So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

All an employee can do is quit ... and bring them up on charges in the Hague according to the Nuremberg code for crimes against humanity and watch them get executed.
Making something conditional on their being able to afford to economically survive is extortion.
It can only legally be done if absolutely necessary.
For example, an employer can not demand a pregnant employee get an abortion, since the 2 months or so time loss does not warrant firing.

Asking someone about their health information is not a violation of rights, but firing them if they prefer not to say, most definitely IS a violation of rights.
It would only be legal if the health condition effected the company in some significant way.
And vaccinations do not.

And you are ignorant of what the medical community thinks of these experimental vaccines.
Most doctors and nurses I talk to think they are incredibly stupid or dangerous.
And you have this backwards.
Since the only severe cases causing death are when the immune system over reacts with a cytokine storm, a person with an organ transplant who is taking immuno-suppressants, is the least likely to die and should be at no risk at all from covid-19.

You have not shown you have really thought about the implications of these mRNA vaccines at all.
For example, since they only contain spike proteins, then what happens if they teach the immune system to attack all spike proteins, such as the spike protein our own exosomes use?
Oh, god. Not your ridiculous idea that we have our own similar “spike” proteins. We don’t. Stop it.

What the hell kind of doctors do you talk to?

You can’t fire someone for being pregnant because states passed laws making that specifically illegal. There is no such law with regard to vaccination. I’ve been providing proof of vaccination as a contingency of employment for a decade. This isn’t new.

You have no right to “economic survival”. An employer can fire you regardless of your ability to “survive”.
Snowflakes still pounding their chests about “Get vaccinated or get fired”. Don’t worry flakes, your sorry assess aren’t going to die from Covid. You gotta be around 100 infected people to have a 0.6% chance of dying. Stay home and leave thinkers alone
Making something conditional on their being able to afford to economically survive is extortion.
It can only legally be done if absolutely necessary.
For example, an employer can not demand a pregnant employee get an abortion, since the 2 months or so time loss does not warrant firing.

Asking someone about their health information is not a violation of rights, but firing them if they prefer not to say, most definitely IS a violation of rights.
It would only be legal if the health condition effected the company in some significant way.
And vaccinations do not.

And you are ignorant of what the medical community thinks of these experimental vaccines.
Most doctors and nurses I talk to think they are incredibly stupid or dangerous.
And you have this backwards.
Since the only severe cases causing death are when the immune system over reacts with a cytokine storm, a person with an organ transplant who is taking immuno-suppressants, is the least likely to die and should be at no risk at all from covid-19.

You have not shown you have really thought about the implications of these mRNA vaccines at all.
For example, since they only contain spike proteins, then what happens if they teach the immune system to attack all spike proteins, such as the spike protein our own exosomes use?
What they are saying is akin to telling a woman “get sterilized or be fired” because you being pregnant would be disruptive around here and since I own this Private Business I can decree what I want.
Libbies are mad we aren’t as petrified as they and are seeking retribution.
Oh, god. Not your ridiculous idea that we have our own similar “spike” proteins. We don’t. Stop it.

What the hell kind of doctors do you talk to?

You can’t fire someone for being pregnant because states passed laws making that specifically illegal. There is no such law with regard to vaccination. I’ve been providing proof of vaccination as a contingency of employment for a decade. This isn’t new.

You have no right to “economic survival”. An employer can fire you regardless of your ability to “survive”.
All businesses have policies and procedure manuals
You would know this if you worked or owned a business
What they are saying is akin to telling a woman “get sterilized or be fired” because you being pregnant would be disruptive around here and since I own this Private Business I can decree what I want.
Libbies are mad we aren’t as petrified as they and are seeking retribution.
NOTHING our Kremlin Troll says is true
What they are saying is akin to telling a woman “get sterilized or be fired” because you being pregnant would be disruptive around here and since I own this Private Business I can decree what I want.
Libbies are mad we aren’t as petrified as they and are seeking retribution.
What you're slinging here IS the Libbie line. You've "defeated" your enemy by becoming your enemy.
Snowflakes still pounding their chests about “Get vaccinated or get fired”. Don’t worry flakes, your sorry assess aren’t going to die from Covid. You gotta be around 100 infected people to have a 0.6% chance of dying. Stay home and leave thinkers alone
How about being addicted to sucking on an oxygen bottle for months or years?

