So Is The USA The Greatest Country In THe World? If Not, Why Not?

Even if it were true (which it isn't - None of those issues on a per capita relationship are true all). Some of those things are signs of FREEDOM!!

I won;t apologize for the same freedom so many have given their lives for us to maintain!!

There is freedom in other countries without some of the concessions.

OK, so use that graphic and show us some examples of what you are talking about!!!

Freedom is respnisbility and accountability. It puts the onus on the individual to make good choices. So i'd really like to see some specifics in relation to that graphic...

I live in Ireland and we have as much freedom, or more, than we would in the United States. Do you see the Irish flag all over that graphic.
"...My thoughts are that we have become a bunch of spoiled whiners."
There may very well be some truth in what you say here.

But, I submit, that should not prevent us from recognizing valid self-examination and self-criticism when it is glaringly obvious that we are at-risk of losing our way in several focal areas.

There's an old Prussian maxim which says...

"Only weaklings suffer no criticism."

...but I think we're bigger and better than that.

It's not a curse, to have a variety of folks criticizing things that have gone sour.

It's a blessing.

One of the perqs of Liberty - far more valuable in operation than as a dust-collecting and unused trophy-concept.

Or so it seems to this observer and loyal American.
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This is the best/worst thread in the world, and anyone who dis/agrees must be a fill in the blank-ist.

Honest to god folks, do we never grow tired of this childish crap?
Stop trying to put words in my mouth.
When you broadstroke and refuse to specifically address what he said as being "anti-American", how can I help it?

That was a classic liberal "blame America for everything" rant, complete with all the liberal talking points, and the fact that you're defending it proves my point.
Of the 13 things he specifically said (see below), you are saying all of them are anti-American? They all are a "blame America" rant? They're all "liberal talking points" (especially the first one)?
Things stated in the OP video

1. "Do you know why people don't like liberals, it's because they lose!"

2. "Are you saying America is the only country who has freedom?"

3. "Canada has freedom; Japan, Germany the UK have freedom!"

4. "207 sovereign states in the world, 180 of them have freedom."

5. "We're 7th in literacy; 27th in math; 22nd in science; 49th in life expectancy; 178th in infant mortality; 3rd in median household income; No. 4 in labor force and No. 4 in exports."

6. "We lead the world in only 3 catagories; number of incarcerated citizens per capita; number of citizens who believe angels are real; and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 country's combined."

7. "So when you ask if we're the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about?"

8. "We sure used to be. We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons. We passed, struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed. We cared about our neighbors. We put our money where our mouths were and we never beat our chests. We built great big things, made un-Godly technological advances, explored the universe, we cured disease, we cultivated the worlds greatest artists and the worlds greatest economy."

9. "We aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it, it didn't make us feel inferior."

10. "We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election."

11. "We didn't scare so easy."

12. "We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed by great men who were revered."

13. "The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one."
And how is asking you to say what is "anti-American" about those statements, defending them?
Just a little side note here. The speech would have a lot better with out the mention of LBJ's failed program of the "War on Poverty." How the hell does one win a "War on Poverty?" That's about as asinine as Nixon's War on Drugs or Bush's War on Terror. When ever the government has a war on an abstract concept, it is just an excuse to expand it's powers and take away people's liberties. Those wars are indefinite, they never end, and they can never be won. When did the war on poverty end? When did the war on drugs end? That's right, the war on terror will never end, and your freedom is never coming back. :doubt:


I'm sure terror was falling before the war on terror started too. And I wouldn't be surprised if drug use was falling until the war on drugs started. I told my son, (who is graduating from D.A.R.E. today, that the first time kids ever get exposed and curious about what drugs is through the government. And you know what? D.A.R.E. never even taught them WHY kids start using drugs!) Thanks big government.
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Just a little side note here. The speech would have a lot better with out the mention of LBJ's failed program of the "War on Poverty." How the hell does one win a "War on Poverty?" That's about as asinine as Nixon's War on Drugs or Bush's War on Terror. When ever the government has a war on an abstract concept, it is just an excuse to expand it's powers and take away people's liberties. Those wars are indefinite, they never end, and they can never be won. When did the war on poverty end? When did the war on drugs end? That's right, the war on terror will never end, and your freedom is never coming back. :doubt:


