So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.
So everyone who accuses the Right is telling the truth and everyone accusing a Dem is lying.
Got it. He's going to be confirmed, sorry.

I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Yes, the likes of Kavanaugh is scraping the bottom of the barrel, but it’s all conservatives have.

And that conservatives support a sexual predator as a Supreme Court justice should come as no surprise – a generation ago they put Thomas on the Court, and in 2016 placed a sexual predator in the WH; it’s who the reprehensible right is.

Yeah, because Sotomeyor, Ginsburgh and Kagen are such steller justices. You have to be joking.

You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.
And she was too stupid to figure out how to get out of a room that locks from the inside.
Listen, dumb fuck, you already showed that you don't know the difference between "in a locker room" and "locked her in a classroom," and you're attacking me with your inane word parsing?

By your own standards, you're a fucking idiot.

You still can't get it right. At NO point did anyone other than you say anything about a classroom. :abgg2q.jpg:
What you don't seem to get, moron, is that it's an unimportant detail. You're harping on it because you got nothing else. It's a classic bullshit leftwing shit-stain debate technique. You further humiliate yourself when you can't even report what I said accurately. You were attacking me about something I didn't even say.

Just admit that you're a desperate pathetic dumbass.

It's an unimportant detail that you said she was sexually assaulted at a school instead of a house where he was drunk? You understand that is a very important detail... I mean look at you and others nitpicking every detail of her actual story to call her out as a liar.

I honestly don't think you are a hypocrite. I think you are too dumb to understand how to be a hypocrite.
You keep coming back for more punishment. That's a sure sign of stupidity. You couldn't even report what I said correctly, but you're attacking me for not reporting some detail of the story correctly? How fucking stupid can a person be?

Note that I was talking about the description of the letter, not what the nutburger told the press. I was posting from memory, so I got an unimportant detail wrong. Yet here you are after half a dozen posts still harping on it as if it actually mattered. This, despite the fact that you humiliated and discredited yourself when you couldn't even report what I said accurately. Don't you believe that to be ironic?

Here's a useful instrument for you whenever you decide to get into a debate:


See the first mistake you made was continuing to argue with me. The second mistake was posting from just one article and not actually paying attention to the news. But your fatal and most important mistake was posting from your memory... because you are dumb as a box of nails.

It is a mistake to argue with a retard like you. You know what they say about wrestling with pigs.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.

How do you know she just went in there? And last time I checked, if someone tells you no, it means no. If she was one of your loved ones, would you be saying this same thing? See that's the way you should be looking at things like sexual assault... it doesn't fucking matter what a person does up until the point of sex. If they tell you NO, then it means NO. You stop and move on. That is unless you are someone that is either too stupid to understand the responsibility of your actions, or you don't give a fuck about other people.
I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.
And she was too stupid to figure out how to get out of a room that locks from the inside.

You dumbass... he was HOLDING HER DOWN.
The fact that even some women on here think it is no big deal that some drunk teenage boy tried to rape her, just goes to show why she didn't come out with this story back when it happened. She'd have been shunned by not only all the friends of Kavanaugh, but probably a large number of girls in her school that thought she was just trying to get attention or something.
No one believes her story, dumbfuck. She isn't credible. Are there any witnesses to this event? She claims there were three other boys involved. Does she name them? No. There were plenty of other people in the house. Have any of them supported her story? No. Can you be locked into a bedroom when the latch is on the inside? No.
Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.
And she was too stupid to figure out how to get out of a room that locks from the inside.

You dumbass... he was HOLDING HER DOWN.
Did you see that.............:abgg2q.jpg:
Report: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Passed Polygraph Exam, Said She Feared for Her Life

The woman who accused Supreme Court nominee of trying to sexually assault broke her silence and told the Washington Post that she feared for her life during the 1980s encounter. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California, told the newspaper. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.” The Post said it reviewed notes from a couple's therapist that Ford visited that say she reported in 2012 she was attacked by students who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The paper said Ford’s attorney also provided the results of a polygraph exam that indicated she was being truthful. Kavanaugh has “unequivocally” denied the allegations.
So she was seeing a shrink? And she claimed she was locked in a classroom, which is impossible.

Apparently the shrinks notes said there were four boys. And don't mention names
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Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.
And she was too stupid to figure out how to get out of a room that locks from the inside.

You dumbass... he was HOLDING HER DOWN.
According to reports about the letter, she claims she was locked into a room.

A source who said they were briefed on the contents of the letter said it described an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman that took place when both were 17 years old and at a party. According to the source, Kavanaugh and a male friend had locked her in a room against her will, making her feel threatened, but she was able to get out of the room. The Guardian has not verified the apparent claims in the letter. It is not yet clear who wrote it.
Her story isn't credible, and you are a dumbfuck.
I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.

