So, lets review what 2 weeks of Trump have done for us....

No, I'm equating it to you making love to your gun because that is the most intimate thing you can do and I could care less what you do in your privacy. But that is probably too difficult for you to understand.

You are the deranged individual who brought up sex with a gun, not me.....that is your with it...for some strange 2nd amendment people never bring up sex with guns........anti gunners...always end up there.....there is a really fucked up psycho sexual issue they have with guns....which probably means their dislike of guns is a feeling of guilt and distress at being sexually attracted to them....

No, because just like homosexuals or anyone else... I'm not racist or a hater based on your right to do whatever you want in private... it's pretty simple. But when it comes to carrying a gun at a school, where there are children of other parents who don't want their kids around guns, your right to carry a gun does not over rider their right to raise their children around you carrying a gun, especially in a place that is meant for learning and not for guns. If something happened at a school where I had a kid, and a law abiding citizen accidentally shot my kid, I would find them, and I would kill them. I don't care if it was an accident or not. If they had a gun at a school where they didn't need it, and they accidentally shot a kid of mine, I would kill them. End of story. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way... and is just another good reason to keep guns away from schools.


Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

Why do you need a gun at school?

For self defense.

Self defense from a 12 year old bully?
Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

and there we are an anti gunner and you reveal you insanity as you equate gun ownership with most anti gunners do....

You really need equate guns with sex and that is need to be put on a list...not senior citizens.

No, I'm equating it to you making love to your gun because that is the most intimate thing you can do and I could care less what you do in your privacy. But that is probably too difficult for you to understand.

That made no sense
Hey you are the one that think the chances of a kid getting shot by a gun go up when there are rules to keep guns away from schools... I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe you have a brain tumor?

Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

What is this sick fetish that Democrats have to equate guns with sex?

You are the deranged individual who brought up sex with a gun, not me.....that is your with it...for some strange 2nd amendment people never bring up sex with guns........anti gunners...always end up there.....there is a really fucked up psycho sexual issue they have with guns....which probably means their dislike of guns is a feeling of guilt and distress at being sexually attracted to them....

No, because just like homosexuals or anyone else... I'm not racist or a hater based on your right to do whatever you want in private... it's pretty simple. But when it comes to carrying a gun at a school, where there are children of other parents who don't want their kids around guns, your right to carry a gun does not over rider their right to raise their children around you carrying a gun, especially in a place that is meant for learning and not for guns. If something happened at a school where I had a kid, and a law abiding citizen accidentally shot my kid, I would find them, and I would kill them. I don't care if it was an accident or not. If they had a gun at a school where they didn't need it, and they accidentally shot a kid of mine, I would kill them. End of story. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way... and is just another good reason to keep guns away from schools.


Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

Why do you need a gun at school?

For self defense.

Self defense from a 12 year old bully?

Nope....I can usually handle them. If they aren't too big or mean...... But schools are only part of a day........I shouldn't have to disarm just to take my kids to school or to walk in for a meeting with the principal or teacher.....considering the penalty for crossing the property line with a legal gun that I do not draw, shoot or use to commit a crime is a felony.....for doing nothing more than having a gun on my hip, ankle or shoulder holster.....
Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

Answer the underlying questions...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?



You seriously can't grasp that? Why would we carry a gun anywhere else? To criminals there is nothing special about a school that they would avoid them, so why would we avoid taking a legal gun there?

What is this magical difference you attribute to schools?
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

and there we are an anti gunner and you reveal you insanity as you equate gun ownership with most anti gunners do....

You really need equate guns with sex and that is need to be put on a list...not senior citizens.

No, I'm equating it to you making love to your gun because that is the most intimate thing you can do and I could care less what you do in your privacy. But that is probably too difficult for you to understand.

You are the deranged individual who brought up sex with a gun, not me.....that is your with it...for some strange 2nd amendment people never bring up sex with guns........anti gunners...always end up there.....there is a really fucked up psycho sexual issue they have with guns....which probably means their dislike of guns is a feeling of guilt and distress at being sexually attracted to them....

The equating guns with sex really is sick, Democrats need mental help
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

Answer the underlying questions...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?



You seriously can't grasp that? Why would we carry a gun anywhere else? To criminals there is nothing special about a school that they would avoid them, so why would we avoid taking a legal gun there?

What is this magical difference you attribute to schools?

But you said earlier that wasn't your argument... will you please make up your mind? I feel like I'm at Wimbledon watching a never ending volley.
If something happened at a school where I had a kid, and a law abiding citizen accidentally shot my kid, I would find them, and I would kill them. I don't care if it was an accident or not. If they had a gun at a school where they didn't need it, and they accidentally shot a kid of mine, I would kill them. End of story. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way... and is just another good reason to keep guns away from schools.
And yet school shootings happen anyway. So your theory needs work.

Odd though that a criminal justice student is admitting in public that they would commit murder. These comments can be found and linked to you should push come to shove someday. Not too smart!
No one, anywhere, is absolutely safe. Please tell me you aren't that dumb. Not a single person with an ounce of intelligence would ever argue that there is going to be a policy put in place that will make anyone absolutely safe.

allowing law abiding people to carry guns makes people safer. as the actual mass shootings in gun free school zones show.