I'm sure terror was falling before the war on terror started too. And I wouldn't be surprised if drug use was falling until the war on drugs started. I told my son, (who is graduating from D.A.R.E. today, that the first time kids ever get exposed and curious about what drugs is through the government. And you know what? D.A.R.E. never even taught them WHY kids start using drugs!) Thanks big government.
Are you saying a "war on poor people" is okay?
Had we tried to stay out of the war, both the Nazis and the Japanese would have spent the 1941-1945 (-ish) timeframe consolidating their gains and scaling-up their global reach and then they would have made their move against us from both the east and the west in a coordinated pan-Axis assault against the Americas - North and South - to eliminate the last bastions of independence and the last potential threat to their domination of the planet.


Had we tried to stay out of the war, both the Nazis and the Japanese would have spent the 1941-1945 (-ish) timeframe consolidating their gains and scaling-up their global reach and then they would have made their move against us from both the east and the west in a coordinated pan-Axis assault against the Americas - North and South - to eliminate the last bastions of independence and the last potential threat to their domination of the planet.


We will never know - thank God or the Fates or Random Chance... :D
Since they dream about taking down the U.S. government with second amendment solutions, if they love the U.S. what is all the protesting about?

I don't hear a lot of people from that corner talking about "taking down the government." I hear a lot of ordinary Americans demanding that the government not take away their rights as enumerated in our Constitution. I hear an awful lot of patriotism from them, even if some tend toward conspiracy theory paranoia.

And did you really just post "if they love the U.S. what is all the protesting about?" Really? Do you understand anything about the US at all?

Second amendment solutions and shooting people are brought up by tea party types all the time.

The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT guaranteed in our Constitution. Preserving that right is what they bring up all the time. There are as many nuts on the right who talk about shooting people as there are nuts on the left who talk about killing and harming those of differing political opinions. Get over your bigoted stereotype of folks who are by and large just your fellow citizens who believe in the principles this nation was founded upon and is preserved by. Relax.
I don't hear a lot of people from that corner talking about "taking down the government." I hear a lot of ordinary Americans demanding that the government not take away their rights as enumerated in our Constitution. I hear an awful lot of patriotism from them, even if some tend toward conspiracy theory paranoia.

And did you really just post "if they love the U.S. what is all the protesting about?" Really? Do you understand anything about the US at all?

Second amendment solutions and shooting people are brought up by tea party types all the time.

The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT guaranteed in our Constitution. Preserving that right is what they bring up all the time. There are as many nuts on the right who talk about shooting people as there are nuts on the left who talk about killing and harming those of differing political opinions. Get over your bigoted stereotype of folks who are by and large just your fellow citizens who believe in the principles this nation was founded upon and is preserved by. Relax.

I will not get over an anti American group working to thwart and obstruct the U.S. government in any way they can who fantasize about shooting Americans with differing political points of view.
Second amendment solutions and shooting people are brought up by tea party types all the time.

The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT guaranteed in our Constitution. Preserving that right is what they bring up all the time. There are as many nuts on the right who talk about shooting people as there are nuts on the left who talk about killing and harming those of differing political opinions. Get over your bigoted stereotype of folks who are by and large just your fellow citizens who believe in the principles this nation was founded upon and is preserved by. Relax.

I will not get over an anti American group working to thwart and obstruct the U.S. government in any way they can who fantasize about shooting Americans with differing political points of view.
You're full of shit. You liberals have been pushing that bullshit since the Tea Party started. You keep hoping they shoot somebody and you keep saying they want to but you and I both know they don't advocate it or fantasize about it. You're a fucking hack.
The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT guaranteed in our Constitution. Preserving that right is what they bring up all the time. There are as many nuts on the right who talk about shooting people as there are nuts on the left who talk about killing and harming those of differing political opinions. Get over your bigoted stereotype of folks who are by and large just your fellow citizens who believe in the principles this nation was founded upon and is preserved by. Relax.

I will not get over an anti American group working to thwart and obstruct the U.S. government in any way they can who fantasize about shooting Americans with differing political points of view.
You're full of shit. You liberals have been pushing that bullshit since the Tea Party started. You keep hoping they shoot somebody and you keep saying they want to but you and I both know they don't advocate it or fantasize about it. You're a fucking hack.