Going to regularly scheduled dialysis treatments until a kidney becomes available...

True....most people don't die from coronavirus. Most people don't die from the flu either...but the resulting organ damage from these viruses kills a lot of people and disables multiple times that number more every year.

My Father-in-law was an antivaxxer...but he is going to a pulmonologist next week to see about his lungs(can't let go of the oxygen bottle)...he hasn't ever smoked either.... well maybe some pork buts and ribs...but that's all. He is an aircraft mechanic...sole support for his house.

Now what is he and his family supposed to do?
How about being addicted to sucking on an oxygen bottle for months or years?

Going to regularly scheduled dialysis treatments until a kidney becomes available...

True....most people don't die from coronavirus. Most people don't die from the flu either...but the resulting organ damage from these viruses kills a lot of people and disables multiple times that number more every year.

My Father-in-law was an antivaxxer...but he is going to a pulmonologist next week to see about his lungs(can't let go of the oxygen bottle)...he hasn't ever smoked either.... well maybe some pork buts and ribs...but that's all. He is an aircraft mechanic...sole support for his house.

Now what is he and his family supposed to do?
Get fucking vaxxed and stay away from people until he has both shot and two weeks
All businesses have policies and procedure manuals
You would know this if you worked or owned a business
And the employer has the ability to alter policies and procedures.

I have no doubt you think you sound smart here, but you’re just flailing and bringing up completely irrelevant information.
You can be let go for NO reason in at will employment. What is hard to understand about that? You seem to think the So called greatest nations workers have protections. Laughable.
Get fucking vaxxed and stay away from people until he has both shot and two weeks
His son's Fiance dropping off the kids to be watched and picking them up is how he got it...she caught it from work and gave it to Mom and he caught it from her. He didn't catch it from work...he's by himself and too far away from others at work.
Snowflakes still pounding their chests about “Get vaccinated or get fired”. Don’t worry flakes, your sorry assess aren’t going to die from Covid. You gotta be around 100 infected people to have a 0.6% chance of dying. Stay home and leave thinkers alone
I’m more worried about employees spreading COVID to our vulnerable patients. Go on. Tell me that’s irrational.
How about being addicted to sucking on an oxygen bottle for months or years?

Going to regularly scheduled dialysis treatments until a kidney becomes available...

True....most people don't die from coronavirus. Most people don't die from the flu either...but the resulting organ damage from these viruses kills a lot of people and disables multiple times that number more every year.

My Father-in-law was an antivaxxer...but he is going to a pulmonologist next week to see about his lungs(can't let go of the oxygen bottle)...he hasn't ever smoked either.... well maybe some pork buts and ribs...but that's all. He is an aircraft mechanic...sole support for his house.

Now what is he and his family supposed to do?
Your descriptions are anecdotal and irrelevant to mandatory vaccination decrees.
Workers are not protected in at will states. At will employment is backwards and meant to hurt workers at every turn.
You can be let go for NO reason in at will employment. What is hard to understand about that? You seem to think the So called greatest nations workers have protections. Laughable.
If you owned a business you would know different. No employer can or does release someone just because you think they have the power to do it. They know they Don’t have such Willy Nilly power. Again, libbies live in an emotion world absent of fact
As a boss or owner, you damn well better have a reason related to work performance for firing someone. All businesspeople already know that.
You owning the place means zero and vaccinations would come under the oft quoted clause of “arbitrary and capricious”
Not true. In at will employment no reason has to be established and yes it will be happening. Most bosses look at their emloyees with disdain. At least ours in america.
It can be a precondition of obtaining employment but cannot be newly imposed once already employed

Let's say that your group insurance policy requires all employees to be vaxxed. You decide that you won't be. That means you just lost your insurance and cannot be present around other workers. You are now in breech of contract and deemed health and employment risk. You get one chance to correct it. Most companies will make sure you can get your vax in the company parking lot or from the Company nurse on the Companies dime. Decide against the Vax and they have every legal right to send you down the road.

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