So, lets review what 2 weeks of Trump have done for us....

On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can't come up with the money from US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me).

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute rivers and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.

Many of you on that side have stated that Trump is not your president so how and why are you measuring him as such?
From a 2013 article... you are 300 times more likely to be in a plane accident than part of a school shooting.

School Shooting vs. Airplane Crash: Statistical Breakdown

and.....according to you there should be no problem with normal, law abiding people carrying their legal guns with them to their kids school..since they aren't the ones shooting up schools......and their mere presence on school grounds will keep mass shooters away.....

There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Tell that to all the dead people on the Virginia Tech campus

How about I tell it to all the alive children at the school in my town that are inside the gun free zone?

How about you tell the parent's of children murdered by the actual mass shooters that their kid could have been saved by ending gun free zones....since the shooters all ignored the gun free zones.....
No need. The parents are comforted by the fact that their children were murdered in a gun free zone. God can only imagine the sense of loss they'd be suffering otherwise...
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How many accidental shootings were stopped by NOT having guns in schools? My God you are fucking dense... How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?

That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.

Hey...asswipe.......gun free zones are targeted by mass shooters, they happen and no one can stop the killer till the police.......who guess what...bring guns into the gun free zone.....parent's have a right to own and carry guns to defend themselves and their families......asswipes like you no longer have the right to make that decision for them.....

They are targeted by mass shooters? Really? That's why it is 300 times safer to go to school than fly an airplane?... despite the fact that all these mass shooters are targeting them?
The anti gunners.....what a fucking joke...

You need to ban guns because of mass shooters.

You need to ban guns because there aren't that many mass shooters anyway.

That is what lewdog is essentially saying.......

No. I'm going to say quite exactly what I am saying.

1. You have a right to own guns. We all do as citizens under the Constitution. I love the Constitution and support the Second Amendment.
2. There are places that there shouldn't be a need to carry a gun, schools are one of those places.
3. Because I don't think you should have guns in schools doesn't mean I am against the right to bear arms...

Now, carry on.

Why are schools exempt? If a person can carry a gun every where else, why should crossing that line turn them into a felon.....? You support turning law abiding gun owners into felons for simply walking across a property line....and for no other reason...they do not have to draw their gun, shoot their gun or injure someone, and they will be a felon....losing their freedom, their jobs, their future chances of decent employment...and their right to own guns forever......that is what you are advocating.
How many accidental shootings were stopped by NOT having guns in schools? My God you are fucking dense... How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?

That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.

Hey...asswipe.......gun free zones are targeted by mass shooters, they happen and no one can stop the killer till the police.......who guess what...bring guns into the gun free zone.....parent's have a right to own and carry guns to defend themselves and their families......asswipes like you no longer have the right to make that decision for them.....

Gun Free Zones are just a lethal form of ineffective Prog Virtue Signalling. They are a more dangerous version of PussyHats, Ribbons, Bring Back Our Girls Selfies (I believe most are still held prisoners-rape victims by Boko Haram - so all the posing didn't work - go figure), celebrity video nonsense.
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That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.

Hey...asswipe.......gun free zones are targeted by mass shooters, they happen and no one can stop the killer till the police.......who guess what...bring guns into the gun free zone.....parent's have a right to own and carry guns to defend themselves and their families......asswipes like you no longer have the right to make that decision for them.....

They are targeted by mass shooters? Really? That's why it is 300 times safer to go to school than fly an airplane?... despite the fact that all these mass shooters are targeting them?

We have actual mass shooters who state this moron. They go places where they can kill without being stopped......they don't want a gun fight they want to murder......
and.....according to you there should be no problem with normal, law abiding people carrying their legal guns with them to their kids school..since they aren't the ones shooting up schools......and their mere presence on school grounds will keep mass shooters away.....

There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Tell that to all the dead people on the Virginia Tech campus

How about I tell it to all the alive children at the school in my town that are inside the gun free zone?

