So let me get this pipeline shit straight

You know, there is ignorance and then there is stupidity. After reading the posts in this thread, I guess you have to deal with complete and total ignorance AND stupidity from Barry and his parrots on the left. Some of the absolute CRAP that I have read here just defines what is wrong with this country at the moment.

The first piece of sheer ridiculousness that I read was the fact that if we build the XL Pipeline, then it will RAISE the price of gas. Huh? Even for the left, who despises the capatalistic and free enterprise system, this is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever heard. Would ANYBODY who KNOWS the oil and gas industry please speak up if you even REMOTELY believe that is the case? (Crickets chirping). It would LOWER the price of gas, some industry experts believe, as much as $1.50 per gallon. It would provide MORE crude to refineries on the Gulf coast and it would be available to the eastern half of the country.

Now here's one that I just love. Well, whether we build the pipeline or not, most of it would go to China. GAWD!!!! Right now there are 30,000 miles of pipelines under the United States. There already is one XL pipeline from Canada to Cushing, Oklahoma. What there isn't and there NEVER has been is a pipeline that goes from the east coast to the west coast carrying crude. Why? A little thing called the Rocky Mountains. You could build one now if you had a pumping station about every other mile. But imagine the cost of that baby. If the XL pipeline is built, the refined product would be on the gulf coast. IF China wants it then they would have to put tankers through the Panama canal OR they would have to traverse around South America. The cost to them would be enormous, but they would pay AND they would pay us. The primary customer of that refined product would be primarily the east coast of the United States. When the pipeline really got going, then I would imagine that it would then be sold to the Europeans. It would be nice to have the French sucking at our teet for once.

I really like this one. Well, the oil from the tar sands in Alberta is "dirty" oil. Really? And have you ever been around a barrel of oil that comes out of the ground? You can't use it for anything. It has to be refined stupid. After you refine it, then you get gasoline, diesel, machine oil, etc. After refining, there isn't one bit of difference between the gasoline refined from Texas crude, Kansas heavy, or Alberta tar. Good God people, use your freakin brains.

Why if you build the XL Pipeline, then it will completely destroy the environment. Oh my God. There are 30,000 miles of pipeline (carrying crude and refined products) under this country right NOW. In Nebraska where the tree-huggers are so fired up about this lizard, there are pipelines that go right through that area. If people knew how close they lived to a pipeline that runs under their feet, they would be amazed. And most of them just keep working without a hitch.

Oh, and let's not forget the energy independence, the affect it would have on our national security, the ability to pump some of it into the National Petroleum Reserve domes in Texas AND the simple fact that Barry wouldn't have to bow to Saudi Sheiks anymore (although I secretly think he would).

If you don't know anything about oil and gas, then just say so. When you open your mouth and you parrot the stupidity of organizations like "Friends of the Earth" or other 'progressive' people, to those of us who are in that industry, you just look stupid AND ignorant.

Great post Sniperman.

I'm sure you noticed none of the rabid lefties on this board want to address your common sense post??

I'm not surprised. Are you??

Common Sense? BWAHAAAA!!! Some more republican's dribble. Yes, dirty Oil.

[ame=]Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth - YouTube[/ame]

I know you won't watch this because you probable can't handle substantial claims against your position, but here it is in case you decide to grow up
Obama says no pipeline because.....

1. He wants to get oil from unstable nations
2. He wants to protect a few thousand lizards who apparently wouldn't understand how to crawl under or over a fucking pipe.
3. He likes gasoline prices at 3 dollars compared to 1.83 when he took office.
4. Apparently some deer are incapable of living on one side of the pipe over the other.
5. We haven't lost enough to China yet.
6. He doesn't want the states involved to make the extra revenue.
7. 20k + jobs is just a laughing stock
8. Wants to save a few sand dunes in Nebraska.
9. Says the gop gave him too short a deadline despite this being in the works and studied for years.
10. God I really despise Obama.

Ps. We have 10's of thousands of miles of pipelines currently in use in this country without major incident. There really is NO EXCUSE for this kind of ineptness.

Doesn't appear you're trying to get things straight. Looks like you're trying to twist things to suit your bias. I despise a liar.
Yep some are concerned about their water supply. A bit more precious than oil.

Yes water is. Protecting it should be part of the plan.

There is absolutely no danger to the water supply. That's just leftwing scaremongering. The bottom line is they will do anything to prevent any project that facilitates the use of fossil fuels because they hate modern industrial society.
so, it's your position that since your messiah

I don't have a messiah, just so you know.

has nixed this pipeline and 100,000 jobs

This is an outright fabrication, and you know it. Why are you such a pathological liar? I'd suggest you seek psychiatric help, if not for the fact that I don't want you running up the bill paid by my tax dollars.

