So, lets review what 2 weeks of Trump have done for us....

Begging the question, I already addressed that. Since you aredetermined to not grasp every post I write, I'm not continuing this conversation with you. I'm not explaining everything twice then you decide not to get it still, it's a waste of time

Sorry I'm not understanding things the way you are intending them to sound. I don't speak stupid.

Yes, you don't understand that criminals ignore gun laws and I'm the one who's speaking stupid. Now that's stupid

Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha
From a 2013 article... you are 300 times more likely to be in a plane accident than part of a school shooting.

School Shooting vs. Airplane Crash: Statistical Breakdown

and.....according to you there should be no problem with normal, law abiding people carrying their legal guns with them to their kids school..since they aren't the ones shooting up schools......and their mere presence on school grounds will keep mass shooters away.....

There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Tell that to all the families of all the dead people on the Virginia Tech campus
Sorry I'm not understanding things the way you are intending them to sound. I don't speak stupid.

Yes, you don't understand that criminals ignore gun laws and I'm the one who's speaking stupid. Now that's stupid

Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.
From a 2013 article... you are 300 times more likely to be in a plane accident than part of a school shooting.

School Shooting vs. Airplane Crash: Statistical Breakdown

and.....according to you there should be no problem with normal, law abiding people carrying their legal guns with them to their kids school..since they aren't the ones shooting up schools......and their mere presence on school grounds will keep mass shooters away.....

There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Tell that to all the dead people on the Virginia Tech campus

How about I tell it to all the alive children at the school in my town that are inside the gun free zone?
Begging the question, I already addressed that. Since you aredetermined to not grasp every post I write, I'm not continuing this conversation with you. I'm not explaining everything twice then you decide not to get it still, it's a waste of time

Sorry I'm not understanding things the way you are intending them to sound. I don't speak stupid.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

How many of those were accidental shootings?

How many accidental shootings were stopped by NOT having guns in schools? My God you are fucking dense... How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?

That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?
From a 2013 article... you are 300 times more likely to be in a plane accident than part of a school shooting.

School Shooting vs. Airplane Crash: Statistical Breakdown

and.....according to you there should be no problem with normal, law abiding people carrying their legal guns with them to their kids school..since they aren't the ones shooting up schools......and their mere presence on school grounds will keep mass shooters away.....

There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Yes there is....merely knowing that a school allows normal people to carry guns deters mass shooters.....also, it keeps parent's who can legally carry a gun from becoming instant felons if they forget to disarm before they pick their kids up from school...which was the whole point to that law anyway.....

The grand plan was defeated by Lopez....where the anti gunners tried to ban guns 100 feet from a school...which meant if you lived across the street from a school you had to get rid of your gun.....but that lost at the Supreme Court.....the real goal is to make it more and more difficult for gun owners to move around their towns and cities carrying their guns.........most play grounds in a community are on school have to disarm to take your kids there..if you don't, you are a felon....carrying a gun from work but need to pick up the either stop at home and disarm...or you are a felon....

incremental creation of circumstances that restrict the movement of lawfully armed gun owners......since as you say, the mass shooter gun free zone reason is bullshit......but again, mass shooters choose gun free you get the added benefit of limiting their options if you allow guns on school grounds.
And here locally... The gun free zone rule actually contributed to the accidental shooting of an 8 year old. When the story first come across the radio; the man removed his pistol and stashed it in his car, so as to comply with the gun free zone rules. The child who remained in the car freed himself, retrieved the pistol, then accidentally shot himself. I put it on the gun owner always. However. If it weren't for this gun free zone rule... Would this child have accidentally shot himself? Probably not.

Boy, 8, shoots self with pistol in uncle's car at day care drop-off
Yes, you don't understand that criminals ignore gun laws and I'm the one who's speaking stupid. Now that's stupid

Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

Mass public shooters pick places that are gun free zones...we know this from their diaries, videos and notes and also from interviews with the ones we capture alive......allowing normal, law abiding people to carry their lawfully owned firearms onto school grounds as they drop off their kids, have meetings with teachers, work as aides......makes these areas less likely to be targeted by mass shooters.......

And of course....there are already school districts around the country that allow this.....and more are doing it all the time...and our gun murder rates, our accidental gun death rates...are going down, not up....

The actual numbers are not on your side......never have been....

In the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried guns for self 2016 we now had 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....and our gun murder rate went down 47%.....and our violent crime rate went down 77%....and our accidental gun death rate went in are wrong on the numbers...they don't support anything you believe...