How do you know she just went in there? And last time I checked, if someone tells you no, it means no. If she was one of your loved ones, would you be saying this same thing? See that's the way you should be looking at things like sexual assault... it doesn't fucking matter what a person does up until the point of sex. If they tell you NO, then it means NO. You stop and move on. That is unless you are someone that is either too stupid to understand the responsibility of your actions, or you don't give a fuck about other people.
That wasn't true in 1980, moron.
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:

Kavanaugh and Republicans should welcome a thorough investigation to clear his name before voting on his confirmation - otherwise, he will be forever branded a pervert like Thomas.

So you dont have a problem branding innocent people as perverts for political purposes?
The fact that even some women on here think it is no big deal that some drunk teenage boy tried to rape her, just goes to show why she didn't come out with this story back when it happened. She'd have been shunned by not only all the friends of Kavanaugh, but probably a large number of girls in her school that thought she was just trying to get attention or something.
No one believes her story, dumbfuck. She isn't credible. Are there any witnesses to this event? She claims there were three other boys involved. Does she name them? No. There were plenty of other people in the house. Have any of them supported her story? No. Can you be locked into a bedroom when the latch is on the inside? No.

So when things happen that there are no witnesses, nothing happened? Do we just say, "Fuck it!" and not investigate things unless there was witnesses? ... you're lack of intelligence continues to amaze. What makes Kavanaugh more credible than her? Oh yeah... you said because she saw a therapist. Do you have a clue how fucking stupid THAT statement is?
Don't you think it should at least be thoroughly investigated?

Age of Consent by State | LegalMatch Law Library

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.

How do you know she just went in there? And last time I checked, if someone tells you no, it means no. If she was one of your loved ones, would you be saying this same thing? See that's the way you should be looking at things like sexual assault... it doesn't fucking matter what a person does up until the point of sex. If they tell you NO, then it means NO. You stop and move on. That is unless you are someone that is either too stupid to understand the responsibility of your actions, or you don't give a fuck about other people.
That wasn't true in 1980, moron.

What? lmao Did you just say it wasn't true that if a person said no to sex in 1980 and was forced against their will it wasn't sexual assault????????????? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Nah you aren't going to earn any friends on that... because as a person that was a teenage boy that drank before being legal age, I never went out and held down a screaming girl and tried to rape her. If that's how you remember your childhood, I'm sorry that is your experiences.
Maybe my history was a little rough in that regard; to me it sounds like there could be another story here, that's all.

Teenagers who murder people are treated as juveniles and have their records sealed.

So, we're supposed to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation over something that we have no evidence of happening as the supposed victim never told anyone and which Kavanaugh denies?

Due process says: the allegation pins the bogometer.

Nope, but you certainly don't speed it up to put a person on the highest court in the land for a life-time position without actually investigating things.
You don't investigate the wacko claims of lying moonbats.

i heard that he had colluded with the underground lizard people to throw the election to Trump. We should thoroughly ininvestigate it

What was the age of consent in that state 40 years ago? If they are the same age then AOC becomes irrelevant.

Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.

How do you know she just went in there? And last time I checked, if someone tells you no, it means no. If she was one of your loved ones, would you be saying this same thing? See that's the way you should be looking at things like sexual assault... it doesn't fucking matter what a person does up until the point of sex. If they tell you NO, then it means NO. You stop and move on. That is unless you are someone that is either too stupid to understand the responsibility of your actions, or you don't give a fuck about other people.
That wasn't true in 1980, moron.

What? lmao Did you just say it wasn't true that if a person said no to sex in 1980 and was forced against their will it wasn't sexual assault????????????? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
People didn't necessarily believe that in every case back then, moron.
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:
The School Directory does not show anyone by that name teaching at the school. Is she new and just not listed?
Age of consent doesn't matter in sexual assault where one person says no.
If that's the case, why did she go into a bedroom with two hard dicks who had been drinking? Looking for Easter eggs I suppose.

How do you know she just went in there? And last time I checked, if someone tells you no, it means no. If she was one of your loved ones, would you be saying this same thing? See that's the way you should be looking at things like sexual assault... it doesn't fucking matter what a person does up until the point of sex. If they tell you NO, then it means NO. You stop and move on. That is unless you are someone that is either too stupid to understand the responsibility of your actions, or you don't give a fuck about other people.
That wasn't true in 1980, moron.

What? lmao Did you just say it wasn't true that if a person said no to sex in 1980 and was forced against their will it wasn't sexual assault????????????? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
People didn't necessarily believe that in every case back then, moron.


Someone call 911... I'm dying.

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