The most lofty estimates suggest that the project would create 20,000 jobs, with probably less than half being permanent.

that gasoline will not rise in the US?

I never said that. All prices rise, that's just a fact of life. But the Keystone project would have caused prices to rise even higher than without the pipeline.

So how do you account for the fact that the price of gasoline is 86% higher now than it was when the dud took office?

Because the price of oil at the time of Obama's inauguration was artificially deflated because of the recession. During the 08 campaign, the price of oil was higher than it is now, more than $140 a barrel. The recession make the prices plummet to a low of around $30 a barrel. Currently, prices remain lower than pre-recession levels, with the price today around $100 a barrel.

The fact that you want to try to pin the whole thing on the Keystone issue shows that you're a flaming idiot.
One thing to consider, big mountains in the proposed pipeline to British Vancouver route.

Quite a difficult obstacle for a pipeline.
so, it's your position that since your messiah

I don't have a messiah, just so you know.

has nixed this pipeline and 100,000 jobs

This is an outright fabrication, and you know it. Why are you such a pathological liar? I'd suggest you seek psychiatric help, if not for the fact that I don't want you running up the bill paid by my tax dollars.

The most lofty estimates suggest that the project would create 20,000 jobs, with probably less than half being permanent.

that gasoline will not rise in the US?

I never said that. All prices rise, that's just a fact of life. But the Keystone project would have caused prices to rise even higher than without the pipeline.

So how do you account for the fact that the price of gasoline is 86% higher now than it was when the dud took office?

Because the price of oil at the time of Obama's inauguration was artificially deflated because of the recession. During the 08 campaign, the price of oil was higher than it is now, more than $140 a barrel. The recession make the prices plummet to a low of around $30 a barrel. Currently, prices remain lower than pre-recession levels, with the price today around $100 a barrel.

The fact that you want to try to pin the whole thing on the Keystone issue shows that you're a flaming idiot.

You're a liar.
willow I wish you could understand how much you harm your own party daily with your silliness
The advantages of the pipeline far outweigh the disadvantages. We are talking about availability of raw precious resource here.

Availability? What availability? It's already available. There is alot of pipeline capacity between the Dominion and the US. If the US market had a higher demand for Canadian oil, that oil is available, and the means to ship it is already available. But the demand does not exist.

Not to mention, the vast majority of the oil that was to be shipped on the XL was designated for exporting out of the Gulf. All the XL pipeline would have done for US oil prices would have been to increase the cost of shipping on other oil already coming to the US from Canada, for the sake of providing Canadian oil to other countries. There is no benefit for us.
A quick review for the idiots, morons, and Rightwing partisan hacks:

  • Pipeline was proposed.
  • Nebraska objected to pipeline running near one of her aquifers.
  • Teabagger obstructionists in the House tied the continuation of the payroll tax to an agreement for a decision from the WH.
  • Pipeline people told Nebraska they would find another route, but it would take X-months to complete.
  • Decision on re-routing pipeline is still months away.
  • Obama cannot make a decision until new plans are in place.
  • Obama under a Teabagger House time clock.
  • Obama denies pipeline, due to unknowns about the re-routing.
  • Obama clearly states that the denial is NOT based on the merits of the pipeline, just the incomplete plans.
  • Teabagger Wingnut obstructionists play political games, blaming Obama.
A quick review for the idiots, morons, and Rightwing partisan hacks:

  • Pipeline was proposed.
  • Nebraska objected to pipeline running near one of her aquifers.
  • Teabagger obstructionists in the House tied the continuation of the payroll tax to an agreement for a decision from the WH.
  • Pipeline people told Nebraska they would find another route, but it would take X-months to complete.
  • Decision on re-routing pipeline is still months away.
  • Obama cannot make a decision until new plans are in place.
  • Obama under a Teabagger House time clock.
  • Obama denies pipeline, due to unknowns about the re-routing.
  • Obama clearly states that the denial is NOT based on the merits of the pipeline, just the incomplete plans.
  • Teabagger Wingnut obstructionists play political games, blaming Obama.

This has nothing to do with the Tea Party.

The only issue was the aquifer in Nebraska. AND in November Trans Canada agreed to re route Keystone.

This is for Keystone XL Phase freaking Three. There are already two pipelines in place. One to Illinois and one to Oklahoma.