When they do happen....a gun in the hands of an armed citizen can save lives.......but they are just sacrifices to your stupid ideas...

Do you go to the firing range and practice fire while kids are playing down range?

Yes...confronted with the stupitidy of your follow the path of anti gunner left wingers and act like a child....

A gun fight at a school. That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect sense now... let's have all kinds of people walking around schools packing heat... and just maybe a gun fight will kick off, that should be fun and extremely safe for the kids.

Again....answer the question.....why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

Can you answer those questions numb nuts?
People do not use a gun to commit a crime up until the point they do

Walk into a bank and no attention to this gun....I would never use it to break a law
Walk into a movie theater and take a seat next to the kid with an AR15 slung on his arm and a large backpack on the floor

This is what gun nuts call....keeping us safe
Right, the "rule" is to keep the gun away from a school.

Criminals ignore the rule (Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech and keep shooting.

If a few guns were around with teachers, administrators, etc., someone would have stopped him and fewer people would be shot.

Every post has to be exhaustively explained to you, this is getting exhausting if you can't start grasping the obvious
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

What is this sick fetish that Democrats have to equate guns with sex?


To a response where you parrot Democrats ...

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

Answer the underlying questions...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?



You seriously can't grasp that? Why would we carry a gun anywhere else? To criminals there is nothing special about a school that they would avoid them, so why would we avoid taking a legal gun there?

What is this magical difference you attribute to schools?

But you said earlier that wasn't your argument... will you please make up your mind? I feel like I'm at Wimbledon watching a never ending volley.

What are you talking about?
If something happened at a school where I had a kid, and a law abiding citizen accidentally shot my kid, I would find them, and I would kill them. I don't care if it was an accident or not. If they had a gun at a school where they didn't need it, and they accidentally shot a kid of mine, I would kill them. End of story. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way... and is just another good reason to keep guns away from schools.
And yet school shootings happen anyway. So your theory needs work.

Odd though that a criminal justice student is admitting in public that they have no use for the law. These comments can be found and linked to you should push come to shove someday. Not too smart!

No use for the law? I'm arguing FOR following the law and keeping gun free zones... and my point on the school shooting things is hypothetical as I don't have kids.

Of course a person that knows Criminal Justice knows that most Criminal Justice jobs comes with a psychological exam and a polygraph... but you might not have learned that from a forum....
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

What is this sick fetish that Democrats have to equate guns with sex?


To a response where you parrot Democrats ...

View attachment 110659

If something happened at a school where I had a kid, and a law abiding citizen accidentally shot my kid, I would find them, and I would kill them. I don't care if it was an accident or not. If they had a gun at a school where they didn't need it, and they accidentally shot a kid of mine, I would kill them. End of story. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way... and is just another good reason to keep guns away from schools.
And yet school shootings happen anyway. So your theory needs work.

Odd though that a criminal justice student is admitting in public that they have no use for the law. These comments can be found and linked to you should push come to shove someday. Not too smart!

No use for the law? I'm arguing FOR following the law and keeping gun free zones... and my point on the school shooting things is hypothetical as I don't have kids.

Of course a person that knows Criminal Justice knows that most Criminal Justice jobs comes with a psychological exam and a polygraph... but you might not have learned that from a forum....
No one but you suggested breaking the law.
If something happened at a school where I had a kid, and a law abiding citizen accidentally shot my kid, I would find them, and I would kill them. I don't care if it was an accident or not. If they had a gun at a school where they didn't need it, and they accidentally shot a kid of mine, I would kill them. End of story. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way... and is just another good reason to keep guns away from schools.
And yet school shootings happen anyway. So your theory needs work.

Odd though that a criminal justice student is admitting in public that they have no use for the law. These comments can be found and linked to you should push come to shove someday. Not too smart!

No use for the law? I'm arguing FOR following the law and keeping gun free zones... and my point on the school shooting things is hypothetical as I don't have kids.

Of course a person that knows Criminal Justice knows that most Criminal Justice jobs comes with a psychological exam and a polygraph... but you might not have learned that from a forum....
No one but you suggested breaking the law.

You have a large problem with understanding abstract thoughts. You would never in a million years make it in the criminal justice world.
Criminals are known to ignore rules, that is why they are criminals

Doesn't mean we shouldn't have rules

Yes....that stupid point anti gunners fall back on no matter how stupid it is.....

We have rules that define behavior......if you break the rule you are punished.......what you guys want is a law that stops criminal behavior before it want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" laws that prevent crime rather than punishing people who break the law. That is why all of your gun control is actually targeted at law abiding gun owners...rathter than punishing actual illegal acts with guns.

I am not an anti-gunner. I AM NOT AN ANTI-GUNNER.

You can have all the guns you want. You can take your tiny dick out and fuck the trigger guard of your gun if you want. Good for you. But there is no need for guns at schools. Period. End of story. No need for them, period.

