So, lets review what 2 weeks of Trump have done for us....

Do you go to the firing range and practice fire while kids are playing down range?

Yes...confronted with the stupitidy of your follow the path of anti gunner left wingers and act like a child....

A gun fight at a school. That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect sense now... let's have all kinds of people walking around schools packing heat... and just maybe a gun fight will kick off, that should be fun and extremely safe for the kids.

You're getting even more insane. Gotcha honey, teachers, administrators and parents are going to get into gun fights. Yeah, that'll happen. But it doesn't now because of gun free zones. You're a moonbat

Because we won't simply submit to his points....that we actually refuse to accept his dictate on gun ownership....he becomes less and less rational...if we were in a public place he would be trying to mace us and hit us with metal poles...that is how these left wingers progress.....

I've often come home from shopping and other errands saying thank the Lord I didn't have a gun with me when I was out because I probably would have gotten into a gunfight if I'd had one and now that I've cooled down I'm safe.

Lewdog boils down to an intensely hysterical fear of guns, he can't consider them rationally
It's funny you mention that. I've known many liberals in RL,who are vigorous anti gunners. And I've also seen a disproportionate number of these folks completely lose their shit, and resort to all kinds of fucked up behavior. Including violence. Sometimes I really think that these folks truly just want someone to save them, from themselves. Thus. Ban the guns.
Your grocery store parable, really isn't much of a stretch for a few liberals I've known..
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

We're the ones who are "hysterical?" Is that why you avoid data to back up your argument like the plague?

I've shown you data... but the problem is it doesn't back up your hysteria so you ignored it. You are 300 times more likely to get in a plane accident than a school gun shooting. The stat was 0.2 people in every 100,000.
Okay lewdog...please answer the questions knowing that if a normal, law abiding person carries a legal, holstered weapon onto school grounds...this is what happens to them...

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

18 U.S.C. § 924(a)(4) establishes the penalty for violating GFSZA:

Whoever violates the Act shall be fined not more than $5,000, imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the term of imprisonment imposed under this paragraph shall not run concurrently with any other term of imprisonment imposed under any other provision of law.

A conviction under the GFSZA will cause an individual to become a "prohibited person" under the Gun Control Act of 1968. This will bar them from legally owning firearms for the rest of their life.[1][2]

And also, you will lose your job, and be unable to get a decent job after this conviction.....

So...those penalties happen to the normal, law abiding gun owner for simply crossing a property line with a legal, holstered gun.....without using it to harm anyone, or to commit any other crime....simply stepping foot on the property.......

And you think that is rational?

If you KNOW a school, is a gun free zone... you're a dumbass for carrying a gun there.

Only because you make it a felony for no reason.........

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?
Yes...confronted with the stupitidy of your follow the path of anti gunner left wingers and act like a child....

A gun fight at a school. That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect sense now... let's have all kinds of people walking around schools packing heat... and just maybe a gun fight will kick off, that should be fun and extremely safe for the kids.

You're getting even more insane. Gotcha honey, teachers, administrators and parents are going to get into gun fights. Yeah, that'll happen. But it doesn't now because of gun free zones. You're a moonbat

Because we won't simply submit to his points....that we actually refuse to accept his dictate on gun ownership....he becomes less and less rational...if we were in a public place he would be trying to mace us and hit us with metal poles...that is how these left wingers progress.....

I've often come home from shopping and other errands saying thank the Lord I didn't have a gun with me when I was out because I probably would have gotten into a gunfight if I'd had one and now that I've cooled down I'm safe.

Lewdog boils down to an intensely hysterical fear of guns, he can't consider them rationally

I have no fear of guns... I've literally said that straight flat out, but you continue to make false assertions. So I have to either believe you are absolutely retarded, or a troll, with no room in between.

I've been very well trained on firearms and advanced tactical firearm usage, thus why I said I don't fear firearms, but I respect them. But hey, that doesn't fit your insane argument so you have to make shit up. :lmao:

You have no argument to back up your claim.

Lewdog: Why does anyone need a gun at a school?

Kaz: Because criminals don't follow laws, so don't prevent honest people from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so you're saying criminals don't follow the law so don't have a law

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: oh, so you're saying not to have laws unless criminals are going to follow them

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so don't have laws criminals don't follow

You're completely not rational and you can't follow a simple argument
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

We're the ones who are "hysterical?" Is that why you avoid data to back up your argument like the plague?

