So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

I'm going to run for office and see if that girl who's ass I pinched in 3rd grade surfaces.

Its more likely a girl you didn't pinch appears to accuse you of this. The odds that a kid that you just happened to pinch as a minor growing up to be a highly influential Moonbat are infinitesimal.
If someone is going to be on the Supreme Court of the United States... they better be about as air tight in every aspect of their life as they can be.

Kavanaugh has already been busted on lies under oath, and lies on his financial disclosure forms. He hasn't helped himself one bit.

It isn't up to you to judge. The vote is on Thursday, and the Senate will be determining if he should be confirmed..

This last second bulshit didn't help the case against him, IMHO.

The people don't go for this last second "surprise" any more. Feinstein should have paid attention when NBC and the Bush Family's "Access Hollywood" surprise blew up in their faces 2 years ago.

What do you mean it isn't up to me to judge?

It is the SUPREME COURT of the United States. That means the person should be as clean as a person can possibly be.

The FBI didn't want anything to do with it. That should tell you something.

That's not what the FBI said. They said not "currently" investigating.

Kavanaugh has been checked out many times. If there was anything to this, we'd have heard about it before.
Shouldn't it at least be thoroughly investigated?

Sure should be investigated, after the vote.

There isn't time to do an investigation justice in just a few days.

There would have been time to put it to bed had they brought it out months ago, when they first got it. Instead, they sat on it.

Even if true - so what?

So to put it out now reeks of desperation lies. They don't care about sexual harassment, they want to derail a SC Justice. How could they care about harassment after championing Ted Kennedy and Bubba Clinton?

No, we still care about Merrick Garland.

Was he a sexual predator too?
Nobody in this world will ever prove that it's false or true. Sherlock Holmes and Columbo are both dead.

Shouldn't it at least be thoroughly investigated?

The FBI has already declined an invitation to do so. Isn't that enough to tell you nothing more would be found out?

That was before Dr. Ford revealed her identity. Things are different now...

Not really. There are still no witnesses corroborating her account, so all we have to go on are the last 40 or so years of his life, and they are stellar. Sexual predators don't try once and never again. If he was really as evil as accused, he would have a pattern, like Bubba Clinton does.

Pay attention. Dr. Ford has many contemporaneous witnesses that she told about it - including her psychiatrist.

How many are corroborating her story, and how many incidents since then? Predators don't just try once and never again.
She lies.
Political hit job.
The one thing democrats are good at. Lying.
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The filthy Democrats hated Thomas because he was a Black that refused to live on the Moon Bat slave plantation.

They came up with a lying bitch in an attempt to discredit him but it failed.

The same dishonest tactic will fail with Kavanaugh also.

The Crats pulled that same BS on Herman Cain and they smeared Dr. Ben Carson. Since the Crats are so chaste and pure of heart, they can never be charged for anything, bless their hearts.
Now we have a liberal college professor from the Land of Fruits and Nuts claiming that that a near criminal rape caused her to never to be able to have normal relations with a "man." (Wonder what that means?) Well, su'prise, su'prise, su'prise Sgt Carter..........:abgg2q.jpg:

Funny. That's like saying PTSD is a joke.

This entire scheme by Feinstein is a joke..............LOL

It's only a "scheme" if proven untrue.

Nobody in this world will ever prove that it's false or true. Sherlock Holmes and Columbo are both dead.
What about Kavanaugh's friend that was supposedly standing there laughing while Kavanaugh tried to get her clothes off? That jumped on them so she was able to escape? Is he dead?
What about friends of hers that were at the party? She told NO ONE about such a traumatic experience? Either at the party or the next day? Something is not adding up.
After thinking about it some more, I think it needs to be investigated (NOT by the Congress) but that should be quick enough to do. One good interview with her and then follow up on the details. If she can't provide any details that would allow investigators to confirm what happened, it should be dropped.
I'm going to run for office and see if that girl who's ass I pinched in 3rd grade surfaces.

Its more likely a girl you didn't pinch appears to accuse you of this. The odds that a kid that you just happened to pinch as a minor growing up to be a highly influential Moonbat are infinitesimal.

Well of course you know that any story that was put out by some leftist sociopath would have me as an 8 year old forcing her to go ass to mouth and blowing a load up her nostril and clogging her sinus cavity for years, as opposed to the actual pinch on the ass just to give the bullshit some weight.

That's how libturds do things.

Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:
Or it didn't happen, as stated by another who was present, and this is just a desperate tactic by the dimocraps to derail the nomination. I don't want this guy, but if you are gonna kill it, do it on merit not bullshit.
After thinking about it some more, I think it needs to be investigated (NOT by the Congress) but that should be quick enough to do. One good interview with her and then follow up on the details. If she can't provide any details that would allow investigators to confirm what happened, it should be dropped.

The vote is scheduled for Thursday.

It should go on as scheduled.

However, you're right. This whole episode should still be investigated. If Kavanaugh's nomination fails, he'll have plenty of time to defend himself as well as get into this accuser's life story- see if she was put up to this.
If someone is going to be on the Supreme Court of the United States... they better be about as air tight in every aspect of their life as they can be.

Kavanaugh has already been busted on lies under oath, and lies on his financial disclosure forms. He hasn't helped himself one bit.

It isn't up to you to judge. The vote is on Thursday, and the Senate will be determining if he should be confirmed..

This last second bulshit didn't help the case against him, IMHO.

The people don't go for this last second "surprise" any more. Feinstein should have paid attention when NBC and the Bush Family's "Access Hollywood" surprise blew up in their faces 2 years ago.

What do you mean it isn't up to me to judge?

It is the SUPREME COURT of the United States. That means the person should be as clean as a person can possibly be.

The FBI didn't want anything to do with it. That should tell you something.

That's not what the FBI said. They said not "currently" investigating.

Kavanaugh has been checked out many times. If there was anything to this, we'd have heard about it before.

What about him lying under oath? That's still a problem.
She lies.
Political hit job.
The one think democrats are good at. Lying.
She passed a lie detector test

Has Kavanaugh?
Let's see it, dingus. Who gave it to her?
Polygraphs are 70-90% accurate, but all they measure, if they're accurate, is if the person believes what they are saying.
There's a better chance than not if she "passed" it, she is telling the truth as she knows it.
Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou?

If Kavanaugh fails to win the vote this week, why not?

If Kavanaugh can't make it on to the court, no appointee can and Judge Moore is an entertaining fellow with the time to hang out in Washington for hearings. Although I was thinking that signing Mark R. Levin to be the nominee would be interesting. He could call the lib senators "dummies"
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:

You won't like these games when we turn them on you, next time you have a Supreme Court nominee. Next time you have a President. Next time.

You won't like them one. little. bit. Remember that.
It will never happen to a Dim. Republicans just aren't sleazy enough to pull this kind of shit.
It isn't up to you to judge. The vote is on Thursday, and the Senate will be determining if he should be confirmed..

This last second bulshit didn't help the case against him, IMHO.

The people don't go for this last second "surprise" any more. Feinstein should have paid attention when NBC and the Bush Family's "Access Hollywood" surprise blew up in their faces 2 years ago.

What do you mean it isn't up to me to judge?

It is the SUPREME COURT of the United States. That means the person should be as clean as a person can possibly be.

The FBI didn't want anything to do with it. That should tell you something.

That's not what the FBI said. They said not "currently" investigating.

Kavanaugh has been checked out many times. If there was anything to this, we'd have heard about it before.

What about him lying under oath? That's still a problem.

There is no proof that Judge Kavanaugh lied under oath at all.

If such proof were to come up in the future, it would be a good case for impeachment

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