So...leftists attacked Trumps motorcade in Milwaukee..anyone see the video?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

If it were the other way around we'd be hearing about for years....

It would be 24/7 with special reports and it would go on and on and on............

Someone in charge of the Secret Service needs to lose their job........I imagine that obama did not give Trump the best of the best from the Secret Service....
The so called far right are viewing Trump with optimistic cynicism.

But these loonies have so much BELIEF. Just goes to show how victory shuts off your learning capacity.
I thought after they sang "What the world needs is love" at the Democrat convention, they would abandon their hatred and intolerance and show Americans that Clinton is the best candidate through their message of peace, love, and understanding.

Clearly I was wrong! :disbelief:
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Where are their 'progressive' armbands, they weren't wearing their armbands.

NotTooBrietBart labels people they want to demonize as 'progressives'. It is called propaganda. You have a future at Faux news.
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Yes! I have heard of it before. They attacked Bush's motorcade on Inauguration Day.
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Where are their 'progressive' armbands, they weren't wearing their armbands.

NotTooBrietBart labels people they want to demonize as 'progressives'. It is called propaganda. You have a future at Faux news.

Yeah...Trump supporters attacked Trump......right? The Borg Queen is proud of you.....
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Where are their 'progressive' armbands, they weren't wearing their armbands.

NotTooBrietBart labels people they want to demonize as 'progressives'. It is called propaganda. You have a future at Faux news.

And now a Breitbart Chairman is running his campaign. You can't make this shit up folks!
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Where are their 'progressive' armbands, they weren't wearing their armbands.

NotTooBrietBart labels people they want to demonize as 'progressives'. It is called propaganda. You have a future at Faux news.

Yeah...Trump supporters attacked Trump......right? The Borg Queen is proud of you.....

Is she married to Ernest BorgNine. Or Ernest BorgEight.
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Where are their 'progressive' armbands, they weren't wearing their armbands.

NotTooBrietBart labels people they want to demonize as 'progressives'. It is called propaganda. You have a future at Faux news.
Lefties are the ones who mistakenly refer to themselves as progressives. Take it up with those morons.
Some details on the left wing violence and how the hilary brown shirts attacked Trump supporters....

Exclusive — Michele Bachmann on ‘Deranged’ Protesters Targeting Donald Trump’s Supporters, Motorcade: ‘Rent-A-Thugs’ Were ‘Looking for a Beat-Down’ - Breitbart

The deranged left was on hand at the Trump event last night in Minneapolis looking for pre-planned, predictably choreographed trouble. They were swearing at attendees as we arrived, spitting at whomever they could reach. They weren’t protesting as much as they were looking to beat people up. After Donald Trump had our wildly enthusiastic crowd riled up and on our feet with multiple standing ovations, the crowd tried leaving the building. Police officers told us protesters had physically attacked people as they were leaving the building and we were instructed to leave through alternative exits.

It was so bad, she said, the so-called “protesters” were really in her view “rent-a-mobs” who turned into “rent-a-thugs.” She went on:

The ‘protestors’ morphed into rent-a-mobs, and then they became ‘rent-a-thugs’ looking for a beat-down. It was nothing more than Obama/Hillary’s lawlessness and disrespect for decency playing out on the streets of Minneapolis. The only idea the left seems to understand is physical violence used to intimidate political opposition. These brute thugs who attacked Donald Trump’s vehicle demonstrate exactly why we need to elect Donald Trump as our next President of the United States, so we can see respect for the rule of law return again in this country.

At one point, too, she saw protesters yelling profanities at police officers—and she said the experience was “frightening” to those ordinary Americans supporting Donald Trump for president.

“The media probably didn’t report it, but these protestor/thugs were running wild back and forth in a frenzy shouting, ‘F— the police! F— the police,’” Bachmann said. “For normal, happy Trump supporting people, it was frightening. Welcome to Hillary’s America. These are the people she protects and rewards.”
Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Where are their 'progressive' armbands, they weren't wearing their armbands.

NotTooBrietBart labels people they want to demonize as 'progressives'. It is called propaganda. You have a future at Faux news.

Has this ever happened before? A Presidential Candidates motorcade assaulted by asshole leftists....?

Watch the video.....

Progressives Attack Donald Trump's Motorcade and Supporters: Media Yawns - Breitbart

Progressive activists attacked Donald Trump’s motorcade and supporters in Minneapolis late Friday night, but the local media is downplayed the unprecedented attack against an American presidential candidate.
Here’s the attack on Trump’s motorcade.

And they have video of Trump supporters being attacked by hilary's brownshirts....

Here are tweeted reports from Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, who saw Trump’s event being attacked.

Where are their 'progressive' armbands, they weren't wearing their armbands.

NotTooBrietBart labels people they want to demonize as 'progressives'. It is called propaganda. You have a future at Faux news.



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