So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

“She’s willing to do whatever it takes to get her story forth,” Christine Ford’s attorney said.

Kavanaugh Accuser Willing To Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee: Lawyer

Good for her!

Will she be willing to testify AFTER the confirmation vote, regardless of what way the vote goes?

I doubt it. Christ, how old are you?

Why wouldn't she be? The Democrats are going to try to impeach him, if he gets in?

These are supposedly serious allegations, and should be explored regardless of whether Kavanaugh is still on the bench or not.
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:
/----/ So every accuser is telling the truth except for the Slick Willie accusers. Funny how she waits till 4 days before the vote to come out - after 37 years.
“She’s willing to do whatever it takes to get her story forth,” Christine Ford’s attorney said.

Kavanaugh Accuser Willing To Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee: Lawyer

Good for her!

If there is no vote and Judge Kavanaugh withdraws his name, will she still be willing to testify under oath?

Kavanaugh should also be impeached from his current judgeship.

If Kavanaugh isn't confirmed this week, he should just resign his current judgeship so he has time to work and regain his reputation.
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:

I guess this broad is looking for Liberal Superstardom, like that enjoyed by Anita Hill?

Unfortunately for her, all that's left is the vote, she isn't going to get a chance to testify, as the vote is scheduled in just a few days and there is insufficient time.
/---/ All they need is to flip one vote, Susan Collins may be the target.
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:
/----/ So every accuser is telling the truth except for the Slick Willie accusers. Funny how she waits till 4 days before the vote to come out - after 37 years.
And why wasn’t it disclosed when it allegedly came to light
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:
So, she says he did. He says he didn’t.

And you know he’s lying and she’s not how? I mean other than that’s just how you wish it would be.
“She’s willing to do whatever it takes to get her story forth,” Christine Ford’s attorney said.

Kavanaugh Accuser Willing To Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee: Lawyer

Good for her!

If there is no vote and Judge Kavanaugh withdraws his name, will she still be willing to testify under oath?

Kavanaugh should also be impeached from his current judgeship.

If Kavanaugh isn't confirmed this week, he should just resign his current judgeship so he has time to work and regain his reputation.
/---/ As so every Conservative nominee will be targeted the same way to halt the Trump agenda.
/---/ All they need is to flip one vote, Susan Collins may be the target.

If the Kavanaugh nomination fails, it fails.

The key IMHO, is just to get the people on the record THIS WEEK.

If Manchin or Heitkamp or Donnally vote "no", let it be a campaign issue. Same with anyone else.

If this broad turns out to be unreliable, they'll find out afterwards and look like the obstructionist liberals they are.
Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.
/---/ As so every Conservative nominee will be targeted the same way to halt the Trump agenda.


And that's why its pointless to delay the vote.

Let's do it, and get the Senators on the record for this.

Up or down, give Kavanaugh the vote.

He can do a book tour if he fails to get on the court.
Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.

Young boys press the limits, its just part of their nature. Maybe the next nominee will be rejected for forging his mom's signature on a note so he could buy cigarettes?
Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.
/---/ You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof. But to answer your question, NO it's likely he would try again, like Slick Willie.
It isn't up to you to judge. The vote is on Thursday, and the Senate will be determining if he should be confirmed..

This last second bulshit didn't help the case against him, IMHO.

The people don't go for this last second "surprise" any more. Feinstein should have paid attention when NBC and the Bush Family's "Access Hollywood" surprise blew up in their faces 2 years ago.

What do you mean it isn't up to me to judge?

It is the SUPREME COURT of the United States. That means the person should be as clean as a person can possibly be.

The FBI didn't want anything to do with it. That should tell you something.

That's not what the FBI said. They said not "currently" investigating.

Kavanaugh has been checked out many times. If there was anything to this, we'd have heard about it before.

What about him lying under oath? That's still a problem.

We just came through the hearings. Did any of the Senators bring that up? Obviously, they don't think there's much there. So it's not much of a problem.
Right now, let's just get the vote on the records. Pass or fail.

The election is just a few weeks away, the voters have a right to know before they are sealed in the voting cubicles.
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.
By this thread of reason, since there are no instances noted in all the FBI background investigations, this supposed incident isn’t likely to have happened either
“She’s willing to do whatever it takes to get her story forth,” Christine Ford’s attorney said.

Kavanaugh Accuser Willing To Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee: Lawyer

Good for her!

If there is no vote and Judge Kavanaugh withdraws his name, will she still be willing to testify under oath?

Kavanaugh should also be impeached from his current judgeship.

He not been proven to have done anything to justify that.

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