So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

Well well Moon Bats. Looks like you are going to be disappointed once again.

The crazy woman accusing Kavanaugh of raping her 40 years ago had a judgement leveled against her family by his mother, who was the judge at the time.

BREAKING NEWS: Christine Ford’s PARENTS Were Defendants in a 1996 Foreclosure Case, Guess who’s Mom Was The Judge?

BREAKING NEWS: Christine Ford’s PARENTS Were Defendants in a 1996 Foreclosure Case, Guess who’s Mom Was The Judge?

Christine Ford’s Parents Paula K Blasey and Ralph G Blasey were the Defendants in a foreclosure case in Maryland in 1996. Guess who the Judge was America? None other than Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, Martha G Kavanaugh. You literally cannot make this up.

Once again Moon Bats

Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.
/---/ You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof. But to answer your question, NO it's likely he would try again, like Slick Willie.
You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof
No, I'm not one of the ones calling him guilty because I want his nomination to fail.

No one has convicted him.
I just hope Christine Ford takes the chair in front of the Senate committee and tells her story.
She obviously must have more than just a faint memory of his assault on her.
Somebody jumps on me, puts his hand over my mouth and tries to pull my clothes off is something I call ATTEMPTED RAPE.
What do they call it down there in your 'holler?
Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.
/---/ You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof. But to answer your question, NO it's likely he would try again, like Slick Willie.
You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof
No, I'm not one of the ones calling him guilty because I want his nomination to fail.

No one has convicted him.
I just hope Christine Ford takes the chair in front of the Senate committee and tells her story.
She obviously must have more than just a faint memory of his assault on her.
Somebody jumps on me, puts his hand over my mouth and tries to pull my clothes off is something I call ATTEMPTED RAPE.
What do they call it down there in your 'holler?
He was very drunk and 17. In our holler, he'd get pounded for doing that to someone's younger sister, as he should. I think, if as an adult, he has learned respect for females, his behavior under the influence on one occasion should not derail an SC nomination, but I admit I could be wrong about that. I'm usually the one promoting the women but somehow this whole thing seems "off" to me.
Why won’t anyone answer what makes this a case of attempted rape versus a drunk guy trying to hook up with a drunk girl and stopping when she resisted?
In our holler, he'd get pounded for doing that to someone's younger sister, as he should.

Heh heeeee. I don't see use of the term in or up the holler much anymore. Gosh. Growing up in the Blue Ridge mountains, I sure know what it means. It's a way of life. I can still remember my echo bouncing off of the mountains. lol.

Props for proper use of the term holler, OL.
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If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim
In our holler, he'd get pounded for doing that to someone's younger sister, as he should.

Heh heeeee. I don't see euse the term in or up the holler much anymore. Gosh. Growing up in the Blue Ridge mountains, I sure know what it means. It's a way of life. I can still my echo bouncing off of the mountains. lol.

Props for proper use of the term holler, OL.
We don't have "hollers" in Maine, but I'm well read, so I went with the poster's choice of terms.
Why won’t anyone answer what makes this a case of attempted rape versus a drunk guy trying to hook up with a drunk girl and stopping when she resisted?

I lean towards it was a situation of drunk horny teens that got out of hand
I don’t think he should suffer the rest of his life over it, but I don’t think he should call the woman a liar
If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim

Has it occurred to you that it is a lie?
Kavenaugh lied and called the woman a liar

To me, that is a bigger transgression than a horny teen trying to get laid

You sound like you really believe that. Think about it, you're accusing him of two things, neither of which were raised during the hearings. Now why do you suppose this "lying" thing of which you are so enamored never came up? Obviously, the haters didn't think there was a lot there.

The woman has relayed the story to her therapist over a decade ago, she has taken a lie detector test

I believe it

That's not all you're accusing him of doing, though, is it? There are two things, and I want to know why you think the rabid opposition that openly started they would oppose anyone Trump appointed said nothing about either one during the hearings, when it was the appropriate time to do so.

If they were so sure, as you are, that both accusations are true, one would expect them to raise them during questioning.

