So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

The vaccines are killers and so no American should be vaccinated..
Children under the age of 12 though should be allowed to choose for themselves regardless of the parent's wishes.
I think a lot of people have questions, and the arrogant dismissal of their questions is going to be all the more reason to refuse it.

And then the threats start, when compliance is not immediate.....

It's not a mystery why so many folks are telling all these people who are yelling at them to get vaxxed, to all just fuck off.
But employers can change policies and rules at any time. This means if a company deems that enforcing vaccinations is beneficial for the safety of the employees, and/or the customers, they can adapt those policies as mandatory to remain with the company.

Technically, the company is not forcing you to take the vaccine, you have the right to choose to refuse, and the company can then terminate you for failing to meet their required conditions of employment.

It's not like the company can institute a new policy, and you then say "i refuse to comply", and the company is supposed to say "well, he refuses to comply, so I guess our hands are tied". I don't think they would see it that way.

Yeah, it sucks, but, thats what having the freedom to run your business as you see fit is all about.
And often you have a choice of weekly covid tests.
In the first paragraph of the second link: "With a death toll surpassing 500,000 in the United States alone" that's a false statement, nearly all of them died WITH covid, not OF covid. Covid only hastened their death by a short while, but they were already dying for the vast majority..

But good on you for the links.
Covid-19 is listed as the cause of death if it is the event that started the chain of events that lead to the death. In most cases the medical records clearly indicated the progression of the disease. Typical the disease progresses from:

  • Constant trouble breathing
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • Confusion
  • Trouble staying awake
  • Blue lips or face
pneumonia, severe collection of fluids in the lungs, blotting, lung size increase of up 75%, falling O2 levels, and finally, respiratory failure, organ failure, sepsis, or cardiac arrest. Of course when there are contributing causes, the doctor often uses the rule of thumb that has been around for ages, if medical evidence, tests, and symptoms indicates that patient would have survived had it not been for covid, that is what ends on death certificate.
Covid-19 is listed as the cause of death if it is the event that started the chain of events that lead to the death. In most cases the medical records clearly indicated the progression of the disease. Typical the disease progresses from:

  • Constant trouble breathing
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • Confusion
  • Trouble staying awake
  • Blue lips or face
pneumonia, severe collection of fluids in the lungs, blotting, lung size increase of up 75%, falling O2 levels, and finally, respiratory failure, organ failure, sepsis, or cardiac arrest. Of course when there are contributing causes, the doctor often uses the rule of thumb that has been around for ages, if medical evidence, tests, and symptoms indicates that patient would have survived had it not been for covid, that is what ends on death certificate.
again, the other diseases limit normal function of organs. A virus will ask the body to react and it can't. It doesn't react because of the virus, it can't react because of the disease and is the true cause of death. It's all faked death counts.
Explain how the right has demonstrated anything like your statement in paragraph one?
Well, back when masterpiece bakery was in the news. Many in the right claimed religious liberty and that a business can choose to serve anyone, or not serve anyone. I agree with this, but, that also means I have to agree with a business making a decision about their company when its something I may necessarily not like.

There have been other examples, of which I can't recall at the moment, so, if you choose not to believe me, that's fine.

It still doesn't change the fact that if you own a business, you get to make your own policies, and your employees are required to adhere to those policies.

Again, a company can never force you to inject anything into your body, but they can say that if you don't get the injection, then you jeopardize the safety of the other employees, so you have to adhere to their guidelines, which may be testing once or twice a week, or, not continuing the employment agreement.
This isn't anything about private business but the Indiana students that lost their case about the vaccine mandate took to SCOTUS for an emergency ruling.

Well, one of Trump's judges denied them and told them the University could require the shots and let the mandate stand. None other than Judge Amy.

No, it is illegal to fire someone based on discrimination, if you have more than 3 employees.
You can not fire based on sex, age, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual harassments, etc.
If you don't tell anyone why you fired them, that may be a fairly safe course of action.
But if you make it a condition of getting a vaccine, then it is actionable, and I think the courts would rule against the employer.
How is a vaccine mandate at a business equal discrimination? If mandated to all, not discrimination and take this to the SCOTUS, the students at Indiana University lost their case today and Judge Amy let the mandate stand. A precedent has been set.
I do have a disclaimer on my position though. Before vaccines can be mandated, the immunity to the vaccine producers has to be removed. Also, there is a case to be made that if you are mandated by your employer to take the vaccine, that they could bear some liability for any harm caused by the vaccine.

You can't just mandate that everyone who wants to participate in society, and to be able to have a job must be vaccinated, but give those people no recourse should something terrible happen as a result of taking the vaccine.
I do have a disclaimer on my position though. Before vaccines can be mandated, the immunity to the vaccine producers has to be removed. Also, there is a case to be made that if you are mandated by your employer to take the vaccine, that they could bear some liability for any harm caused by the vaccine.

You can't just mandate that everyone who wants to participate in society, and to be able to have a job must be vaccinated, but give those people no recourse should something terrible happen as a result of taking the vaccine.
But they want to anyway.

Which is a huge part of the reason why none of us want it.

But we can't discuss our issues, we just get lectured, threatened, and shamed for not immediately and eagerly complying.

And they wonder why we tell them to fuck off. ( smh)
But they want to anyway.

Which is a huge part of the reason why none of us want it.

But we can't discuss our issues, we just get lectured, threatened, and shamed for not immediately and eagerly complying.

And they wonder why we tell them to fuck off. ( smh)
I get it, which is why I made that disclaimer and I see your argument. I still believe a company can mandate a vaccine, but I also believe if they do, they, and the pharma company must bear responsibility.
I think a lot of people have questions, and the arrogant dismissal of their questions is going to be all the more reason to refuse it.

And then the threats start, when compliance is not immediate.....

It's not a mystery why so many folks are telling all these people who are yelling at them to get vaxxed, to all just fuck off.
Next time simply refuse to comply with a draft if the government has no moral fortitude to declare an actual War and implement wartime tax rates to pay for it.
Is that why CCP Joe will not allow LEGAL immigration across the Canadian or Mexican borders, but illegals with covid are welcomed with open arms? More COVID BULLSHIT, I don't believe ANYTHING anymore.
They should be vaccinated for health and safety reasons. And, right-wingers keep proving they don't care about natural rights except allegedly in abortion threads.

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