So, if the Memo is a Big Nothingburger, Why Did McCabe Resign After His Boss Read it?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.

Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.

"If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so"

BUT if you pay a second party to hire a third party to dig up or in this case "make-up" dirt using the resources of the very same country's intel that you believe is offering dirt to your opponent is "A-OK"????????

And no, Watergate was over in two years.
You can't "make up" something using intel. Make up means you are fabricating, no intel is needed for a fantasy. And you are right it was only 2 years. My point stands though the investigating has to be over when all relevant facts are uncovered not when you find it inconvenient. And in the case of the Steele dossier, lets forego it was initially started by a conservative website. There is a big difference between paying somebody money to get info on your opponent and directly asking a foreign adversarial government for that info. In the first case the cost is money. In the second case you are opening yourself up to blackmail and being used as an agent.

Let's just put it this way, Christopher Steele is hedging somewhat now that he is facing a libel lawsuit and to claim that "intel" can't be made-up or flat out wrong is a ludicrous claim......recall "Weapons of mass destruction"? The Gulf Of Tonkin incident?

"There is a big difference between paying somebody money to get info on your opponent and directly asking a foreign adversarial government for that info. In the first case the cost is money. In the second case you are opening yourself up to blackmail and being used as an agent."

If anyone was going to be used as a puppet of the Kremlin? It would have been the Hildebeast that took in over 140 million dollars in bribe money for Uranium One and spare me the "She didn't know that the Canadian Mining Company had ties to Russia" bullshit. If she didn't? Then that right there shows that she is too incompetent to ever be the CEO of USA.INC. The DNC paid for the "intel" gathered by Christopher Steele that had to use the same sources that you claimed were offered to President Trump to get dirt on her and that there is NO difference? Yeaaaaah, I don't think so........
So there is truth in the Steele dossier? Good, glad we agree. As to the rest, seems you are avoiding what my actual point is. Soliciting the Russian government to get dirt on Hillary puts you open to blackmail. If you want to use Uranium One as a cudgel I can only say, get a better story. The sale of uranium is something several agencies have to sign of on. And do you know the stock portfolio of ALL your friends? Do you react the same when Trump DIRECTLY and disproportionately profits from tax cuts. Or when he didn't divest his businesses. You are deflecting. You can find NO, as in ZERO proof the Hilary was compromised to Russia for anything. The best you can do is that a Canadian mining company was sold to a Russian one, and that that company has stockholders who have ties to Clinton. 5 Congressional inquires have found no evidence of wrongdoing, yet here it is. I on the other hand can claim definite evidence of wrongdoing on the side of the Trump campaign. As 2 Guilty pleas and 2 more indictments, plus a myriad of other facts prove.
Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.

Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.
Is it illegal to get dirt on a political opponent from the Russian Government. If so, what law is being broken?
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.

So, did Obama meet with the Russians during his first campaign? Was he authorized?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.

Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.
Is it illegal to get dirt on a political opponent from the Russian Government. If so, what law is being broken?
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.

So, did Obama meet with the Russians during his first campaign? Was he authorized?

Not going to repeat myself already answered the question.
I can only speak for myself......but I starting losing respect for the FBI after the OKC bombing..........

Yeah. Agent McVeigh didn't fulfill his oath. I get it, bro.

McVeigh was in black-ops, LL, and the OKC bombing was a deep state ifs, ands or buts.

Yeah, man. McCabe bought the fertilizer. Everyone knows that.

Making an ANFO bomb isn't as simple as buying ammonium nitrate and fuel oil and putting it in a Ryder Truck with a timer, . It's a very complicated process especially since the ammonium nitrate was only 90 percent pure. The amount of ANFO that it would have taken to powderize concrete-encased rebar on the 9th floor would have required an 18 wheeler loaded "stem to stern". ANFO bombs lose PSI as it hits a structure and faces resistance. We already know that three other bombs that were suppose to go off were found in the rubble. The intention was that the building was to collapse like a controlled demolition. There are two very distinct seismic waves showing two different explosions seconds apart. You really should watch this. I have heard Chris Emery interviewed many times and he got documentation from those within the government that wanted the truth to be known.

You seem to know a lot about this shit. Where were YOU on April 19th, 1995?