Your President is a lying mother trucker. Unions are pissed at him because he's playing political games when they want jobs.

So argue this: Note that the date of the article is November/2011

" TransCanada agrees to reroute Keystone XL pipeline
'Nebraskans will play an important role in determining the final route'

CBC News
Posted: Nov 14, 2011 6:36 PM ET
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2011 10:50 AM ET
Read 608 comments608

TransCanada has agreed to change the route of a controversial proposed oil pipeline so that it doesn't pass through an environmentally sensitive part of Nebraska.

The Canadian-based company announced the decision Monday at a news conference at the Nebraska Capitol.

"I can confirm the route will be changed and Nebraskans will play an important role in determining the final route," Alex Pourbaix, TransCanada's president of energy and oil pipelines, said in a statement about the Keystone XL pipeline.

Pourbaix told a news conference in Lincoln, Neb., that rerouting the pipeline would likely need 50 to 65 extra kilometres of pipe and an additional pumping station.

Pourbaix said the company supports a proposal introduced in the state legislature that, if passed, would ensure the pipeline route would avoid the ecologically sensitive Sandhills area.

The TransCanada statement said Nebraska's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will work with the U.S. State Department to conduct an environmental assessment to "define the best location for Keystone XL in Nebraska."

"We will co-operate with these agencies and provide them with the information they need to complete a thorough review that addresses concerns regarding the Sandhills region," the statement said.

Earlier Monday, Speaker of the Nebraska Legislature Mike Flood said this action by TransCanada came after he received confirmation from the U.S. State Department that Nebraska does indeed have the authority to conduct a supplemental environmental impact study.

Flood said that Nebraska's DEQ would follow federal rules.

"There will be public hearings, there will be transparency," he said on the floor of the state legislature. "That's the way the process works and that's the way it will work in Nebraska."
Obama says no pipeline because.....

1. Big Oil wants the taxpayers to subsidize that....TOO??!!!


A quick review for the idiots, morons, and Rightwing partisan hacks:

  • Pipeline was proposed.
  • Nebraska objected to pipeline running near one of her aquifers.
  • Teabagger obstructionists in the House tied the continuation of the payroll tax to an agreement for a decision from the WH.
  • Pipeline people told Nebraska they would find another route, but it would take X-months to complete.
  • Decision on re-routing pipeline is still months away.
  • Obama cannot make a decision until new plans are in place.
  • Obama under a Teabagger House time clock.
  • Obama denies pipeline, due to unknowns about the re-routing.
  • Obama clearly states that the denial is NOT based on the merits of the pipeline, just the incomplete plans.
  • Teabagger Wingnut obstructionists play political games, blaming Obama.

This has nothing to do with the Tea Party.

The only issue was the aquifer in Nebraska. AND in November Trans Canada agreed to re route Keystone.

Slow down, Speedy!

The teabaggers who are controlling the House insisted on tying the payroll tax cut extension to an Obama decision on the Pipeline.

So it does have to do with the teabaggers.

So there's your first FAIL.

Yes, the issue is the aquifer in Nebraska. Yes, they agreed to re-route the pipeline.

Where is the final decision on where to re-route the pipeline?

They haven't decided yet. So how can the Obama EPA make a determination if they haven't picked a new route?

That's your second FAIL.
A quick review for the idiots, morons, and Rightwing partisan hacks:

  • Pipeline was proposed.
  • Nebraska objected to pipeline running near one of her aquifers.
  • Teabagger obstructionists in the House tied the continuation of the payroll tax to an agreement for a decision from the WH.
  • Pipeline people told Nebraska they would find another route, but it would take X-months to complete.
  • Decision on re-routing pipeline is still months away.
  • Obama cannot make a decision until new plans are in place.
  • Obama under a Teabagger House time clock.
  • Obama denies pipeline, due to unknowns about the re-routing.
  • Obama clearly states that the denial is NOT based on the merits of the pipeline, just the incomplete plans.
  • Teabagger Wingnut obstructionists play political games, blaming Obama.

This has nothing to do with the Tea Party.

The only issue was the aquifer in Nebraska. AND in November Trans Canada agreed to re route Keystone.

Slow down, Speedy!

The teabaggers who are controlling the House insisted on tying the payroll tax cut extension to an Obama decision on the Pipeline.

So it does have to do with the teabaggers.

So there's your first FAIL.

Yes, the issue is the aquifer in Nebraska. Yes, they agreed to re-route the pipeline.

Where is the final decision on where to re-route the pipeline?

