So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:

You know how many women came forward against Herman Cain....until he dropped out of the race, and the accuser disappeared like cockroaches into the wood pile, dropping every law suit against him as they left?

Until more is exposed this is just SSDD for the Democrats, and even if it is true, China's best Spy Feinstein is still a POS for sitting n this information for so long, proving she doesn't give a damn about the accuser or women. She did not seek justice for her - she held on to this until the last minute, the most politically advantageous time.
As Hillary declared, "Every woman who claims to have been sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, sexually intimidated MUST be believe...except for the skank trailer-trash who accused Bill, of course!"

Welcome to Insanityville, where accusations against one’s political opponent are always true, no consideration of evidence needed.
You know how many women came forward against Herman Cain....until he dropped out of the race, and the accuser disappeared like cockroaches into the wood pile, dropping every law suit against him as they left?

Until more is exposed this is just SSDD for the Democrats, and even if it is true, China's best Spy Feinstein is still a POS for sitting n this information for so long, proving she doesn't give a damn about the accuser or women. She did not seek justice for her - she held on to this until the last minute, the most politically advantageous time.

This Ford broad has to really hope that Kavanaugh gets confirmed.

Her future is one of Liberal Fame and celebrity for the rest of her life if she is the Anita Hill of our time.

Her future is bleak if Kavanaugh is defeated and she become's this year's Buy A Lick Broad that slurred Herman Cain.
The double-standard evoked in this post is horrendous. "the gropenfhurer" gets a pass on his entire life.
With the advent of the Hollywood tapes , and the multiple women stepping forward stating that they were accosted by "the gropenfhurer". The ones that kneel before "the gropenfhurer" continually never mention his adulterous and the Dionysosistic lifestyle.
Everything "the gropenfhurer" has done is callously dismissed.
Even the dealing in the business world, where "the gropenfhurer" used and exploited workers and contractors is so easily overlooked by those that kneel before him.
So the "base" of the "the gropenfhurer" expose themselves as they are, simple-minded individuals that accept "the gropenfhurer's" behavior and ridicule all others.
Or, democrats threatened this women's children

No, that's Trump's modus operandi according to Stormy Daniels.
Stormy Daniel's is a whore. You really want to use her for political purposes? LOL.
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:

You know how many women came forward against Herman Cain....until he dropped out of the race, and the accuser disappeared like cockroaches into the wood pile, dropping every law suit against him as they left?

Until more is exposed this is just SSDD for the Democrats, and even if it is true, China's best Spy Feinstein is still a POS for sitting n this information for so long, proving she doesn't give a damn about the accuser or women. She did not seek justice for her - she held on to this until the last minute, the most politically advantageous time.
so you're saying Feinstein exploited her? Yes she did. To her advantage at that. Feinsttein will get her way come hell or sex that never happened.
I call b.s. on this.

You were against Kavanaugh's confirmation before any of this came out.

To think if he would confess to rape as a teen, you would suddenly be in favor of his confirmation is a bit much

Very true. Every Democrat on the Senate committee promised to vote against kavaenaugh befor the hearings. That being the case Im not sure why we even had to have hearings. These people are like that.
The United SAtates Senate used to be called, without argument, the greatest deliberative body in the world. Now its the domain of Diane Feinstein and Shumer and a setting for mob circuses to interrupt deliberations.
These people will have to be dealt with eventually in a manner that hasnt been tried before.
And if he is innocent, you have no reason to disrespect him for flat out denying it. I would, in fact, expect him to do just that. Now, when did he "turn the Conservative wolf pack against her"?

Seriously, you cannot fault him for categorically denying the incident if it did not happen. Your prescription has him taking responsibility for something that he may not have done at all. So far, you're not making a solid case.

A liberal believes, with all his heart, that anyone accused by a woman should begin wailing and begging forgiveness. The thinking is if he wasnt guilty he would not have been accused. unless it is Bill Clinton.
And no there is no hypocrisy there. They would have to hold some kind of moral belief in order for there to be hypocrisy. It is entirely consistent if all their stated beliefs are simply a means to an end and that end being power. Bill Clinton is fine raping women because he was a feminist and is still useful as long as Hillary Clinton has ambitions.
Harvey Weinstein was great until Trump's election rendered him useless. Eventually they do eat their own.
And if he is innocent, you have no reason to disrespect him for flat out denying it. I would, in fact, expect him to do just that. Now, when did he "turn the Conservative wolf pack against her"?

Seriously, you cannot fault him for categorically denying the incident if it did not happen. Your prescription has him taking responsibility for something that he may not have done at all. So far, you're not making a solid case.

