So Joe... what is the "fair share"???

Social Security is not a welfare program. It’s a government program forcing workers to save their own money for retirement. Of course the politicians have abused the hell out of it.
You are 100% correct but it is worse due to the abuse of workers AND employers' payments.
Most people are totally unaware of these two facts that I provide substantiation:

1) Employers also pay 6.2% of the wages on behalf of the employee for a total of 12.4% paid by employee/employer.
Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent of wages up to the taxable maximum of $142,800 (in 2021), while the self-employed pay 12.4 percent.
Again most Americans don't KNOW that the employer pays out of the gross revenue of the employer 6.2% to
SS on the employee's behalf!
2)In fiscal year 2019, the federal government spent $4.4 trillion of which 36 percent of Federal revenue comes from payroll taxes, which are assessed on the wage or salary paychecks of almost all workers and are used to fund Social Security, Medicare Hospital Insurance, and unemployment insurance. By law, employers and employees split the cost of payroll taxes,

What does this mean?
That the Federal budget depends on the 36% gross revenue from SS/Medicare/unemployment taxes paid by employee and employer. The expenditures in 2019 were $4.4 trillion.
Borrowing financed the remaining amount ($984 billion).
That's a $4,000 tax INCREASE on a guy who only makes $20K to start with.

It's a HUGE tax CUT for that rich guy

What you're talking about is a MASSIVE shift of wealth from those who already HAVE the least to those that have the most
explain how someone with nothing gives money to someone with it? Explain that logic to us.
Social Security is not a welfare program. It’s a government program forcing workers to save their own money for retirement. Of course the politicians have abused the hell out of it.
and the real steal here is that the government retaxes social security money one receives. Deviates.

It is no longer possible for most
But we subsidize the wealthy instead of the working class
How is it that the wealthy pay the overwhelming majority of income taxes if we 'subsidize them'? How is it the bottom half pay next to nothing in income taxes?
Sounds like we need a simple flat tax that everyone pays. Every dollar over the official poverty line gets a set percentage applied to it, and while we're at it, let's do these:

1. Eliminate payroll withholding. Everyone pays quarterly.
2. Election day falls the day after one of those quarterly payment days.
Can you show a flat tax plan where working Americans do not pay more and the wealthy pay less?
How is it that the wealthy pay the overwhelming majority of income taxes if we 'subsidize them'? How is it the bottom half pay next to nothing in income taxes?
They pay the overwhelming majority of income tax because they have an overwhelming majority of the income.

But not nearly what they used to pay. Working Americans have had to make up the difference
Great societies do not rely on Darwinism
Again you spout a statement about "Great societies"... Do you have any historical examples of a "great society"
that is still in existent? What do you mean "great societies"?
They pay the overwhelming majority of income tax because they have an overwhelming majority of the income.

But not nearly what they used to pay. Working Americans have had to make up the difference
AGAIN... you spout without proof! When and what did they "used to pay"?
You make statements but NO proof!
AGAIN... you spout without proof! When and what did they "used to pay"?
You make statements but NO proof!

They pay the overwhelming majority of income tax because they have an overwhelming majority of the income.

But not nearly what they used to pay. Working Americans have had to make up the difference
The top 20% are paying a larger share of the taxes these days. Been rising since the 1980s, Stupid. You never have a link, never have anything beyond the dumbass talking points your handlers feed you.

The highest-income 20% of Americans have increasingly shouldered a larger share of the cost of government, their net contribution increasing by more than 200% since the 1980s.


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