I've shown you data... but the problem is it doesn't back up your hysteria so you ignored it. You are 300 times more likely to get in a plane accident than a school gun shooting. The stat was 0.2 people in every 100,000.

And again...why is simply carrying a gun on your person such an issue with you?

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

again....what is the problem with an individual who has committed no crime with the weapon from simply carrying one on their person....? They are not drawing the gun, they are not shooting the gun....and have committed no crime with the gun?

What is your fucking problem with that...and why would you destroy the life of someone who crosses the property line?

IT IS A CRIME TO CARRY A GUN INTO A GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE.... so there is no such thing as an innocent law abiding person carrying a gun into a gun free school zone. That's like your argument against saying someone is an illegal immigrant living in the United States legally...
Okay lewdog...please answer the questions knowing that if a normal, law abiding person carries a legal, holstered weapon onto school grounds...this is what happens to them...

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

18 U.S.C. § 924(a)(4) establishes the penalty for violating GFSZA:

Whoever violates the Act shall be fined not more than $5,000, imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the term of imprisonment imposed under this paragraph shall not run concurrently with any other term of imprisonment imposed under any other provision of law.

A conviction under the GFSZA will cause an individual to become a "prohibited person" under the Gun Control Act of 1968. This will bar them from legally owning firearms for the rest of their life.[1][2]

And also, you will lose your job, and be unable to get a decent job after this conviction.....

So...those penalties happen to the normal, law abiding gun owner for simply crossing a property line with a legal, holstered gun.....without using it to harm anyone, or to commit any other crime....simply stepping foot on the property.......

And you think that is rational?

If you KNOW a school, is a gun free zone... you're a dumbass for carrying a gun there.

Only because you make it a felony for no reason.........

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

This is a good example of a common Big Government Prog strategy: to turn everyone into criminals with an overwhelming array of micro-managing laws and regulations. When everyone is a criminal, it is so much easier to control and intimidate those who still believe in the rule of law.
You failed the Philosophy and Logic course I see...

Apparently you did. Read your own post

So now kids can get shot by imaginary guns that don't exist? Cool story bro.

You're just tripping now

Hey you are the one that think the chances of a kid getting shot by a gun go up when there are rules to keep guns away from schools... I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe you have a brain tumor?

Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules
A gun fight at a school. That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect sense now... let's have all kinds of people walking around schools packing heat... and just maybe a gun fight will kick off, that should be fun and extremely safe for the kids.

You're getting even more insane. Gotcha honey, teachers, administrators and parents are going to get into gun fights. Yeah, that'll happen. But it doesn't now because of gun free zones. You're a moonbat

Because we won't simply submit to his points....that we actually refuse to accept his dictate on gun ownership....he becomes less and less rational...if we were in a public place he would be trying to mace us and hit us with metal poles...that is how these left wingers progress.....

I've often come home from shopping and other errands saying thank the Lord I didn't have a gun with me when I was out because I probably would have gotten into a gunfight if I'd had one and now that I've cooled down I'm safe.

Lewdog boils down to an intensely hysterical fear of guns, he can't consider them rationally

I have no fear of guns... I've literally said that straight flat out, but you continue to make false assertions. So I have to either believe you are absolutely retarded, or a troll, with no room in between.

I've been very well trained on firearms and advanced tactical firearm usage, thus why I said I don't fear firearms, but I respect them. But hey, that doesn't fit your insane argument so you have to make shit up. :lmao:

You have no argument to back up your claim.

Lewdog: Why does anyone need a gun at a school?

Kaz: Because criminals don't follow laws, so don't prevent honest people from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so you're saying criminals don't follow the law so don't have a law

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: oh, so you're saying not to have laws unless criminals are going to follow them

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so don't have laws criminals don't follow

You're completely not rational and you can't follow a simple argument

What is so fucking hard for you to understand? If criminals don't follow laws then don't have laws that hinder law abiding people who could do something about criminals... what kind of fucking retarded reasoning is that?
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

We're the ones who are "hysterical?" Is that why you avoid data to back up your argument like the plague?

