So Is The USA The Greatest Country In THe World? If Not, Why Not?

Yeah...well...they handed us our ass and STILL became a free nation. 'Magine that!

Who handed who whose ass?

We've invaded Canada five or six times and been defeated every time.

The War of 1812 was not against Canada, it was against the British. Canada was just 'there' because they never grew the balls to show the British the door as we had. In any case, in the final tally there was no ass-handing as the war ended in essentially a draw. If you really had to pick a winner it would have to be the much younger nation just starting to build its military and who beat the blood pudding out of the British at the Battle of New Orleans a few weeks after the war was 'officially' over anyway.
This video, assuming that the statistics are true, got me to thinking about whether or not we REALLY believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world and if not what we need to do to achieve that status.

WATCH THE 3 MINUTE VIDEO and see what I'm referring to. It's quite a clip.

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History - YouTube

I don't know of any official contest. The answer to that, of necessity, will always be purely subjective.
Would Canada be free today? Sure. So would the US. Europe would have been fucked, Russia would have been REALLY fucked, but by now whatever crazy command and control a victorious Germany might have installed would have fallen apart or been reformed into something else. I think the body count would have ended up worse than it did overall even considering Stalin and Mao's fucking bloodshed, and spread over a larger portion of the globe. The devastation - physically, psychologically, and politically - for untold hundreds of millions over generations is hard to even imagine, but I do think the US and Canada (you're welcome, Canada) would have remained free.
Yes, I'm sure that Germany and Japan would have left us alone, and aside from Germany being on the verge of developing an atomic bomb, he would not have considered using it. And are you forgetting about the deal with Mexico?

Japan was working on a bomb too. And? Do you think they would have been any more stupid than the Soviets in figuring out the whole MAD thing? Mexico could have been squashed if need be.

Germany and Japan wouldn't have "left us alone," they would have negotiated agreements favorable to themselves to plunder the resources of Europe and Asia respectively and then engaged us in trade. And we would probably all have been driving electric cars in the US by sometime in the late 50s.
I'm glad you have so much faith in a mad man with nuclear capabilities. Hitler would not have hesitated to use the atom bomb, especially if he was the only one who had it. And I'm sure they would have "engaged us in trade" while plundering Europe. That's pretty funny, but the part about us driving electric cars by the late 50's is bizarre. Where did you come up with that ludicrous notion? :cuckoo:
It was a leftist rant. He started off by saying "the reason nobody likes liberals is because they don't win elections". There's your first clue, not to mention his comment about all the other countries who enjoyed freedom, but leaving out the fact that they have freedom because the U.S. is willing to fight for it on their behalf. Whenever you see somebody pointing out everything negative they can find about this country, but leaving out everything positive, you know it's a liberal doing it.

Let's do it your way.

It's a Leftist rant.


Is it possible for a Leftist rant to consist solely or largely of truth?

Translation: Are the things which the speaker says un-true?

< cue the sound of crickets >

[ame=]Nature Sounds for Relaxing, Meditation & Sleep...Night Time Crickets - YouTube[/ame]
Hey asshole, the reason I didn't respond was because I wasn't online. Believe it or not, some of us actually work for a living. Somebody has to pay for your public assistance. In answer to your stupid question, sure, it's possible for his rant to consist largely of truth, all I'm saying is that he left out a lot of other "truth". Now you can kiss my ass for your sarcasm. You can have a neg too, while you're at it.
Read post #53 and you'll see that I did.
Post #53 just explained your anger towards liberals, it didn't say why the things he said, were anti-American.
You're not to bright, are you? Read the last line of my post. All he did was bash the U.S. Nothing positive, all negative. When someone takes advantage of the opportunities this country has to offer, then bashes it, I call that being anti-American. You may disagree, but I've answered your question (twice now).
Yes, I'm sure that Germany and Japan would have left us alone, and aside from Germany being on the verge of developing an atomic bomb, he would not have considered using it. And are you forgetting about the deal with Mexico?

Japan was working on a bomb too. And? Do you think they would have been any more stupid than the Soviets in figuring out the whole MAD thing? Mexico could have been squashed if need be.

Germany and Japan wouldn't have "left us alone," they would have negotiated agreements favorable to themselves to plunder the resources of Europe and Asia respectively and then engaged us in trade. And we would probably all have been driving electric cars in the US by sometime in the late 50s.
I'm glad you have so much faith in a mad man with nuclear capabilities. Hitler would not have hesitated to use the atom bomb, especially if he was the only one who had it.

I'm sure he would have (although you assume he would have developed it before we did - in the face of actual historical reality), but he would have had every reason to use it on Moscow and no reason, in your hypothetical, to try and fly it across the Atlantic and thereby create the most dangerous and determined enemy he could imagine - just the bullet he would have dodged in your 'what if' in the first place.
the part about us driving electric cars by the late 50's is bizarre. Where did you come up with that ludicrous notion? :cuckoo:

If you can't figure that one out - in light of your very own hypothetical - then you are even more of an idiot than I gave you credit for.
"...Hey asshole, the reason I didn't respond was because I wasn't online..."
Wow. That's pretty damned hostile. You engage heavily on a thread, then go missing, then take offense because somebody (me) jokingly pokes at you for your silence afterwards.