How about you tell the parent's of children murdered by the actual mass shooters that their kid could have been saved by ending gun free zones....since the shooters all ignored the gun free zones.....
No need. The parents are comforted by the fact that their children were murdered in a gun free zone. God can only imagine the sense of loss they'd be suffering otherwise...

Do you understand how dumb of an argument that is? How about you comfort the number of families of the people who committed suicide with guns? That's an argument that people that want to hinder gun control use... your argument puts you on the same level as them.

How many accidental shootings were stopped by NOT having guns in schools? My God you are fucking dense... How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?

That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.

Here's what's wrong with your example, it's not random. Most accidental shootings happen at home or other times when people are doing things like cleaning their guns. People at schools don't take out their guns and maintain or play with them. How are you doing on your list of accidental shootings at schools before they became gun free zones?
Yes, you don't understand that criminals ignore gun laws and I'm the one who's speaking stupid. Now that's stupid

Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

allowing law abiding people to carry guns makes people safer. as the actual mass shootings in gun free school zones show.

When they do happen....a gun in the hands of an armed citizen can save lives.......but they are just sacrifices to your stupid ideas...
THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.

Hey...asswipe.......gun free zones are targeted by mass shooters, they happen and no one can stop the killer till the police.......who guess what...bring guns into the gun free zone.....parent's have a right to own and carry guns to defend themselves and their families......asswipes like you no longer have the right to make that decision for them.....

They are targeted by mass shooters? Really? That's why it is 300 times safer to go to school than fly an airplane?... despite the fact that all these mass shooters are targeting them?

We have actual mass shooters who state this moron. They go places where they can kill without being stopped......they don't want a gun fight they want to murder......

This is so fun! Watching people with absolutely no reasoning skills whatsoever and use nothing but hysteria to make decisions... while at the same time say that the left use hysteria to make stupid decisions.... this thread is knee deep in hypocrisy.
Again, since criminals don't obey gun free school zones then we should get rid of them... but when I say criminals ignore regular laws that must mean we should get rid of them too... that's dumb. You do understand that is YOUR reasoning right? Fuck it all, let's all go Wild wild West and everyone have gun free for all! :rolleyes:

You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

allowing law abiding people to carry guns makes people safer. as the actual mass shootings in gun free school zones show.

When they do happen....a gun in the hands of an armed citizen can save lives.......but they are just sacrifices to your stupid ideas...

Do you go to the firing range and practice fire while kids are playing down range?
There is no need for anyone to bring a gun to a school... what part of that do you not understand?

Tell that to all the dead people on the Virginia Tech campus

How about I tell it to all the alive children at the school in my town that are inside the gun free zone?

How about you tell the parent's of children murdered by the actual mass shooters that their kid could have been saved by ending gun free zones....since the shooters all ignored the gun free zones.....
No need. The parents are comforted by the fact that their children were murdered in a gun free zone. God can only imagine the sense of loss they'd be suffering otherwise...

Do you understand how dumb of an argument that is? How about you comfort the number of families of the people who committed suicide with guns? That's an argument that people that want to hinder gun control use... your argument puts you on the same level as them. don't need a gun to commit suicide, in fact, the last two years in a row the non gun suicide rate has been higher than the gun suicide rate, and the countries with almost absolute gun control for normal people have higher suicide rates than we do...Japan, China, South Korea, France, you of course have to fall back on the suicide rate to push your fake argument.
You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

allowing law abiding people to carry guns makes people safer. as the actual mass shootings in gun free school zones show.

When they do happen....a gun in the hands of an armed citizen can save lives.......but they are just sacrifices to your stupid ideas...

Do you go to the firing range and practice fire while kids are playing down range?

Yes...confronted with the stupitidy of your follow the path of anti gunner left wingers and act like a child....
You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

I never said that, stop being a moron

Yes, yes you have. Many times over now.

Your only argument is that some people don't follow the rules of gun free zones so we shouldn't have them. Do you understand how dumb that is? Say it out loud to yourself. If you still don't get it. Walk over to your neighbor's house and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, go to your pastor and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, find a long pier and start walking while repeating it to yourself... and walking and walking and walking...