They haven't decided yet. So how can the Obama EPA make a determination if they haven't picked a new route?

That's your second FAIL.

It was a brilliant decision by the House to tie the two together to force Obama to make a decision rather than all this bullshit that maybe he'd consider it in 2013 after the election.

And the final route proposal was just a couple of weeks away.

The Keystone projects #1, #2 and now #3 are all subject to a Presidential permit issued by the State Department. That's why Clinton has been called to the Hill next week.

It's your sleaze bag President playing to the enviro whackos on this. And Unions are pissed.

And btw Nebraska already has 20,000 miles of pipeline across the State.
Last edited:
This has nothing to do with the Tea Party.

The only issue was the aquifer in Nebraska. AND in November Trans Canada agreed to re route Keystone.

Slow down, Speedy!

The teabaggers who are controlling the House insisted on tying the payroll tax cut extension to an Obama decision on the Pipeline.

So it does have to do with the teabaggers.

So there's your first FAIL.

Yes, the issue is the aquifer in Nebraska. Yes, they agreed to re-route the pipeline.

Where is the final decision on where to re-route the pipeline?

They haven't decided yet. So how can the Obama EPA make a determination if they haven't picked a new route?

That's your second FAIL.

It was a brilliant decision by the House to tie the two together to force Obama to make a decision rather than all this bullshit that maybe he'd consider it in 2013 after the election.

And the final route proposal was just a couple of weeks away.

The Keystone projects #1, #2 and now #3 are all subject to a Presidential permit issued by the State Department. That's why Clinton has been called to the Hill next week.

It's your sleaze bag President playing to the enviro whackos on this. And Unions are pissed.

And btw Nebraska already has 20,000 miles of pipeline across the State.

Brilliant? The WH said at back then there wasn't going to be enough time to evaluate the new route. AND THE NEW ROUTE HASN'T BEEN DECIDED YET!

Do you understand, or are you still playing the stupid card?
You know, there is ignorance and then there is stupidity. After reading the posts in this thread, I guess you have to deal with complete and total ignorance AND stupidity from Barry and his parrots on the left. Some of the absolute CRAP that I have read here just defines what is wrong with this country at the moment.

The first piece of sheer ridiculousness that I read was the fact that if we build the XL Pipeline, then it will RAISE the price of gas. Huh? Even for the left, who despises the capatalistic and free enterprise system, this is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever heard. Would ANYBODY who KNOWS the oil and gas industry please speak up if you even REMOTELY believe that is the case? (Crickets chirping). It would LOWER the price of gas, some industry experts believe, as much as $1.50 per gallon. It would provide MORE crude to refineries on the Gulf coast and it would be available to the eastern half of the country.

Now here's one that I just love. Well, whether we build the pipeline or not, most of it would go to China. GAWD!!!! Right now there are 30,000 miles of pipelines under the United States. There already is one XL pipeline from Canada to Cushing, Oklahoma. What there isn't and there NEVER has been is a pipeline that goes from the east coast to the west coast carrying crude. Why? A little thing called the Rocky Mountains. You could build one now if you had a pumping station about every other mile. But imagine the cost of that baby. If the XL pipeline is built, the refined product would be on the gulf coast. IF China wants it then they would have to put tankers through the Panama canal OR they would have to traverse around South America. The cost to them would be enormous, but they would pay AND they would pay us. The primary customer of that refined product would be primarily the east coast of the United States. When the pipeline really got going, then I would imagine that it would then be sold to the Europeans. It would be nice to have the French sucking at our teet for once.

I really like this one. Well, the oil from the tar sands in Alberta is "dirty" oil. Really? And have you ever been around a barrel of oil that comes out of the ground? You can't use it for anything. It has to be refined stupid. After you refine it, then you get gasoline, diesel, machine oil, etc. After refining, there isn't one bit of difference between the gasoline refined from Texas crude, Kansas heavy, or Alberta tar. Good God people, use your freakin brains.

Why if you build the XL Pipeline, then it will completely destroy the environment. Oh my God. There are 30,000 miles of pipeline (carrying crude and refined products) under this country right NOW. In Nebraska where the tree-huggers are so fired up about this lizard, there are pipelines that go right through that area. If people knew how close they lived to a pipeline that runs under their feet, they would be amazed. And most of them just keep working without a hitch.

Oh, and let's not forget the energy independence, the affect it would have on our national security, the ability to pump some of it into the National Petroleum Reserve domes in Texas AND the simple fact that Barry wouldn't have to bow to Saudi Sheiks anymore (although I secretly think he would).

