So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

At the least the filthy dishonest Democrats are not coming up with the "pubic hair on a Coke can" lie this time.

This time it is the "he tried to rape me in High School" lie.
Anita Hill was telling the truth but in those days, it was okay to behave as C. Thomas did. They were both adults, though, and he was her boss.

I think part of the reason I am so hesitant on this accusation is that they were both kids and we grow up.

The filthy Democrats hated Thomas because he was a Black that refused to live on the Moon Bat slave plantation.

They came up with a lying bitch in an attempt to discredit him but it failed.

The same dishonest tactic will fail with Kavanaugh also.

The Crats pulled that same BS on Herman Cain and they smeared Dr. Ben Carson. Since the Crats are so chaste and pure of heart, they can never be charged for anything, bless their hearts.
Now we have a liberal college professor from the Land of Fruits and Nuts claiming that that a near criminal rape caused her to never to be able to have normal relations with a "man." (Wonder what that means?) Well, su'prise, su'prise, su'prise Sgt Carter..........:abgg2q.jpg:

Funny. That's like saying PTSD is a joke.
Was that after or before he locked her in a classroom with a door that can be opened from the inside?

What in the fuck are you even talking about? Just because they were "in high school," doesn't mean they "were IN A HIGH SCHOOL." Holy shit man you are dumb.
You're a fucking moron. The previous allegation was that he locked her in a room.

A source who said they were briefed on the contents of the letter said it described an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman that took place when both were 17 years old and at a party. According to the source, Kavanaugh and a male friend had locked her in a room against her will, making her feel threatened, but she was able to get out of the room. The Guardian has not verified the apparent claims in the letter. It is not yet clear who wrote it.
Of course, we all know that's impossible, which is how we know she is a lying moonbat.

Where does that say locker room dummy? "locked her in a room" is NOT a "locker room."

You have to be the dumbest person I have ever met on a forum, and for that matter real life.

Note. I said the following:

"Was that after or before he locked her in a classroom with a door that can be opened from the inside?"

I didn't say "locker room," dumbass. I was wrong about it being a classroom, but then, you are wrong about what I said. Her claim is still obviously a lie.

You should stop here before you further embarrass yourself.

That's rich coming from someone that doesn't understand the difference between "in high school" and "in a high school."
Listen, dumb fuck, you already showed that you don't know the difference between "in a locker room" and "locked her in a classroom," and you're attacking me with your inane word parsing?

By your own standards, you're a fucking idiot.
Kavanaugh accuser comes forward, details alleged sexual assault

Christine Blasey Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, told the Post that she decided to come forward because she felt her "civic responsibility" began "outweighing [her] anguish and terror about retaliation." Ford does not remember all of the details of the alleged incident — such as the exact time or location — but says she took a lie detector test administered by a former FBI agent in August, which determined she was telling the truth when she said her account of that night was accurate.

OK Republicans; go ahead and get another Roy Moore :21: on 'your' side.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed we shall address him as 'Judge Rape' :ahole-1:

So she went through a traumatic experience but can't tell when or where it happened? But she didn't come forward because she is afraid that a man who has zero history in violent behavior is going to retaliate?

why are you finding this at all credible?

this just goes to show what lengths democrats will go to kill their children
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At the least the filthy dishonest Democrats are not coming up with the "pubic hair on a Coke can" lie this time.

This time it is the "he tried to rape me in High School" lie.
Anita Hill was telling the truth but in those days, it was okay to behave as C. Thomas did. They were both adults, though, and he was her boss.

I think part of the reason I am so hesitant on this accusation is that they were both kids and we grow up.

The filthy Democrats hated Thomas because he was a Black that refused to live on the Moon Bat slave plantation.

They came up with a lying bitch in an attempt to discredit him but it failed.

The same dishonest tactic will fail with Kavanaugh also.

The Crats pulled that same BS on Herman Cain and they smeared Dr. Ben Carson. Since the Crats are so chaste and pure of heart, they can never be charged for anything, bless their hearts.
Now we have a liberal college professor from the Land of Fruits and Nuts claiming that that a near criminal rape caused her to never to be able to have normal relations with a "man." (Wonder what that means?) Well, su'prise, su'prise, su'prise Sgt Carter..........:abgg2q.jpg:

Funny. That's like saying PTSD is a joke.

This entire scheme by Feinstein is a joke..............LOL
Can she prove it?

If the story is correct, IMO there would be enuff circumstantial evidence to torpedo the Kavanaugh nomination, EXCEPT for the FACT that the GOP obviously NO LONGER has ANY MORALS.