I've shown you data... but the problem is it doesn't back up your hysteria so you ignored it. You are 300 times more likely to get in a plane accident than a school gun shooting. The stat was 0.2 people in every 100,000.

So you think that shows that gun laws have reduced school shootings?


Apparently you did. Read your own post

So now kids can get shot by imaginary guns that don't exist? Cool story bro.

You're just tripping now

Hey you are the one that think the chances of a kid getting shot by a gun go up when there are rules to keep guns away from schools... I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe you have a brain tumor?

Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

He's made the same fucking argument for 3+ pages now and still can't understand how fucking dumb he sounds... and then when you repeat his argument back at him he denies it, then in his next post repeats the same argument.
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

We're the ones who are "hysterical?" Is that why you avoid data to back up your argument like the plague?

I've shown you data... but the problem is it doesn't back up your hysteria so you ignored it. You are 300 times more likely to get in a plane accident than a school gun shooting. The stat was 0.2 people in every 100,000.

And again...why is simply carrying a gun on your person such an issue with you?

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

Because guns emanate evil. You say good morning to a mother of four dropping off kids at school without a gun and she smiles, says good morning back, gets in her car and drives off.

Now you take the same mother with a gun in her purse and say good morning and she pulls out the gun and shoots you in the head. Right Lewdog?
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

again....what is the problem with an individual who has committed no crime with the weapon from simply carrying one on their person....? They are not drawing the gun, they are not shooting the gun....and have committed no crime with the gun?

What is your fucking problem with that...and why would you destroy the life of someone who crosses the property line?

IT IS A CRIME TO CARRY A GUN INTO A GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE.... so there is no such thing as an innocent law abiding person carrying a gun into a gun free school zone. That's like your argument against saying someone is an illegal immigrant living in the United States legally...

Yes....circular logic.......we make a law that makes you a criminal for simply breaking the law that we created...with no underlying actual criminal activity other than breaking the arbitrary law we created......

You have failed to answer the underlying questions...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

We're the ones who are "hysterical?" Is that why you avoid data to back up your argument like the plague?

I've shown you data... but the problem is it doesn't back up your hysteria so you ignored it. You are 300 times more likely to get in a plane accident than a school gun shooting. The stat was 0.2 people in every 100,000.

And again...why is simply carrying a gun on your person such an issue with you?

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

Because guns emanate evil. You say good morning to a mother of four dropping off kids at school without a gun and she smiles, says good morning back, gets in her car and drives off.

Now you take the same mother with a gun in her purse and say good morning and she pulls out the gun and shoots you in the head. Right Lewdog?

Yeah that's EXACTLY what I'm saying... EXACTLY, you got me to a tee. Are you in my head? :rolleyes:
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It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

again....what is the problem with an individual who has committed no crime with the weapon from simply carrying one on their person....? They are not drawing the gun, they are not shooting the gun....and have committed no crime with the gun?

What is your fucking problem with that...and why would you destroy the life of someone who crosses the property line?

IT IS A CRIME TO CARRY A GUN INTO A GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE.... so there is no such thing as an innocent law abiding person carrying a gun into a gun free school zone. That's like your argument against saying someone is an illegal immigrant living in the United States legally...

Yes....circular logic.......we make a law that makes you a criminal for simply breaking the law that we created...with no underlying actual criminal activity other than breaking the arbitrary law we created......

You have failed to answer the underlying questions...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?


We can do this all day. Should I just create a copy and paste of this post?
You're getting even more insane. Gotcha honey, teachers, administrators and parents are going to get into gun fights. Yeah, that'll happen. But it doesn't now because of gun free zones. You're a moonbat

Because we won't simply submit to his points....that we actually refuse to accept his dictate on gun ownership....he becomes less and less rational...if we were in a public place he would be trying to mace us and hit us with metal poles...that is how these left wingers progress.....

I've often come home from shopping and other errands saying thank the Lord I didn't have a gun with me when I was out because I probably would have gotten into a gunfight if I'd had one and now that I've cooled down I'm safe.

Lewdog boils down to an intensely hysterical fear of guns, he can't consider them rationally

I have no fear of guns... I've literally said that straight flat out, but you continue to make false assertions. So I have to either believe you are absolutely retarded, or a troll, with no room in between.

