNA vaccines do not have actual dead virus, but instead just synthetic spike protein, it is very unclear what it is teaching the immune system?
If it sensitizes the immune system to spike proteins other then when attached to a covid virus, it could easily be very harmful.
Lets say for example, that it over hypes the immune to another coronavirus that is common but normally fairly benign, like the common cold?
If that happens, then instead of the cold just producing sniffles and a cough, it could be the increased immune response might incite the same deadly cytokine storm that it now initiates with covid-19? Since the common cold us endemic to humans, that could easily wipe out the entire species.
Remember that exosomes have the original spike protein that all coronaviruses are mimicking, so even exosomes are at risk.
Not being a Virologist, I don't know what information is actually saved in the Immunological memory system. I do know that it is sufficient to allow the immune system to rapidly identify the spike protein as a foreign body when the virus enters the cells. This spike protein is unique to this particular virus. If another virus which had an identical spike protei, the T cells would end the immune system response. Also when you talk about a hyped up immune system, keep mind that T cells regulate the immune system by shutting down the response.

Not being a Virologist, I don't know what information is actually saved in the Immunological memory system. I do know that it is sufficient to allow the immune system to rapidly identify the spike protein as a foreign body when the virus enters the cells. This spike protein is unique to this particular virus. However if another virus had an identical spike protein, the T cells would end the immune system response. Also when you talk about a hyped up immune system, keep mind that T cells regulate the immune system by shutting down the response.

No, it is illegal to fire someone based on discrimination, if you have more than 3 employees.
You can not fire based on sex, age, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual harassments, etc.
If you don't tell anyone why you fired them, that may be a fairly safe course of action.
But if you make it a condition of getting a vaccine, then it is actionable, and I think the courts would rule against the employer.
As i said there are exceptions and civil right is one of them.
Yes, vaccines improve that response and prevent infection, thereby also preventing transmission.

I see what you are doing: playing loose with the word "infection". I think I will leave you to that silliness.

Thank you for the argument that no vaccines ever have or ever will protect us from "infection". I will file that one in the circular file.
The argument that the vaccine does not protect us is like the argument that guns don't kill people, people do. Although the vaccine doesn't protect you, what it does to the immune system does.
Companies do not get to own you, and can only do what is necessary for the protection of their business.
But if the employee is vaccinated or not does nothing at all for the employer.
Risk of infection and transmission remains the same.
The fact the vaccine prevents most symptoms and deaths, only benefits the employee, NOT the employer.
So then the employer demanding vaccinations has no practical need on the employer's part, and instead is just an arbitrary exercise in imposing the will of the employer over the political and personal beliefs of the employee.
And that is clearly illegal.
But employers can change policies and rules at any time. This means if a company deems that enforcing vaccinations is beneficial for the safety of the employees, and/or the customers, they can adapt those policies as mandatory to remain with the company.

Technically, the company is not forcing you to take the vaccine, you have the right to choose to refuse, and the company can then terminate you for failing to meet their required conditions of employment.

It's not like the company can institute a new policy, and you then say "i refuse to comply", and the company is supposed to say "well, he refuses to comply, so I guess our hands are tied". I don't think they would see it that way.

Yeah, it sucks, but, thats what having the freedom to run your business as you see fit is all about.
The morality of the wealthy elite has not changed, they just discovered you get more out of slaves if you don't let them know how enslaved they really are.
All you have to do is distract them with ads for the expensive things they don't really need, that you will let them buy at rip off prices.
Again, real slaves suffered and toiled in chains. They were whipped, or killed, if they defied their owners. Your comparison is an insult to their memory.
And more than a few Democrats. If the Dems push for widespread government mandates, they'll pay the price politically - it will ensure Republicans take back Congress.
Will it?

It seems like elections are going to be predetermined from now on.
Will it?

It seems like elections are going to be predetermined from now on.
Oh god, you're one of those?

I can't decide if you all are just idiots who have fallen for a con and won't admit it - or it's just a ploy to lobby for more restrictive voting regulations.
In the first paragraph of the second link: "With a death toll surpassing 500,000 in the United States alone" that's a false statement, nearly all of them died WITH covid, not OF covid. Covid only hastened their death by a short while, but they were already dying for the vast majority..

But good on you for the links.
Oh god, you're one of those?

I can't decide if you all are just idiots who have fallen for a con and won't admit it - or it's just a ploy to lobby for more restrictive voting regulations.
I know what I see, and what I saw was a LOT of extremely shady shit.

If the dealer is hiding his hands from the players while he's dealing cards, that alone is evidence of wrongdoing.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with the left on this. Remember all that talk about employers having the right to run their business as they see fit? Well, here we are. We can't have it our way only when its convenient.

A company does not owe you a job. If they decide you need to be vaccinated to work for them, then you have a choice to either comply with their requirements, or find a company that does not require a vaccine.
Explain how the right has demonstrated anything like your statement in paragraph one?
Liberals banned blacks and segregated them. Now, they're doing the same thing again. Segregating, creating division. Some things never change.
demofks hate human beings.
Lockdowns and mandates have shown a correlation with COVID-19 prevention and that is the issue.
oh fk no. they destroyed peoples lives. fk I can't stand stupid demofks.
But we already went through that, and vaccines do not protect from infection or transferal, but only lessens symptoms.
And lessening symptoms only helps the individual, no one else.
It does not help the employer, other employees, or customers.

And if the vaccine initiates deadly allergic autoimmune responses, then the vaccine is much more of a threat than the covid virus.
the vaccines create variants. Vaccines ensure viruses live on.
Yes, breakthrough infections which are typical mild, but "both mRNA COVID-19 vaccines strongly protected against infection and severe disease" which is why people take the vaccine, not to protect themselves from the sniffles and sneezing. What is most concerning is the fact that more of these mild cases means more transmission of the virus which points to a greater need for masks and vaccinations.

That wasn't the original sale to the public. It changes quite often. The efficacy is wearing off after six months and now they need to pump everyone with boosters every six months. That's absolute insanity. Do you have any idea of what the virus is going to do? It's going to adapt and overcome.
That wasn't the original sale to the public. It changes quite often. The efficacy is wearing off after six months and now they need to pump everyone with boosters every six months. That's absolute insanity. Do you have any idea of what the virus is going to do? It's going to adapt and overcome.
one can only hope that one day a dmofk will understand science.

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