A liberal believes, with all his heart, that anyone accused by a woman should begin wailing and begging forgiveness. The thinking is if he wasnt guilty he would not have been accused. unless it is Bill Clinton.
And no there is no hypocrisy there. They would have to hold some kind of moral belief in order for there to be hypocrisy. It is entirely consistent if all their stated beliefs are simply a means to an end and that end being power. Bill Clinton is fine raping women because he was a feminist and is still useful as long as Hillary Clinton has ambitions.
Harvey Weinstein was great until Trump's election rendered him useless. Eventually they do eat their own.
Al Franken
Typical from one that kneels in front of "the gropenfhurer" you cannot repute any facts.
And once again you are complicit in allowing "the gropenfhurer" a pass on all his pass improprieties.
Simple-minded individuals always do that, bow the alpha you beta boy.

The double-standard evoked in this post is horrendous. "the gropenfhurer" gets a pass on his entire life.
With the advent of the Hollywood tapes , and the multiple women stepping forward stating that they were accosted by "the gropenfhurer". The ones that kneel before "the gropenfhurer" continually never mention his adulterous and the Dionysosistic lifestyle.
Everything "the gropenfhurer" has done is callously dismissed.
Even the dealing in the business world, where "the gropenfhurer" used and exploited workers and contractors is so easily overlooked by those that kneel before him.
So the "base" of the "the gropenfhurer" expose themselves as they are, simple-minded individuals that accept "the gropenfhurer's" behavior and ridicule all others.
Or, democrats threatened this women's children

No, that's Trump's modus operandi according to Stormy Daniels.
Stormy Daniel's is a whore. You really want to use her for political purposes? LOL.
CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, then working for independent counsel Ken Starr, wrote a detailed 1998 memo suggesting explicit questions to ask President Bill Clinton about Monica Lewinsky.
Read Brett Kavanaugh's memo on Monica Lewinsky - CNNPolitics

Just as stated before with the complicit group that kneel before "the gropenfhurer".
As stated by Kavanaugh.... " is our job to make his pattern of revolting behavior known clear-----piece by painful piece..."
Of course he lied. His confirmation hearing was nothing but a series of lies
cause you'd know
From what he claimed in his hearing and what he wrote previously

Ya know...public records that the GOP tried to hide
public records like police reports weren't. and what this is about is a record of a police report. FBI never found one. so what is it that the repubs failed to present about her?
Typical from one that kneels in front of "the gropenfhurer" you cannot repute any facts.
And once again you are complicit in allowing "the gropenfhurer" a pass on all his pass improprieties.
Simple-minded individuals always do that, bow the alpha you beta boy.

The double-standard evoked in this post is horrendous. "the gropenfhurer" gets a pass on his entire life.
With the advent of the Hollywood tapes , and the multiple women stepping forward stating that they were accosted by "the gropenfhurer". The ones that kneel before "the gropenfhurer" continually never mention his adulterous and the Dionysosistic lifestyle.
Everything "the gropenfhurer" has done is callously dismissed.
Even the dealing in the business world, where "the gropenfhurer" used and exploited workers and contractors is so easily overlooked by those that kneel before him.
So the "base" of the "the gropenfhurer" expose themselves as they are, simple-minded individuals that accept "the gropenfhurer's" behavior and ridicule all others.
Or, democrats threatened this women's children

No, that's Trump's modus operandi according to Stormy Daniels.
Stormy Daniel's is a whore. You really want to use her for political purposes? LOL.
what facts? give me one, I bet I can.
Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.
One thing for you.
But you will do what you do best, deny and that is all you have.

Typical from one that kneels in front of "the gropenfhurer" you cannot repute any facts.
And once again you are complicit in allowing "the gropenfhurer" a pass on all his pass improprieties.
Simple-minded individuals always do that, bow the alpha you beta boy.

The double-standard evoked in this post is horrendous. "the gropenfhurer" gets a pass on his entire life.
With the advent of the Hollywood tapes , and the multiple women stepping forward stating that they were accosted by "the gropenfhurer". The ones that kneel before "the gropenfhurer" continually never mention his adulterous and the Dionysosistic lifestyle.
Everything "the gropenfhurer" has done is callously dismissed.
Even the dealing in the business world, where "the gropenfhurer" used and exploited workers and contractors is so easily overlooked by those that kneel before him.
So the "base" of the "the gropenfhurer" expose themselves as they are, simple-minded individuals that accept "the gropenfhurer's" behavior and ridicule all others.
No, that's Trump's modus operandi according to Stormy Daniels.
Stormy Daniel's is a whore. You really want to use her for political purposes? LOL.
what facts? give me one, I bet I can.
Ms. Ford is none too attractive, I think she just wants to break up Judge Kavanaugh's happy family.