If you don't know anything about oil and gas, then just say so. When you open your mouth and you parrot the stupidity of organizations like "Friends of the Earth" or other 'progressive' people, to those of us who are in that industry, you just look stupid AND ignorant.

Great post Sniperman.

I'm sure you noticed none of the rabid lefties on this board want to address your common sense post??

I'm not surprised. Are you??

Common Sense? BWAHAAAA!!! Some more republican's dribble. Yes, dirty Oil.

[ame=]Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth - YouTube[/ame]

I know you won't watch this because you probable can't handle substantial claims against your position, but here it is in case you decide to grow up

I watched it. Wasn't impressed.

They are processing the sands in CANADA. The pipeline will carry the "dirty oil" across their country since asshole in Chief had decided that we don't need any jobs.

Of course once the elections is over and the tree huggers have voted for him he will then do an about face and let that nasty pipeline in.

If I were the Canadians I'd tell him to fuck off and get the oil to my Western border. I'm sure there will be plenty of buyers for it.

Mayby you should get your head outta your ass and grow the fuck up. Idiot.
You know, there is ignorance and then there is stupidity. After reading the posts in this thread, I guess you have to deal with complete and total ignorance AND stupidity from Barry and his parrots on the left. Some of the absolute CRAP that I have read here just defines what is wrong with this country at the moment.

The first piece of sheer ridiculousness that I read was the fact that if we build the XL Pipeline, then it will RAISE the price of gas. Huh? Even for the left, who despises the capatalistic and free enterprise system, this is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever heard. Would ANYBODY who KNOWS the oil and gas industry please speak up if you even REMOTELY believe that is the case? (Crickets chirping). It would LOWER the price of gas, some industry experts believe, as much as $1.50 per gallon. It would provide MORE crude to refineries on the Gulf coast and it would be available to the eastern half of the country.

Now here's one that I just love. Well, whether we build the pipeline or not, most of it would go to China. GAWD!!!! Right now there are 30,000 miles of pipelines under the United States. There already is one XL pipeline from Canada to Cushing, Oklahoma. What there isn't and there NEVER has been is a pipeline that goes from the east coast to the west coast carrying crude. Why? A little thing called the Rocky Mountains. You could build one now if you had a pumping station about every other mile. But imagine the cost of that baby. If the XL pipeline is built, the refined product would be on the gulf coast. IF China wants it then they would have to put tankers through the Panama canal OR they would have to traverse around South America. The cost to them would be enormous, but they would pay AND they would pay us. The primary customer of that refined product would be primarily the east coast of the United States. When the pipeline really got going, then I would imagine that it would then be sold to the Europeans. It would be nice to have the French sucking at our teet for once.

I really like this one. Well, the oil from the tar sands in Alberta is "dirty" oil. Really? And have you ever been around a barrel of oil that comes out of the ground? You can't use it for anything. It has to be refined stupid. After you refine it, then you get gasoline, diesel, machine oil, etc. After refining, there isn't one bit of difference between the gasoline refined from Texas crude, Kansas heavy, or Alberta tar. Good God people, use your freakin brains.

Why if you build the XL Pipeline, then it will completely destroy the environment. Oh my God. There are 30,000 miles of pipeline (carrying crude and refined products) under this country right NOW. In Nebraska where the tree-huggers are so fired up about this lizard, there are pipelines that go right through that area. If people knew how close they lived to a pipeline that runs under their feet, they would be amazed. And most of them just keep working without a hitch.

Oh, and let's not forget the energy independence, the affect it would have on our national security, the ability to pump some of it into the National Petroleum Reserve domes in Texas AND the simple fact that Barry wouldn't have to bow to Saudi Sheiks anymore (although I secretly think he would).

If you don't know anything about oil and gas, then just say so. When you open your mouth and you parrot the stupidity of organizations like "Friends of the Earth" or other 'progressive' people, to those of us who are in that industry, you just look stupid AND ignorant.

Great post Sniperman.

I'm sure you noticed none of the rabid lefties on this board want to address your common sense post??

I'm not surprised. Are you??

But you choose to ignore other facts around this bill. As to why in the hell did they put it in with the tax cut bill. Why did they want an answer so quickly without reviewing. Remember all the bitching your side did about not allowing anyone to read a bill through. Environmental studies have a huge impact. But what the hell, run the pipeline so we greedy oil-consuming bastards and continue to gluttonize with oil!
Crude rude and ignorant.
Your post is not that exciting to others who think more about consequences.
Unless you are a glutton.

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