Yes a peaceful bunch

I will not get over an anti American group working to thwart and obstruct the U.S. government in any way they can who fantasize about shooting Americans with differing political points of view.
You're full of shit. You liberals have been pushing that bullshit since the Tea Party started. You keep hoping they shoot somebody and you keep saying they want to but you and I both know they don't advocate it or fantasize about it. You're a fucking hack.

Yes a peaceful bunch

You're still a fucking hack. Your picture proves nothing. We don't even know it's the Tea Party, and if it IS, we don't know who the guy holding the sign is. Answer this question, hack: How many people have the Tea Party members killed? Give me one example. I'll wait.
You're full of shit. You liberals have been pushing that bullshit since the Tea Party started. You keep hoping they shoot somebody and you keep saying they want to but you and I both know they don't advocate it or fantasize about it. You're a fucking hack.

Yes a peaceful bunch

You're still a fucking hack. Your picture proves nothing. We don't even know it's the Tea Party, and if it IS, we don't know who the guy holding the sign is. Answer this question, hack: How many people have the Tea Party members killed? Give me one example. I'll wait.

Joseph Stack, and tea party types always bring out their gun fantasies when being disagreed with, I wont be surprised if one of them pops in here and states they'd like to shoot me for pointing out how they are.
Second amendment solutions and shooting people are brought up by tea party types all the time.

The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT guaranteed in our Constitution. Preserving that right is what they bring up all the time. There are as many nuts on the right who talk about shooting people as there are nuts on the left who talk about killing and harming those of differing political opinions. Get over your bigoted stereotype of folks who are by and large just your fellow citizens who believe in the principles this nation was founded upon and is preserved by. Relax.

I will not get over an anti American group working to thwart and obstruct the U.S. government in any way they can who fantasize about shooting Americans with differing political points of view.

I see you are nothing but another mindless, hyper-partisan hack. I gave you several chances to demonstrate otherwise, but it is clear by now you are not capable of or interested in any kind of discussion. Go find Franco and you two can chant "dupes! dupes!" together for a few hours and then later maybe play with a ball of yarn. I don't know why idiots like you even bother posting. Go buy a t-shirt that says, "Me Hate Other Guys!" and walk around town all day. Same significance and at least you'll get a little exercise.

[ame=]Tombstone Well, bye short version - YouTube[/ame]
Noose4 is probably sending out Thanks letters to the IRS people who attacked the TEA Party.


Believes in a Smaller Government.
Believes in Free Market Economies.

Yet RETARD LIBS HATE THEM, because of what they stand for. Why?

Because they love taxing everything.
Because they love BIG GOVERNMENT.


Which do I choose............................


TEA PARTY. Yep that's the ticket.

Now go back under your rock Lib.
Yes a peaceful bunch

You're still a fucking hack. Your picture proves nothing. We don't even know it's the Tea Party, and if it IS, we don't know who the guy holding the sign is. Answer this question, hack: How many people have the Tea Party members killed? Give me one example. I'll wait.

Joseph Stack, and tea party types always bring out their gun fantasies when being disagreed with, I wont be surprised if one of them pops in here and states they'd like to shoot me for pointing out how they are.
How many people have the Tea Party killed, hack?
You're still a fucking hack. Your picture proves nothing. We don't even know it's the Tea Party, and if it IS, we don't know who the guy holding the sign is. Answer this question, hack: How many people have the Tea Party members killed? Give me one example. I'll wait.

Joseph Stack, and tea party types always bring out their gun fantasies when being disagreed with, I wont be surprised if one of them pops in here and states they'd like to shoot me for pointing out how they are.
How many people have the Tea Party killed, hack?

Luckily tea party activist Joseph Stack killed only one person and most tea partiers are full of false bravado when speaking about their armed revolution fantasies and the recent ricin mail senders were inept at their attempts
The road to hell is paved with good intentions

This is my main response to the original video.

It is a LIBERAL PRAVDA VIDEO, trying to Justify LIBERAL BS.

Sure, there Freedom elsewhere, BUT I LIVE HERE AND I THINK IT'S THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TO LIVE IN. Because it's my home.

It used to be better............Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

I agree. The HIPPIE'S OF THE VIETNAM AGE are now in control, and our countries gone to HELL IN A HAND BASKET.
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