So In September, The Democratic Senate Looks To Be 53, More Or Less!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Clearly, if the election were being held this week, probably everyone would vote for TARP, and even in Kansas(?)! The Russians are possibly becoming foreign investment unfriendly, and willing to bail out their billionaires. One thing they learned from the Communists--like Cotton believes in, running for Senate in Arkansas--is that Daschas for The Rich and Empowered are good for business, among the Rich and Empowered. Other GOP in the Senate, of the Paul Ryan "Privatization" brand--likely agree more with older Soviet concept, just noted.

The Ivy League is with us, and on its own side, as usual. Republicans can be found to possibly hold on to 47 seats in the new Senate says someone, with three Independents and 50 Democrats. Probably a liberal would put Alaska in toss-up country, but also Georgia. Probably not Iowa or Arkansas are going GOP. Senator Landrieu has experience of December run-offs. So in the link is more or less a September, liberal progressive call. Senator Roberts in Kansas actually lists a donor's address as his own. . . .and it shows.

U.S. Senate 2014 Here s Who Will Win Every Single Race

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Federal Government settled with Navajo Nation--which maybe now can remedy it's own financial structure, with a new half billion dollar infusion!)
We really ought to make this thread a sticky.
The Chinese learned from their Communists, you may have noticed just last week! They easily deliver amongst their "consumers," and do so really cheap!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(California solving the drought crisis, actually means government-sponsored, lawn-watering sprinkler heads. The new tech savings are at 30%, using the physics of water drop size. It is noted that mostly, California is a Blue State. In Governor Jindal's, Red Louisiana, there are big rocks to carry off to the coast, and not too many national standards, in the schools(?)! The rains have started in the northern regions, of California, already, today.
9/25/2014, Dow Jones off 264.26, Nasdaq off 88.47, and 32.30 off at S&P!

Original Social Security was about coming out of the Depression, after the Crash of 1929. GOP "Private Investment Accounts," to replace a large part of that Social Security, is clearly about getting back into the Depression, or back into the GOP, "Great Recession" of the crash of 2008.

Anyone would say that the GOP Ryan, McConnell-Boehner, Cotton, Paul, Paul, et. al, brand: Is about taking what actually works, and making sure it doesn't. . . .anymore.

Ronald Reagan, especially sober, was all for Social Security as created, for example. A liberal can point to Matthew 25:14-30, to show that Depression and Great Recession are the more likely outcomes of the Adam Smith, "Wealth of Nations," privatized economy of laissez faire. Mostly, all of history has failed to notice that Jesus, too, knew about the "Free Market." Like in the foreclosure crisis, the low and middle incomes don't get enough to pay due bills, then the rich houses all come tumbling on down. That is the usury outcome method in the referenced Jesus story.

Usury had likely been benign at the start, in the ancient, pre-Bible, civilization of the peoples of Sumer. The rates were high, a payback of 4 bags of barley seed, was required for a loan of three, for example. A payback of five silver slugs was required for a loan of four. Within a thousand years, indentured slavery was celebrated in Code of Hammurabi, for unpaid debts. A few hundred years later, Moses would prohibit all usury in Israel. Instead it was reserved, in some demonic version of World Peace, for the foreign. The Jesus remedy was shown in Matthew 20:1-16, as an inverse of usury. A successively greater percentage raise was to be paid at each lower income. Essentially, the laborers would get an equal amount, regardless if they had worked all the day or not. The Democratic Party recovery included the equal amount, refundable, "Make Work Pay" income tax credit. It was refundable even if no refund of taxes was otherwise due. The Republicans famously took that away, and ran the Mormon for President, instead(?). Senator Reid remained Senate Majority Leader, in the Democratic version. The last Republican wave was in 2010, when they took Jesus Christ away from America--in their view, probably forever(?)----for a lot of them(?). . . .maybe now gone on(?).

So what Jesus knew would happen, from the math: A different story shows what could happen, doing math.

That is not in the Republican Mantra, at all. It instead is the Democratic Party, liberal record. Because of that, in fact, it is all even secular, not a religion, in the United States, and worldwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit found in worship of Peyote, not like doing math!)
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Don't care, the House will continue to tell liberals to pound sand and after another 2 years of idiot in the oval office the Democrats will be unhinged.
The Governor of Kansas aside, likely(?), the TeePee Party / Conservatives, don't seem to be too much inclined to suggest a major kind of "Wave" turnout in the Midterms, generally. Likely that will work to the advantage of vulnerable Democrats, in the House. Three are appaently from California. More in their favor, the Republican candidate for Governor, in California, even has opposition to his candidacy, in his own party higher echelon. In the llink, National Review sees no apparent wave, aka, turnout.

No Wave for the GOP National Review Online

So it is September, waning into October. There is nothing apparently national about the election favoring Republicans. Instead, there are daily airstrikes in the Middle East, and lots of international cooperation and consensus that the United States finally got it right. That translates into job approval. If even three House Democrats are now less vulnerable, then the next Congress will be looking more to 2016, even next year. Next year, if The Republicans are seen to be advancing a particular agenda, instead of a national agenda, then it is likely that a female will become President,, who even has foreign policy experience. The husband has a new mantra, "cooperation." It is not clear that he even has any female. . . .co-workers, in any of the interviews, so far.

No one even seems to be asking, about that(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations: Now with eyeful, of Navajo $500.0 mil.)

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