LOL! I was in Dallas, Texas working on mail sorting equipment at the downtown Sears facility. I went up to the breakroom for a cup of coffee and it was on TV. It was Jayna Davis's book "The Third Terrorist" that I read in 2003 that got me interested because I thought that there was a Middle Eastern connection to it but there wasn't. The same cover-up tactics, same "suiciding" of people that could refute the official story happened....same M.O.

Seriously, watch that documentary when you get a chance.......
Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.

Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.
Is it illegal to get dirt on a political opponent from the Russian Government. If so, what law is being broken?
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.
Does receiving information from a Russian government source = neogiation?
Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.

"If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so"

BUT if you pay a second party to hire a third party to dig up or in this case "make-up" dirt using the resources of the very same country's intel that you believe is offering dirt to your opponent is "A-OK"????????

And no, Watergate was over in two years.
You can't "make up" something using intel. Make up means you are fabricating, no intel is needed for a fantasy. And you are right it was only 2 years. My point stands though the investigating has to be over when all relevant facts are uncovered not when you find it inconvenient. And in the case of the Steele dossier, lets forego it was initially started by a conservative website. There is a big difference between paying somebody money to get info on your opponent and directly asking a foreign adversarial government for that info. In the first case the cost is money. In the second case you are opening yourself up to blackmail and being used as an agent.

Let's just put it this way, Christopher Steele is hedging somewhat now that he is facing a libel lawsuit and to claim that "intel" can't be made-up or flat out wrong is a ludicrous claim......recall "Weapons of mass destruction"? The Gulf Of Tonkin incident?

"There is a big difference between paying somebody money to get info on your opponent and directly asking a foreign adversarial government for that info. In the first case the cost is money. In the second case you are opening yourself up to blackmail and being used as an agent."

If anyone was going to be used as a puppet of the Kremlin? It would have been the Hildebeast that took in over 140 million dollars in bribe money for Uranium One and spare me the "She didn't know that the Canadian Mining Company had ties to Russia" bullshit. If she didn't? Then that right there shows that she is too incompetent to ever be the CEO of USA.INC. The DNC paid for the "intel" gathered by Christopher Steele that had to use the same sources that you claimed were offered to President Trump to get dirt on her and that there is NO difference? Yeaaaaah, I don't think so........
So there is truth in the Steele dossier? Good, glad we agree. As to the rest, seems you are avoiding what my actual point is. Soliciting the Russian government to get dirt on Hillary puts you open to blackmail. If you want to use Uranium One as a cudgel I can only say, get a better story. The sale of uranium is something several agencies have to sign of on. And do you know the stock portfolio of ALL your friends? Do you react the same when Trump DIRECTLY and disproportionately profits from tax cuts. Or when he didn't divest his businesses. You are deflecting. You can find NO, as in ZERO proof the Hilary was compromised to Russia for anything. The best you can do is that a Canadian mining company was sold to a Russian one, and that that company has stockholders who have ties to Clinton. 5 Congressional inquires have found no evidence of wrongdoing, yet here it is. I on the other hand can claim definite evidence of wrongdoing on the side of the Trump campaign. As 2 Guilty pleas and 2 more indictments, plus a myriad of other facts prove.

I never said that I agree with anything as it pertains to the dossier as I have seen absolutely no proof. I have seen no proof that the Trump team "recruited" Russian intel help on digging up dirt on the Hildebeast. Personally? No help should be required. There was PLENTY of material out there that any honest and decent detective and reporter to dig up. The problem has always been (as it applies to the Clintons) that even their opponents have dirt on them that kept them silent.

As far as the Hildebeast not being compromised? I have 140,000,000 million deposited into her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation that says otherwise. Other agencies may have had to sign off on it but she had the final say and was the last one to sign off on it. General Mike Flynn talking with a Russian ambassador AFTER the election and not recalling every single detail of the conversation isn't something that leads to collusion.

Now, do you believe that the Russians hacked the DNC server and then gave those e-mails to Julian Assange in an agreement to help President Trump?
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.