"...Believe it or not, some of us actually work for a living. Somebody has to pay for your public assistance..."

Yes, I work myself, when I feel like it, although I have no idea what you're talking about with respect to public assistance, but, then again, neither do you, by the look of it.

"...In answer to your stupid question..."

No more stupid than some of your earlier previous assertions and intransigence, I'll wager.

"...sure, it's possible for his rant to consist largely of truth..."


Your Honor, the Defense rests.

"...all I'm saying is that he left out a lot of other 'truth'..."

Nolo contendre. No contest. The scriptwriter and the actor (he) was focusing upon some of the more important things that have gone wrong for us in recent times. He was not giving a balanced perspective nor did he pretend to. That goes without saying. For most, anyway.

"...Now you can kiss my ass for your sarcasm..."

Thanks, but, no... I don't roll that way... and I have no idea what that's been.

"...You can have a neg too, while you're at it."

A 'punative' use of Neg rather than a 'content-judging' use of Neg?

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

You may prove to be a creature of rather limited understanding, in the final analysis.

You can't even appreciate innocent and Constructive Criticism of your country, when undertaken from the perspective of love-of-country...

So I should have no expectation that you can take a bit of good-natured and collegial 'joshing' about going silent without having a fucking cow over the thing like a 3rd-grader...

But, of course, thank you for your time...
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You're not to bright, are you? Read the last line of my post. All he did was bash the U.S. Nothing positive, all negative. When someone takes advantage of the opportunities this country has to offer, then bashes it, I call that being anti-American. You may disagree, but I've answered your question (twice now).
So an American is someone who only say's nice things about this country?

When the country lets down its citizens, a true American is someone who stays silent and says nothing at all?

Is that what you consider being an American is?

Even though we have a Constitutional right to address our grievances, you think being against dissent, is being an American?

Is that what you're claiming?
"...Hey asshole, the reason I didn't respond was because I wasn't online..."
Wow. That's pretty damned hostile. You engage heavily on a thread, then go missing, then take offense because somebody (me) jokingly pokes at you for your silence afterwards.

Yes, I work myself, when I feel like it, although I have no idea what you're talking about with respect to public assistance, but, then again, neither do you, by the look of it.

No more stupid than some of your earlier previous assertions and intransigence, I'll wager.


Your Honor, the Defense rests.

Nolo contendre. No contest. The scriptwriter and the actor (he) was focusing upon some of the more important things that have gone wrong for us in recent times. He was not giving a balanced perspective nor did he pretend to. That goes without saying. For most, anyway.

Thanks, but, no... I don't roll that way... and I have no idea what that's been.

"...You can have a neg too, while you're at it."

A 'punative' use of Neg rather than a 'content-judging' use of Neg?

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

You may prove to be a creature of rather limited understanding, in the final analysis.

You can't even appreciate innocent and Constructive Criticism of your country, when undertaken from the perspective of love-of-country...

So I should have no expectation that you can take a bit of good-natured and collegial 'joshing' about going silent without having a fucking cow over the thing like a 3rd-grader...

But, of course, thank you for your time...
The neg WAS for the content. Maybe you're the one with limited understanding. As for the crickets comment, here's a clue. If the green light is off, it means I'm not online. And the "constructive criticism" was not constructive, it was bashing. I guess you call it constructive criticism because that's the only way you can defend it. It wasn't from the perspective of "love of country", it was from a typical liberal perspective, criticizing your country and never saying anything positive about it.
You're not to bright, are you? Read the last line of my post. All he did was bash the U.S. Nothing positive, all negative. When someone takes advantage of the opportunities this country has to offer, then bashes it, I call that being anti-American. You may disagree, but I've answered your question (twice now).
So an American is someone who only say's nice things about this country?

When the country lets down its citizens, a true American is someone who stays silent and says nothing at all?

Is that what you consider being an American is?

Even though we have a Constitutional right to address our grievances, you think being against dissent, is being an American?

Is that what you're claiming?
Stop trying to put words in my mouth. That was a classic liberal "blame America for everything" rant, complete with all the liberal talking points, and the fact that you're defending it proves my point.
Is the U.S. the greatest country in the world? Not hardly. The most powerful....yes.

Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, are all better countries than the U.S.

They are not weighed down by the Zombie Confederacy know as the Southern States.
Is the U.S. the greatest country in the world? Not hardly. The most powerful....yes.

Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, are all better countries than the U.S.

They are not weighed down by the Zombie Confederacy know as the Southern States.

Move then!!
Is the U.S. the greatest country in the world? Not hardly. The most powerful....yes.

Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, are all better countries than the U.S.

They are not weighed down by the Zombie Confederacy know as the Southern States.

Move then!!

I would rather stay here and oppose you.

50,000 Hispanics a month are turning 18.

We are going to win.
Is the U.S. the greatest country in the world? Not hardly. The most powerful....yes.

Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, are all better countries than the U.S.

They are not weighed down by the Zombie Confederacy know as the Southern States.

Move then!!

I would rather stay here and oppose you.

50,000 Hispanics a month are turning 18.

We are going to win.
And the country loses.

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