So everyone who accuses the Right is telling the truth and everyone accusing a Dem is lying.
Got it. He's going to be confirmed, sorry.

I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
At the least the filthy dishonest Democrats are not coming up with the "pubic hair on a Coke can" lie this time.

This time it is the "he tried to rape me in High School" lie.
Anita Hill was telling the truth but in those days, it was okay to behave as C. Thomas did. They were both adults, though, and he was her boss.

I think part of the reason I am so hesitant on this accusation is that they were both kids and we grow up.

The filthy Democrats hated Thomas because he was a Black that refused to live on the Moon Bat slave plantation.

They came up with a lying bitch in an attempt to discredit him but it failed.

The same dishonest tactic will fail with Kavanaugh also.

The Crats pulled that same BS on Herman Cain and they smeared Dr. Ben Carson. Since the Crats are so chaste and pure of heart, they can never be charged for anything, bless their hearts.
Now we have a liberal college professor from the Land of Fruits and Nuts claiming that that a near criminal rape caused her to never to be able to have normal relations with a "man." (Wonder what that means?) Well, su'prise, su'prise, su'prise Sgt Carter..........:abgg2q.jpg:

Funny. That's like saying PTSD is a joke.
It is in many cases.
At the least the filthy dishonest Democrats are not coming up with the "pubic hair on a Coke can" lie this time.

This time it is the "he tried to rape me in High School" lie.
Anita Hill was telling the truth but in those days, it was okay to behave as C. Thomas did. They were both adults, though, and he was her boss.

I think part of the reason I am so hesitant on this accusation is that they were both kids and we grow up.

The filthy Democrats hated Thomas because he was a Black that refused to live on the Moon Bat slave plantation.

They came up with a lying bitch in an attempt to discredit him but it failed.

The same dishonest tactic will fail with Kavanaugh also.

The Crats pulled that same BS on Herman Cain and they smeared Dr. Ben Carson. Since the Crats are so chaste and pure of heart, they can never be charged for anything, bless their hearts.
Now we have a liberal college professor from the Land of Fruits and Nuts claiming that that a near criminal rape caused her to never to be able to have normal relations with a "man." (Wonder what that means?) Well, su'prise, su'prise, su'prise Sgt Carter..........:abgg2q.jpg:

Funny. That's like saying PTSD is a joke.

This entire scheme by Feinstein is a joke..............LOL

It's only a "scheme" if proven untrue.
What in the fuck are you even talking about? Just because they were "in high school," doesn't mean they "were IN A HIGH SCHOOL." Holy shit man you are dumb.
You're a fucking moron. The previous allegation was that he locked her in a room.

A source who said they were briefed on the contents of the letter said it described an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman that took place when both were 17 years old and at a party. According to the source, Kavanaugh and a male friend had locked her in a room against her will, making her feel threatened, but she was able to get out of the room. The Guardian has not verified the apparent claims in the letter. It is not yet clear who wrote it.
Of course, we all know that's impossible, which is how we know she is a lying moonbat.

Where does that say locker room dummy? "locked her in a room" is NOT a "locker room."

You have to be the dumbest person I have ever met on a forum, and for that matter real life.

Note. I said the following:

"Was that after or before he locked her in a classroom with a door that can be opened from the inside?"

I didn't say "locker room," dumbass. I was wrong about it being a classroom, but then, you are wrong about what I said. Her claim is still obviously a lie.

You should stop here before you further embarrass yourself.

That's rich coming from someone that doesn't understand the difference between "in high school" and "in a high school."
Listen, dumb fuck, you already showed that you don't know the difference between "in a locker room" and "locked her in a classroom," and you're attacking me with your inane word parsing?

By your own standards, you're a fucking idiot.

You still can't get it right. At NO point did anyone other than you say anything about a classroom. :abgg2q.jpg:
Report: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Passed Polygraph Exam, Said She Feared for Her Life