Wrong. He wasn’t “put on leave”. This was the plan. He’s using up his accrued vacation time until he can legally retire in March. There is no “news” in his departure. What was announced months ago and is happening as scheduled.
Oh now they don' want to release the memo the " fake" memo

The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Here is what I want for McCabe, Mueller, Comey, Rosenburger, Hillary. Obama and anyone else conspiring to stage a coup against our duly elected President who had the most EC votes and probably popular votes.

Here is what I want for McCabe, Mueller, Comey, Rosenburger, Hillary. Obama and anyone else conspiring to stage a coup against our duly elected President who had the most EC votes and probably popular votes.

IF they broke the law, sure, but your wife getting money from a friend of a POTUS candidate is not illegal, merely unethical and shows that McKAbe should not have been in the position he was in, investigating Hillary.

But if he broke the law, perp walk him like anyone else would be, IMO.
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?
You seem to think we willfully remain ignorant of the facts like liberals. Top leaders in the FBI and DOJ were complicit in the conspiracy to undermine our election and remove our President in a coup.

Firing squads at dawn!
No one said it is a nothing burger. But it's heavily bias. The damming evidence of the Republicans partisanship is that they refused the Democrat's memo to be released. They only want controlled information to be released.

The timing of the memo is also suspicious. Same day Trump refuses to enforce sanctions on Russia.
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Before the FBI corruption case is over there WILL be a couple of dozen FBI rats jumping ship before they are pushed overboard.
After Mueller closes down the witch hunt the next SC WILL be Trey Gowdy.
He's already agreed to take on the job.
Then we will witness the greatest purge of deep state LIBs in gov. and the media in US history.
Well now, if it comes out that there was FBI intel operations directed at people in the Trump campaign that were contacting known Russian intel agents, then we should give the FBI a big hurrah. That is their job, to protect this nation against the kind of traitors we see in the Trump camp.
The Truth will out, friends. Webs of lies and deceit never last for very long.

Report: Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Stepping Down

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down, according to NBC News.
He will remain on “leave” until spring, when he can officially retire from the FBI.

Update: According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed.” A source told the news outlet that this was the earliest date possible for the FBI to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. A CNN reporter has also shared this version of events.

McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.

News of McCabe’s retirement comes the day the House intelligence committee is expected to vote on releasing a classified memo that details alleged FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in investigating the 2016 campaign of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The memo is expected to say that FBI officials obtained a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Democrats and the FBI have been fighting the release of the memo, saying it would be “reckless” to do so.​

Honestly, I am glad that McKabe got to keep his retirement, that would have been over the top, IMO to take that from him over this kind of gray area violation of ethics.

But he has been needing removal and I am glad it finally happened so the FBI can work on repairing its reputation. All that is needed now is for Mueller to distance himself after the Russian snipe hunt is over.
Maybe because of this?
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months.
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?

Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign not report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.
Let's wait and see the details of what the lies were about.
Anyone notice there's one important person on the Trump team who Mueller hasn't interviewed?
Anyone know who that person is?
I wonder why not.
Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.

Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.
Is it illegal to get dirt on a political opponent from the Russian Government. If so, what law is being broken?
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.
The minute Mueller or anyone else charges anyone associated with Trump with breaking the Logan Act by all means hurry up and let us all know. OK..........asshole?
Maybe because of this?
Hilarious, starting an OP posing a question that is answered in that same OP.

He is leaving his office NOW, doofus, not in March. He is being being put on 'leave' and kept on the payroll till then so he can get his retirement.

He will no longer have managerial role in FBI.

roflmao, big reading FAIL there bubba.
He started his retirement at the earliest possible time. The moment he was getting full benefits. He wasn't fired for cause, he wasn't forced to resign, he retired, all the rest is spin. Btw the only thing this memo is trying to establish, is that the FBI allegedly didn't substantiate the FISA warrant sufficiently. So it didn't say the charges brought are untrue but somehow the FBI didn't fulfill a legal requirement. Think about that logically. The FBI counter intelligence division found people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russians ( something that by now is well established) and the best defense is a warrant wasn't sufficiently motivated? The memo isn't a legal documented, congress isn't trying to let the justice department investigate it, yet somehow to you and so many others it vindicates Trump and his campaign?

Do you think the Obama campaign had contact with the Russians?