I ONLY care about gun free school zones... and as I posted above, you are 300 times more likely to be involved in a plane accident than a school shooting with gun free zones in place... I'm much more happier with that then allowing guns in schools.

So seriously, you think the gun free zone caused that? Of course you do ...
The anti gunners.....what a fucking joke...

You need to ban guns because of mass shooters.

You need to ban guns because there aren't that many mass shooters anyway.

That is what lewdog is essentially saying.......
Sorry I'm not understanding things the way you are intending them to sound. I don't speak stupid.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

How many of those were accidental shootings?

How many accidental shootings were stopped by NOT having guns in schools? My God you are fucking dense... How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?

That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.
From a 2013 article... you are 300 times more likely to be in a plane accident than part of a school shooting.

School Shooting vs. Airplane Crash: Statistical Breakdown

and.....according to you there should be no problem with normal, law abiding people carrying their legal guns with them to their kids school..since they aren't the ones shooting up schools......and their mere presence on school grounds will keep mass shooters away.....

There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Tell that to all the dead people on the Virginia Tech campus

How about I tell it to all the alive children at the school in my town that are inside the gun free zone?

How about you tell the parent's of children murdered by the actual mass shooters that their kid could have been saved by ending gun free zones....since the shooters all ignored the gun free zones.....
Begging the question, I already addressed that. Since you aredetermined to not grasp every post I write, I'm not continuing this conversation with you. I'm not explaining everything twice then you decide not to get it still, it's a waste of time

Sorry I'm not understanding things the way you are intending them to sound. I don't speak stupid.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

How many of those were accidental shootings?

How many accidental shootings were stopped by NOT having guns in schools? My God you are fucking dense... How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?
You tell us... How many were stopped?
And to really bolster your argument... Show the class how much the rate of children accidentally getting shot in school dropped, after the implementation of gun free zones.

Exactly, that's the basis of his argument and he has zero data to back up that gun free zones reduced shootings at schools
Yes, you don't understand that criminals ignore gun laws and I'm the one who's speaking stupid. Now that's stupid

Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

I never said that, stop being a moron.

So you get to pick a policy that is the best one, and I have to come up with a perfect policy or accept your solution. You're quite the master debater there ...
The anti gunners.....what a fucking joke...

You need to ban guns because of mass shooters.

You need to ban guns because there aren't that many mass shooters anyway.

That is what lewdog is essentially saying.......

No. I'm going to say quite exactly what I am saying.

1. You have a right to own guns. We all do as citizens under the Constitution. I love the Constitution and support the Second Amendment.
2. There are places that there shouldn't be a need to carry a gun, schools are one of those places.
3. Because I don't think you should have guns in schools doesn't mean I am against the right to bear arms...

Now, carry on.

How many accidental shootings were stopped by NOT having guns in schools? My God you are fucking dense... How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?

That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.

Hey...asswipe.......gun free zones are targeted by mass shooters, they happen and no one can stop the killer till the police.......who guess what...bring guns into the gun free zone.....parent's have a right to own and carry guns to defend themselves and their families......asswipes like you no longer have the right to make that decision for them.....
The last two weeks have been Bigly Awesome. So Much Winning! And I'm not even sick of all the winning yet. More winning!

Go Gorsuch!
Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

I never said that, stop being a moron

Are you kidding? Telling him to stop being a moron is like telling a fish to stop swimming...ain't gonna is part of the left wing/democrat DNA...
From a 2013 article... you are 300 times more likely to be in a plane accident than part of a school shooting.

School Shooting vs. Airplane Crash: Statistical Breakdown

and.....according to you there should be no problem with normal, law abiding people carrying their legal guns with them to their kids school..since they aren't the ones shooting up schools......and their mere presence on school grounds will keep mass shooters away.....

There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Tell that to all the dead people on the Virginia Tech campus

How about I tell it to all the alive children at the school in my town that are inside the gun free zone?

Just tell them since they are imaginary voices in your head
The last two weeks have been Bigly Awesome. So Much Winning! And I'm not even sick of all the winning yet. More winning!

Go Gorsuch!

I will never get tired of defeating the left....and the establishment republicans..........Trump has his flaws...but so far he is doing a great job.....and all the right people are pissed off and angry, and acting like violent assholes......shows those people who don't usually pay attention who exactly they are...
Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

I never said that, stop being a moron

Yes, yes you have. Many times over now.

Your only argument is that some people don't follow the rules of gun free zones so we shouldn't have them. Do you understand how dumb that is? Say it out loud to yourself. If you still don't get it. Walk over to your neighbor's house and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, go to your pastor and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, find a long pier and start walking while repeating it to yourself... and walking and walking and walking...

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