The woman who accused Supreme Court nominee of trying to sexually assault broke her silence and told the Washington Post that she feared for her life during the 1980s encounter. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California, told the newspaper. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.” The Post said it reviewed notes from a couple's therapist that Ford visited that say she reported in 2012 she was attacked by students who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The paper said Ford’s attorney also provided the results of a polygraph exam that indicated she was being truthful. Kavanaugh has “unequivocally” denied the allegations.
I don't know if I am not reading this right or that I am in error. She states the incident occurred in 1980 and she has a therapist that she visited in 2012 were she claimed she was attacked by STUDENTS, (was this a gang rape) no police report was filed or evidence like a dress with a stain was kept. She did a polygraph, Ok when was this done, but this is a minor inclusion in as they are not that creditable. It seems a long time to blow someone in for rape. I am not a woman but there would have been some complaint filed somewhere with the college. I am sure she has pull at the place to get some sort of record put in the files. This whole thing rings of the ME TOO movement lead by the Progressives and encouraged by the Democrats who expect to take over the government in the mid term election and for no other reason. I also would like to know who her atty is. Bet it is a Progressive. Also checked the Directory of the school directory that she is teaching at and there is no one by that name connected with it.
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If the story is correct, IMO there would be enuff circumstantial evidence to torpedo the Kavanaugh nomination, EXCEPT for the FACT that the GOP obviously NO LONGER has ANY MORALS.

So everyone who accuses the Right is telling the truth and everyone accusing a Dem is lying.
Got it. He's going to be confirmed, sorry.

I will refer you to my post #7.
So you think lying to ruin a good man's reputation just for political purposes is funny? You're a piece of shit cocksucker.
You shouldn't jump to conclusions either way. He was drunk; maybe he doesn't remember it. She said even she is a little hazy on the details; it also sounds like she may have built this up into something more than it was based on her "years of PTSD" etc. from it. It would have been a scary encounter for a 15 year old girl, but drunk teenaged boys with bad intentions is basically "Saturday night" as I recall.
I'm not going to win any friends on this one, but I really don't think this should stop his confirmation, even if it is 100% as she stated. They were both kids.

I actually agree - they were minors, it was highschool...sheesh. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
According to her account of the story, he didn't even get her cloths off.
Kavanaugh accuser comes forward, details alleged sexual assault

Christine Blasey Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, told the Post that she decided to come forward because she felt her "civic responsibility" began "outweighing [her] anguish and terror about retaliation." Ford does not remember all of the details of the alleged incident — such as the exact time or location — but says she took a lie detector test administered by a former FBI agent in August, which determined she was telling the truth when she said her account of that night was accurate.

OK Republicans; go ahead and get another Roy Moore :21: on 'your' side.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed we shall address him as 'Judge Rape' :ahole-1:

So she went through a traumatic experience but can't tell when or where it happened? But she isn't come forward because she is afraid that a man who has zero history in violent behavior is going to retaliate?

why are you finding this at all credible?

this just goes to show what lengths democrats will go to kill their children

Actually, in fairness - 30 years ago it wasn't easy for women to come foward with accusations. Yes they could be retaliated against, by community, their reputations attacked etc.
How do they know this Ford broad was the one who wrote the letter last week? Just because she "came forward" doesn't mean she isn't lying, hoping to become a Liberal Heroine?
Do you think Frankenstein will release the letter? I guarantee you she won't. That's because we'll see all the reasons it was ignored until now.

Feinstein might not release the letter, but President Trump might.

This gal didn't write the letter, IMHO. I think it was written by GOP operatives in the WH, and they were trolling Feinstein.

This woman just appeared when no one else was willing to be the Anita Hill of the 21st Century
Anita Hill was telling the truth but in those days, it was okay to behave as C. Thomas did. They were both adults, though, and he was her boss.

I think part of the reason I am so hesitant on this accusation is that they were both kids and we grow up.

The filthy Democrats hated Thomas because he was a Black that refused to live on the Moon Bat slave plantation.

They came up with a lying bitch in an attempt to discredit him but it failed.

The same dishonest tactic will fail with Kavanaugh also.

The Crats pulled that same BS on Herman Cain and they smeared Dr. Ben Carson. Since the Crats are so chaste and pure of heart, they can never be charged for anything, bless their hearts.
Now we have a liberal college professor from the Land of Fruits and Nuts claiming that that a near criminal rape caused her to never to be able to have normal relations with a "man." (Wonder what that means?) Well, su'prise, su'prise, su'prise Sgt Carter..........:abgg2q.jpg:

Funny. That's like saying PTSD is a joke.

This entire scheme by Feinstein is a joke..............LOL

It's only a "scheme" if proven untrue.
You have that backwards.;
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:
More likely, Christine Blasey Ford is simply lying.

What did she say in the police report?
Kavanaugh accuser comes forward, details alleged sexual assault

Christine Blasey Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, told the Post that she decided to come forward because she felt her "civic responsibility" began "outweighing [her] anguish and terror about retaliation." Ford does not remember all of the details of the alleged incident — such as the exact time or location — but says she took a lie detector test administered by a former FBI agent in August, which determined she was telling the truth when she said her account of that night was accurate.