You know what my argument is. Democrats are so stupid. If you don't agree with it, argue my view. Stop pretending you don't know what it is and argue it and I won't insult you. But your continually ignoring my actual argument and going back to your strawman is just you being a dick.

Once more: Criminals ignore gun free zones, so don't stop honest citizens from defending ourselves and others around us by prohibiting our having a gun to accomplish that. I don't carry guns in gun free zones. It works. How many people had guns in the Washington Navy Yard and were trained to use them and died because of idiots like you?

If you disagree with that, say why and stop being a dick
Why should normal, law abiding people who will not use their guns to murder anyone be prohibited from carrying their guns on school grounds?

That is the central question.
How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

allowing law abiding people to carry guns makes people safer. as the actual mass shootings in gun free school zones show.

When they do happen....a gun in the hands of an armed citizen can save lives.......but they are just sacrifices to your stupid ideas...

Do you go to the firing range and practice fire while kids are playing down range?

Yes...confronted with the stupitidy of your follow the path of anti gunner left wingers and act like a child....

A gun fight at a school. That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect sense now... let's have all kinds of people walking around schools packing heat... and just maybe a gun fight will kick off, that should be fun and extremely safe for the kids.
You are an idiot

How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

I never said that, stop being a moron

Yes, yes you have. Many times over now.

Your only argument is that some people don't follow the rules of gun free zones so we shouldn't have them. Do you understand how dumb that is? Say it out loud to yourself. If you still don't get it. Walk over to your neighbor's house and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, go to your pastor and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, find a long pier and start walking while repeating it to yourself... and walking and walking and walking...

Fuck you, liar. Show the quote I said that
Why should normal, law abiding people who will not use their guns to murder anyone be prohibited from carrying their guns on school grounds?

That is the central question.

That would be a rational argument if the number of accidental shootings in schools were just lower. Since there are few if any accidental shootings, it's not rational

THERE ARE HARDLY NO "accidental shootings" in schools because of them being gun free zones. Derp derp derp... Now look up the chance of getting accidentally shot at a school... is it higher than getting struck by lightening? Eaten by a shark?

Then where were there barely any accidental shootings before they were gun free zones? In your fairy world, schools were always gun free zones, huh?

Again... How many times do I have to explain this to you? Take out a piece of paper. Now draw a circle and write gun free zone in it. Now draw a circle on the other side of the paper and write "Guns" in it. Now let's assume "Guns" has an accident. What are the chances that the circle with gun free zone in it will have an accidental gun shooting in it?

Now take the pen you drew the circles with and jam it in your eye inflicting a self-imposed lobotomy.

Hey...asswipe.......gun free zones are targeted by mass shooters, they happen and no one can stop the killer till the police.......who guess what...bring guns into the gun free zone.....parent's have a right to own and carry guns to defend themselves and their families......asswipes like you no longer have the right to make that decision for them.....

They are targeted by mass shooters? Really? That's why it is 300 times safer to go to school than fly an airplane?... despite the fact that all these mass shooters are targeting them?

No, that is why such a disproportionate number of shootings are in gun free zones. You really suck at logic. No wonder you're a Democrat
How many elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, private schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are there in the United States? How many citizens? What are the chances right now that a student gets shot by a gun in school?

Naming a few shootings over the course of several years isn't going to change anything... the numbers are not on your side.

"A few shootings"? And ah, so it's acceptable looses to douse your hysterical fear of guns, gotcha

No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

I never said that, stop being a moron

Yes, yes you have. Many times over now.

Your only argument is that some people don't follow the rules of gun free zones so we shouldn't have them. Do you understand how dumb that is? Say it out loud to yourself. If you still don't get it. Walk over to your neighbor's house and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, go to your pastor and have them say it to you. If you still don't get it, find a long pier and start walking while repeating it to yourself... and walking and walking and walking...

Fuck you, liar. Show the quote I said that

Jesus you fuck, you've said it multiple times now... you've said what is the point of a gun free zone if a criminal isn't going to obey it, so we might as well not have them... MULTIPLE TIMES.

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