This is, IMHO, about as disgraceful as you can get.

Looks like a continuation of the Me Too movement.

Do you approve of sexual assault?

You obviously approve of rape.

I don't approve of any sexual assault, however there is no proof it has happened at all. I believe in justice and due process. Innocent until proven guilty.

I believe it happened so long ago, when he was a teen, that it is not prosecutable. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be discussed

I think we all said things and did things as teens that we are not proud of. Doesn’t mean it can’t be discussed

I call b.s. on this.

You were against Kavanaugh's confirmation before any of this came out.

To think if he would confess to rape as a teen, you would suddenly be in favor of his confirmation is a bit much
There was no rape
He just got sexually aggressive. Typical awkward teen trying to ge laid
In today’s world it is a horror
Back 35 years ago, that is what happened at teen parties
Get the girl drunk and see what you can get away with
Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.
One thing for you.
But you will do what you do best, deny and that is all you have.

Typical from one that kneels in front of "the gropenfhurer" you cannot repute any facts.
And once again you are complicit in allowing "the gropenfhurer" a pass on all his pass improprieties.
Simple-minded individuals always do that, bow the alpha you beta boy.

The double-standard evoked in this post is horrendous. "the gropenfhurer" gets a pass on his entire life.
With the advent of the Hollywood tapes , and the multiple women stepping forward stating that they were accosted by "the gropenfhurer". The ones that kneel before "the gropenfhurer" continually never mention his adulterous and the Dionysosistic lifestyle.
Everything "the gropenfhurer" has done is callously dismissed.
Even the dealing in the business world, where "the gropenfhurer" used and exploited workers and contractors is so easily overlooked by those that kneel before him.
So the "base" of the "the gropenfhurer" expose themselves as they are, simple-minded individuals that accept "the gropenfhurer's" behavior and ridicule all others.
Stormy Daniel's is a whore. You really want to use her for political purposes? LOL.
what facts? give me one, I bet I can.
so fking what? no one cared. time to move on, that point was only valid before the election. your argument is too late. It didn't matter. Time to find something else.
Ms. Ford is none too attractive, I think she just wants to break up Judge Kavanaugh's happy family.

This is, IMHO, about as disgraceful as you can get.

Looks like a continuation of the Me Too movement.

Do you approve of sexual assault?

You obviously approve of rape.

I don't approve of any sexual assault, however there is no proof it has happened at all. I believe in justice and due process. Innocent until proven guilty.

I believe it happened so long ago, when he was a teen, that it is not prosecutable. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be discussed

I think we all said things and did things as teens that we are not proud of. Doesn’t mean it can’t be discussed

I call b.s. on this.

You were against Kavanaugh's confirmation before any of this came out.

To think if he would confess to rape as a teen, you would suddenly be in favor of his confirmation is a bit much
There was no rape
He just got sexually aggressive. Typical awkward teen trying to ge laid
In today’s world it is a horror
Back 35 years ago, that is what happened at teen parties
Get the girl drunk and see what you can get away with

Judge Kavanaugh said it didn't happen. And this liberal activist professor doesn't have either a date or place for the alleged aggressivity, so Mr. Kavanaugh can't provide an alibi, and can't provide other evidence.

In other words, its all bullshit.
Exactly the stupid moronic post that was expected.
Evidence was provided, you have no rebuttal but your ignorant attitude.
Next stupid statement, please!:290968001256257790-final:

Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.
One thing for you.
But you will do what you do best, deny and that is all you have.

Typical from one that kneels in front of "the gropenfhurer" you cannot repute any facts.
And once again you are complicit in allowing "the gropenfhurer" a pass on all his pass improprieties.
Simple-minded individuals always do that, bow the alpha you beta boy.

The double-standard evoked in this post is horrendous. "the gropenfhurer" gets a pass on his entire life.
With the advent of the Hollywood tapes , and the multiple women stepping forward stating that they were accosted by "the gropenfhurer". The ones that kneel before "the gropenfhurer" continually never mention his adulterous and the Dionysosistic lifestyle.
Everything "the gropenfhurer" has done is callously dismissed.
Even the dealing in the business world, where "the gropenfhurer" used and exploited workers and contractors is so easily overlooked by those that kneel before him.
So the "base" of the "the gropenfhurer" expose themselves as they are, simple-minded individuals that accept "the gropenfhurer's" behavior and ridicule all others.
what facts? give me one, I bet I can.
so fking what? no one cared. time to move on, that point was only valid before the election. your argument is too late. It didn't matter. Time to find something else.

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