OK Republicans; go ahead and get another Roy Moore :21: on 'your' side.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed we shall address him as 'Judge Rape' :ahole-1:

So she went through a traumatic experience but can't tell when or where it happened? But she isn't come forward because she is afraid that a man who has zero history in violent behavior is going to retaliate?

why are you finding this at all credible?

this just goes to show what lengths democrats will go to kill their children

so, sexual assault is funny?
You're a fucking moron. The previous allegation was that he locked her in a room.

A source who said they were briefed on the contents of the letter said it described an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman that took place when both were 17 years old and at a party. According to the source, Kavanaugh and a male friend had locked her in a room against her will, making her feel threatened, but she was able to get out of the room. The Guardian has not verified the apparent claims in the letter. It is not yet clear who wrote it.
Of course, we all know that's impossible, which is how we know she is a lying moonbat.

Where does that say locker room dummy? "locked her in a room" is NOT a "locker room."

You have to be the dumbest person I have ever met on a forum, and for that matter real life.

Note. I said the following:

"Was that after or before he locked her in a classroom with a door that can be opened from the inside?"

I didn't say "locker room," dumbass. I was wrong about it being a classroom, but then, you are wrong about what I said. Her claim is still obviously a lie.

You should stop here before you further embarrass yourself.

That's rich coming from someone that doesn't understand the difference between "in high school" and "in a high school."
Listen, dumb fuck, you already showed that you don't know the difference between "in a locker room" and "locked her in a classroom," and you're attacking me with your inane word parsing?

By your own standards, you're a fucking idiot.

You still can't get it right. At NO point did anyone other than you say anything about a classroom. :abgg2q.jpg:
What you don't seem to get, moron, is that it's an unimportant detail. You're harping on it because you got nothing else. It's a classic bullshit leftwing shit-stain debate technique. You further humiliate yourself when you can't even report what I said accurately. You were attacking me about something I didn't even say.

Just admit that you're a desperate pathetic dumbass.
Anita Hill was telling the truth but in those days, it was okay to behave as C. Thomas did. They were both adults, though, and he was her boss.

I think part of the reason I am so hesitant on this accusation is that they were both kids and we grow up.

The filthy Democrats hated Thomas because he was a Black that refused to live on the Moon Bat slave plantation.

They came up with a lying bitch in an attempt to discredit him but it failed.

The same dishonest tactic will fail with Kavanaugh also.

The Crats pulled that same BS on Herman Cain and they smeared Dr. Ben Carson. Since the Crats are so chaste and pure of heart, they can never be charged for anything, bless their hearts.
Now we have a liberal college professor from the Land of Fruits and Nuts claiming that that a near criminal rape caused her to never to be able to have normal relations with a "man." (Wonder what that means?) Well, su'prise, su'prise, su'prise Sgt Carter..........:abgg2q.jpg:

Funny. That's like saying PTSD is a joke.

This entire scheme by Feinstein is a joke..............LOL

It's only a "scheme" if proven untrue.

Nobody in this world will ever prove that it's false or true. Sherlock Holmes and Columbo are both dead.
Yep; we got it. You approve of rape. Next.
You approve of lying and ruining a good man's reputation for political purposes.

I approve of having ALL parties testify before a Senate committee.

Unfortunately, its not up to you, but up to Sen. Grassley. And Mr. Grassley is damn near 85 years old, and is anxious to wrap this up.

85? Maybe he will croak once he hears about Kavanaugh being a rapist.
He didn't rape her. He didn't even manage to get her clothes off.

and that's according to the alleged victim who was drunk and can't remember when or where anything happened
Kavanaugh accuser comes forward, details alleged sexual assault

Christine Blasey Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, told the Post that she decided to come forward because she felt her "civic responsibility" began "outweighing [her] anguish and terror about retaliation." Ford does not remember all of the details of the alleged incident — such as the exact time or location — but says she took a lie detector test administered by a former FBI agent in August, which determined she was telling the truth when she said her account of that night was accurate.

OK Republicans; go ahead and get another Roy Moore :21: on 'your' side.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed we shall address him as 'Judge Rape' :ahole-1:

So she went through a traumatic experience but can't tell when or where it happened? But she isn't come forward because she is afraid that a man who has zero history in violent behavior is going to retaliate?

why are you finding this at all credible?

this just goes to show what lengths democrats will go to kill their children

so, sexual assault is funny?

So character assassination via false accusations and lack of due process is funny?

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