I've been very well trained on firearms and advanced tactical firearm usage, thus why I said I don't fear firearms, but I respect them. But hey, that doesn't fit your insane argument so you have to make shit up. :lmao:

You have no argument to back up your claim.

Lewdog: Why does anyone need a gun at a school?

Kaz: Because criminals don't follow laws, so don't prevent honest people from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so you're saying criminals don't follow the law so don't have a law

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: oh, so you're saying not to have laws unless criminals are going to follow them

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so don't have laws criminals don't follow

You're completely not rational and you can't follow a simple argument

What is so fucking hard for you to understand? If criminals don't follow laws then don't have laws that hinder law abiding people who could do something about criminals... what kind of fucking retarded reasoning is that?

I didn't say do something about, I said DEFEND THEMSELVES.

My God you are stupid
Apparently you did. Read your own post

So now kids can get shot by imaginary guns that don't exist? Cool story bro.

You're just tripping now

Hey you are the one that think the chances of a kid getting shot by a gun go up when there are rules to keep guns away from schools... I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe you have a brain tumor?

Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.
Because we won't simply submit to his points....that we actually refuse to accept his dictate on gun ownership....he becomes less and less rational...if we were in a public place he would be trying to mace us and hit us with metal poles...that is how these left wingers progress.....

I've often come home from shopping and other errands saying thank the Lord I didn't have a gun with me when I was out because I probably would have gotten into a gunfight if I'd had one and now that I've cooled down I'm safe.

Lewdog boils down to an intensely hysterical fear of guns, he can't consider them rationally

I have no fear of guns... I've literally said that straight flat out, but you continue to make false assertions. So I have to either believe you are absolutely retarded, or a troll, with no room in between.

I've been very well trained on firearms and advanced tactical firearm usage, thus why I said I don't fear firearms, but I respect them. But hey, that doesn't fit your insane argument so you have to make shit up. :lmao:

You have no argument to back up your claim.

Lewdog: Why does anyone need a gun at a school?

Kaz: Because criminals don't follow laws, so don't prevent honest people from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so you're saying criminals don't follow the law so don't have a law

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: oh, so you're saying not to have laws unless criminals are going to follow them

Kaz: No, I said so don't prevent honest citizens from defending themselves

Lewdog: Oh, so don't have laws criminals don't follow

You're completely not rational and you can't follow a simple argument

What is so fucking hard for you to understand? If criminals don't follow laws then don't have laws that hinder law abiding people who could do something about criminals... what kind of fucking retarded reasoning is that?

I didn't say do something about, I said DEFEND THEMSELVES.

My God you are stupid

No, you don't even know what you are saying. We repeat your argument back to you and you deny it.
So now kids can get shot by imaginary guns that don't exist? Cool story bro.

You're just tripping now

Hey you are the one that think the chances of a kid getting shot by a gun go up when there are rules to keep guns away from schools... I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe you have a brain tumor?

Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.
It's funny how blind you guys are to how you come to your positions. You use the hysteria of school gun shootings to rationalize against gun free zones while at the same time calling Liberals insane for arguing against stronger gun control on the same hysteria of mass shootings. You are more alike than different, and you don't recognize it. It's quite funny.

You can't understand the medium position that you can have all the guns you want, but there are places and times where they have no place to be... and you have no way in your mind to rationalize that out.

again....what is the problem with an individual who has committed no crime with the weapon from simply carrying one on their person....? They are not drawing the gun, they are not shooting the gun....and have committed no crime with the gun?

What is your fucking problem with that...and why would you destroy the life of someone who crosses the property line?

IT IS A CRIME TO CARRY A GUN INTO A GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE.... so there is no such thing as an innocent law abiding person carrying a gun into a gun free school zone. That's like your argument against saying someone is an illegal immigrant living in the United States legally...

Yes....circular logic.......we make a law that makes you a criminal for simply breaking the law that we created...with no underlying actual criminal activity other than breaking the arbitrary law we created......

You have failed to answer the underlying questions...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?


We can do this all day. Should I just create a copy and paste of this post?

Moron....first, there have actually been attacks on schools...and you never know where or when they might happen.....second, you go to and from school, and again....there have been people made into victims of crime every single day of the year, and you do not know where or when that will happen......and forcing someone to disarm before taking their kids to school or picking them up is a pointless exercise.........used to create limitations and inconvenience for the sin of carrying a gun...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

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