Answer the underlying questions...

Why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?



You seriously can't grasp that? Why would we carry a gun anywhere else? To criminals there is nothing special about a school that they would avoid them, so why would we avoid taking a legal gun there?

What is this magical difference you attribute to schools?
Then why have any laws at all?
We know criminals will not follow them
allowing law abiding people to carry guns makes people safer. as the actual mass shootings in gun free school zones show.

When they do happen....a gun in the hands of an armed citizen can save lives.......but they are just sacrifices to your stupid ideas...

Do you go to the firing range and practice fire while kids are playing down range?

Yes...confronted with the stupitidy of your follow the path of anti gunner left wingers and act like a child....

A gun fight at a school. That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect sense now... let's have all kinds of people walking around schools packing heat... and just maybe a gun fight will kick off, that should be fun and extremely safe for the kids.

Again....answer the question.....why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

Can you answer those questions numb nuts?
People do not use a gun to commit a crime up until the point they do

Walk into a bank and no attention to this gun....I would never use it to break a law
Walk into a movie theater and take a seat next to the kid with an AR15 slung on his arm and a large backpack on the floor

This is what gun nuts call....keeping us safe

Nope.....those who actually use guns to commit murder are not normal people who follow laws. Those who actually cross the line and use a gun to commit murder have long histories of violence and crime...90% of those who commit murder have a felony...and by the way, 70-80% of those murdered by guns are also people with long histories of crime and violence and felony we are not talking about going into a bank with a gun...then all of a sudden deciding "Hey, I have this gun on me, I think I am going to rob this bank."

Those who use a gun to commit a crime.....have been violent and criminals for a long time before they pull that gun...they are not normal, they do not obey laws and they are not the people your laws stop....
allowing law abiding people to carry guns makes people safer. as the actual mass shootings in gun free school zones show.

When they do happen....a gun in the hands of an armed citizen can save lives.......but they are just sacrifices to your stupid ideas...

Do you go to the firing range and practice fire while kids are playing down range?

Yes...confronted with the stupitidy of your follow the path of anti gunner left wingers and act like a child....

A gun fight at a school. That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect sense now... let's have all kinds of people walking around schools packing heat... and just maybe a gun fight will kick off, that should be fun and extremely safe for the kids.

Again....answer the question.....why should a person who can legally carry a gun, who will not use that gun to commit a crime or to harm anyone be banned from carrying a gun when they drop their kids off at school or pick them up?

Why should that legally armed person become a felon for simply crossing a property line, without having drawn the weapon, fired the weapon and not having injured anyone?

Can you answer those questions numb nuts?
People do not use a gun to commit a crime up until the point they do

Walk into a bank and no attention to this gun....I would never use it to break a law
Walk into a movie theater and take a seat next to the kid with an AR15 slung on his arm and a large backpack on the floor

This is what gun nuts call....keeping us safe

And again..the truth about normal people who own guns vs. criminals...

These and other studies funded by the CDC focus on the presence or absence of guns, rather than the characteristics of the people who use them. Indeed, the CDC's Rosenberg claims in the journalEducational Horizons that murderers are "ourselves--ordinary citizens, professionals, even health care workers": people who kill only because a gun happens to be available. Yet if there is one fact that has been incontestably established by homicide studies, it's that murderers are not ordinary gun owners but extreme aberrants whose life histories include drug abuse, serious accidents, felonies, and irrational violence.

Unlike "ourselves," roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have significant criminal records, averaging an adult criminal career of six or more years with four major felonies.

Access to juvenile records would almost certainly show that the criminal careers of murderers stretch back into their adolescence.

In Murder in America (1994), the criminologists Ronald W. Holmes and Stephen T. Holmes report that murderers generally "have histories of committing personal violence in childhood, against other children, siblings, and small animals." Murderers who don't have criminal records usually have histories of psychiatric treatment or domestic violence that did not lead to arrest.

Contrary to the impression fostered by Rosenberg and other opponents of gun ownership, the term "acquaintance homicide" does not mean killings that stem from ordinary family or neighborhood arguments. Typical acquaintance homicides include: an abusive man eventually killing a woman he has repeatedly assaulted; a drug user killing a dealer (or vice versa) in a robbery attempt; and gang members, drug dealers, and other criminals killing each other for reasons of economic rivalry or personal pique.
"Review two weeks of Trump"? What the hell have eight freaking years of Hussein done for us?
Lets review what the Kenyan Catastrophe did for the country in eight years, shall we?

1. Increased poverty.

2. Decreased family income.

3. Astronomically increased the nation debt.

4. Allowed million of illegals to flood into the country.

5. Brought in Muslim refugees

6. Caused dismal economic growth that never went over 3% in any year.

7. Destroyed healthcare.

8. Lied to the American people.

9. Incited race riots.

10 Gave away the store to Iran and Cuba.

11. Increased welfare.

12. Increased taxes.

13. At war every day of his administration with nothing to show for it.

This is the short list of how is fucked up this country.

Forum List