Maybe they had people in the campaign that talked with Russian nationals. I've seen no indications of it but when you try to get elected president people, even foreigners try to establish contacts. A better question is. Firstly did the Obama campaign not report these contacts and were they just 2 people talking or a campaign trying to use those contacts to get something? Those questions I'm pretty sure I could answer in the negative. The Trump campaign not only had as it's campaign manager a lobbyist for a Russian backed president, not only are there e-mails that prove the Trump campaign solicited the help of the Russian government, not only did Trump admit to firing a FBI director over that investigation on camera. But 2 people did plea GUILTY to lying about Russian contacts. Those things are not conjecture but verified.
Let's wait and see the details of what the lies were about.
Anyone notice there's one important person on the Trump team who Mueller hasn't interviewed?
Anyone know who that person is?
I wonder why not.
Not to worry;


Mueller Ain't Going Away!
Lying about meeting and collusion are two different things. Its been months, this witch hunt should be over.

If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so. If the president fires a law enforcement officer to try to make an investigation go away you are obstructing justice. If 2 people lie about Russian contacts and one admits those contacts were with what he believed was the Russian government in order to get dirt on a political opponent you are AGAIN at least attempting to collude. And can I ask why should a complex case like that be over when the investigation isn't finished? Watergate took 4 YEARS to conclude.

"If you get a message saying the Russian government wants to give you DIRT on your political opponent, and you don't report this to the FBI you are, if not actively colluding clearly showing an interest in doing so"

BUT if you pay a second party to hire a third party to dig up or in this case "make-up" dirt using the resources of the very same country's intel that you believe is offering dirt to your opponent is "A-OK"????????

And no, Watergate was over in two years.
You can't "make up" something using intel. Make up means you are fabricating, no intel is needed for a fantasy. And you are right it was only 2 years. My point stands though the investigating has to be over when all relevant facts are uncovered not when you find it inconvenient. And in the case of the Steele dossier, lets forego it was initially started by a conservative website. There is a big difference between paying somebody money to get info on your opponent and directly asking a foreign adversarial government for that info. In the first case the cost is money. In the second case you are opening yourself up to blackmail and being used as an agent.

Let's just put it this way, Christopher Steele is hedging somewhat now that he is facing a libel lawsuit and to claim that "intel" can't be made-up or flat out wrong is a ludicrous claim......recall "Weapons of mass destruction"? The Gulf Of Tonkin incident?

"There is a big difference between paying somebody money to get info on your opponent and directly asking a foreign adversarial government for that info. In the first case the cost is money. In the second case you are opening yourself up to blackmail and being used as an agent."

If anyone was going to be used as a puppet of the Kremlin? It would have been the Hildebeast that took in over 140 million dollars in bribe money for Uranium One and spare me the "She didn't know that the Canadian Mining Company had ties to Russia" bullshit. If she didn't? Then that right there shows that she is too incompetent to ever be the CEO of USA.INC. The DNC paid for the "intel" gathered by Christopher Steele that had to use the same sources that you claimed were offered to President Trump to get dirt on her and that there is NO difference? Yeaaaaah, I don't think so........
So there is truth in the Steele dossier? Good, glad we agree. As to the rest, seems you are avoiding what my actual point is. Soliciting the Russian government to get dirt on Hillary puts you open to blackmail. If you want to use Uranium One as a cudgel I can only say, get a better story. The sale of uranium is something several agencies have to sign of on. And do you know the stock portfolio of ALL your friends? Do you react the same when Trump DIRECTLY and disproportionately profits from tax cuts. Or when he didn't divest his businesses. You are deflecting. You can find NO, as in ZERO proof the Hilary was compromised to Russia for anything. The best you can do is that a Canadian mining company was sold to a Russian one, and that that company has stockholders who have ties to Clinton. 5 Congressional inquires have found no evidence of wrongdoing, yet here it is. I on the other hand can claim definite evidence of wrongdoing on the side of the Trump campaign. As 2 Guilty pleas and 2 more indictments, plus a myriad of other facts prove.
You poor baby.
Is mommy going to remove all the sharp objects in your bedroom before Mueller finds ZERO cause to charge anyone with 'collusion' or 'obstruction'?
You'll be claiming that somehow Trump 'got to' Mueller and his crack team of radical LIB attorneys.

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