So, if the Memo is a Big Nothingburger, Why Did McCabe Resign After His Boss Read it?

TNHArly, you big dope, you still dont get that McKabeis being put on leave NOW till he retires and all over the memo.

Why dont you actually read posts before responding to them?
No, i understand that.
Do you understand the amount of blind support for this?
I dont get excited until i see it. This could very well nothing.
Excuse me for not falling for another trump tax return release or october surprise..
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?

Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Christopher Wray moved damn fast on this after reading the memo. YAY! Buckle up buttercups this is going to be a wild ride.
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?
Crock of BS here. He was furloughed and if he's found to be complicit with the other crooks and he'll be FIRED before he retires and there goes his pension and benefits. He'll get severance pay to ease his pain. Boo hoo hoo!
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin.
He is being forcibly put on leave NOW not in March, you ignorant wretch.

Please go grow a brain or borrow one, mmk?
Who said it is forcibly? A source at Fox News? People like to retire as soon as possible, saying that somehow proves something is ridiculous. And even if where true, getting a colleague out of dodge who is retiring in a month isn't prove of guilt either. If I have a colleague I've known for 40 years and I known people are trying to use him for political games I might be inclined to try to protect him. And again what is the accusation? A warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? That has to be the lamest attempt to prove bias in the long and sorry history of accused trying to claim they're being framed.
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Still not too excited about it.. Im going to wait before getting egg on my face
He was "forced" out early. Not fired, though
Andrew McCabe Steps Down as F.B.I. Deputy Director Under Pressure

If the memo was completely damning to McCabe I wouldn't have cared if he lost his pension and had to work as a WalMart greeter for the rest of his life.


The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Who will be over Mueller when McCabe is gone I wonder?
So, if the Memo is a Big Nothingburger, Why Did McCabe Resign After His Boss Read it?

Because we all know that when it all finally comes out in the open, that big "nothing-burger" will turn out to look more like this:

The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?

Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign not report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?

Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.

Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?

They had contacts with numerous diplomats from other countries. What I can never get an answer to was when did Russia became public enemy #1 to the leftards.....was it before or after the Uranium One sale?
Even assuming the worst, I dont think McKabe should loose his pension, that would be way over the top, dont you think?

Wray made the right call here, but it would have helped had he read the memo shortly after it was available.
Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, raised concerns about a forthcoming inspector general report examining the actions of Mr. McCabe and other senior F.B.I. officials during the 2016 presidential campaign, when the bureau was investigating both Hillary Clinton’s email use and the Trump campaign’s connections to Russia.

I thought the "MEMO" everyone has been talking about is an outline by Nunes on wrongdoing. Wray seems to be concerned about something else. Did Nunes/Congress have access to this Inspector General report?

I'm confused.
Maybe because of this?
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?

Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.

Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.

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