They did not. That pushes both of them into the "there had better be a lot of evidence for these to be considered anything other than cynical political hit pieces" territory.
If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim

His statement:

“I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”

Nothing about the accuser, or what she believes.

He is talking about his own recollection and memory of the time period in question.
If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

You're assuming that the accusation has any merit at all. If it doesn't and the incident never happened, I would expect him to do exactly what he's doing, deny it.

Now, when did he call her a liar and when did he "turn the Conservative wolf pack against her"?
If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim

Quote, please. I want to see what you think he said.
Why won’t anyone answer what makes this a case of attempted rape versus a drunk guy trying to hook up with a drunk girl and stopping when she resisted?

I lean towards it was a situation of drunk horny teens that got out of hand
I don’t think he should suffer the rest of his life over it, but I don’t think he should call the woman a liar
Saying It categorically did not happen is not calling her a liar. It is telling his side of the story. If it were you, how would you put it?
If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim

What victim?
Why won’t anyone answer what makes this a case of attempted rape versus a drunk guy trying to hook up with a drunk girl and stopping when she resisted?

I lean towards it was a situation of drunk horny teens that got out of hand
I don’t think he should suffer the rest of his life over it, but I don’t think he should call the woman a liar

If she lied, then it's perfectly reasonable.
Nobody in this world will ever prove that it's false or true. Sherlock Holmes and Columbo are both dead.

Shouldn't it at least be thoroughly investigated?

The FBI has already declined an invitation to do so. Isn't that enough to tell you nothing more would be found out?

That was before Dr. Ford revealed her identity. Things are different now...

Not really. There are still no witnesses corroborating her account, so all we have to go on are the last 40 or so years of his life, and they are stellar. Sexual predators don't try once and never again. If he was really as evil as accused, he would have a pattern, like Bubba Clinton does.

Pay attention. Dr. Ford has many contemporaneous witnesses that she told about it - including her psychiatrist.
Pay attention. Dr. Ford has many contemporaneous witnesses that she told about it - including her psychiatrist.

So we should trust a woman who is so fucked up she’s been seeing a shrink for several years?

Seeking help isn't a sign of weakness, it takes strength to admit you need it instead of passing on your issues to others or letting it ruin your life. Your attitude is why so many people DON'T get help, and instead make stupid decisions that harm others or end up with the person killing themselves with suicide or through substance abuse.
Seeking help isn't a sign of weakness? Are you serious? Do you expect us to swallow that psychiatrist pap?

That's exactly what I said. Realizing you need help and seeking it is NOT a sign of weakness. It takes courage to tell other people what's going on inside your head and be willing to try and fix it.
Sorry, turd, but needing help is the very definition of weakness. Who needs help lifting a 150 lb barbell, the strong guy or the weak guy?

It seems all you do in here is spew PC idiocies that no one actually believes.

Only a mental midget would equate mental health issues with lifting a barbell.
The FBI has already declined an invitation to do so. Isn't that enough to tell you nothing more would be found out?

That was before Dr. Ford revealed her identity. Things are different now...

Not really. There are still no witnesses corroborating her account, so all we have to go on are the last 40 or so years of his life, and they are stellar. Sexual predators don't try once and never again. If he was really as evil as accused, he would have a pattern, like Bubba Clinton does.

Pay attention. Dr. Ford has many contemporaneous witnesses that she told about it - including her psychiatrist.

So we should trust a woman who is so fucked up she’s been seeing a shrink for several years?

Seeking help isn't a sign of weakness, it takes strength to admit you need it instead of passing on your issues to others or letting it ruin your life. Your attitude is why so many people DON'T get help, and instead make stupid decisions that harm others or end up with the person killing themselves with suicide or through substance abuse.
I agree with you in the abstract, but in this case, she is blaming that incident for her inability to develop relationships with men, which came out during couples counseling thirty years after the fact. Her marriage was on the rocks and this incident is the reason? I think she may have built this up into a hugely traumatic and dramatic experience to explain one of her own challenges in life. From what I've read so far, anyway. I may completely change my mind after hearing her testimony.

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