So Liberals.

Since when is due process afforded illegal aliens that have violated federal immigration law? What portion of the terminology "illegal aliens is confusing"? If you are representing due process to mean ability to provide a vehicle whereby to prove legal immigrant status I understand, however, this is a thin line as to what rights they are afforded. Deportation hearings are rather brief and one sided.
When an illegal alien violates a law and as a result comes in contact with our legal system deportation should be automatic. What Mexico thinks holds no relevancy.
Will the Donald deport 11.4 million illegal immigrants, no, will he build a wall, enhance security, and commence with deporting violators of local and federal laws? its a safe bet yes. Is this justified? yes.
We have federal laws and the President has to abide by and enforce them. It is after all not just illegal immigrants from south of the boarder its European, Asian, and Mid Easterners that have exceeded their visitor visas as well.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

Who pays for it?'s free!!!!

Consumers of course; but look to the bright side, now you have an excuse for never leaving a tip!
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

Who pays for it?'s free!!!!

Consumers of course; but look to the bright side, now you have an excuse for never leaving a tip!
Right, consumer, i.e. The poor and middle class, yep,
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

I like the idea of adding grades 13-14. Good thinking!

OP- It's been said a million times, the bloated rich and giant corps will finally pay their fair share- and the nonrich will get tax cuts and higher pay, giving the economy the DEMAND it's missing. Since dupes don't know shytte, the money will go to infrastructure bank/jobs, training for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, and cheap community colleges and public U's like back in the good old days before Reaganism and brainwashing and ruin of the chumps...
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

As always, you make no sense.
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

I like the idea of adding grades 13-14. Good thinking!


If they were optional why not? Home in on hire-able skills.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

As always, you make no sense.

How about dense. The Democrats have no problem with the illegals here because they profit off of them as well. That's part of their economy. It isn't necessary for reform. You have the laws and the tools.
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I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

I like the idea of adding grades 13-14. Good thinking!


If they were optional why not? Home in on hire-able skills.

Votech is where kids gravitate because they really dislike academic work. Really dislike it. In fact, votech can be the only thing keeping some of these kids in school at all. So, telling them they can continue for another 2 years and they won't do it. Which of course would be the point, right? Vo-tech at the very least starts in high school. It should start about the 10th grade.

Most high schools are now focused on attending college. Many won't go and the name of the game is to get them into trades so they can get jobs after high school. This is what the US had done before until the issue of tracking was brought to light because people of color were tracked into the lower wage jobs based on race. You don't have to go backwards but you can't stand still.
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Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

I like the idea of adding grades 13-14. Good thinking!


If they were optional why not? Home in on hire-able skills.

Votech is where kids gravitate because they really dislike academic work. Really dislike it. In fact, votech can be the only thing keeping some of these kids in school at all. So, telling them they can continue for another 2 years and they won't do it. Which of course would be the point, right? Vo-tech at the very least starts in high school. It should start about the 10th grade.

I can't disagree but 14 yer olds might be too young to start using potentially dangerous power equipment. Kids that young still play grab ass and they might be at risk of losing some limbs and digits.
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

As always, you make no sense.

How about dense. The Democrats have no problem with the illegals here because they profit off of them as well. That's part of their economy. It isn't necessary for reform. You have the laws and the tools.
For decades Dems have been for a good SS ID card that would end this GOP mess...The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor and knows it can fool its dupes/bigots with talk of useless walls and harassment laws. Great job!
What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

I like the idea of adding grades 13-14. Good thinking!


If they were optional why not? Home in on hire-able skills.

Votech is where kids gravitate because they really dislike academic work. Really dislike it. In fact, votech can be the only thing keeping some of these kids in school at all. So, telling them they can continue for another 2 years and they won't do it. Which of course would be the point, right? Vo-tech at the very least starts in high school. It should start about the 10th grade.

I can't disagree but 14 yer olds might be too young to start using potentially dangerous power. Kids that young still play grab ass and they might be at risk of losing some limbs and digits.

They are about 16 in 10th grade and in many states can drop out. either want to deal with drop outs that will need state aid and resources or you want to try to focus on a trade. They are already working on cars and using power tools.
I like the idea of adding grades 13-14. Good thinking!


If they were optional why not? Home in on hire-able skills.

Votech is where kids gravitate because they really dislike academic work. Really dislike it. In fact, votech can be the only thing keeping some of these kids in school at all. So, telling them they can continue for another 2 years and they won't do it. Which of course would be the point, right? Vo-tech at the very least starts in high school. It should start about the 10th grade.

I can't disagree but 14 yer olds might be too young to start using potentially dangerous power. Kids that young still play grab ass and they might be at risk of losing some limbs and digits.

They are about 16 in 10th grade and in many states can drop out. either want to deal with drop outs that will need state aid and resources or you want to try to focus on a trade. They are already working on cars and using power tools.

I don't know. I still think even 18 is pretty young to teach serious trade info. Expensive stuff can be destroyed in a blink if it is handled carelessly. It takes some maturity to do many trades.

If they were optional why not? Home in on hire-able skills.

Votech is where kids gravitate because they really dislike academic work. Really dislike it. In fact, votech can be the only thing keeping some of these kids in school at all. So, telling them they can continue for another 2 years and they won't do it. Which of course would be the point, right? Vo-tech at the very least starts in high school. It should start about the 10th grade.

I can't disagree but 14 yer olds might be too young to start using potentially dangerous power. Kids that young still play grab ass and they might be at risk of losing some limbs and digits.

They are about 16 in 10th grade and in many states can drop out. either want to deal with drop outs that will need state aid and resources or you want to try to focus on a trade. They are already working on cars and using power tools.

I don't know. I still think even 18 is pretty young to teach serious trade info. Expensive stuff can be destroyed in a blink if it is handled carelessly. It takes some maturity to do many trades.

This was the norm at one time. It's making a come back but often uses a lot of minimum wage low income crap that isn't worth it. Then the school reforms came, and amid blow out from the tracking system, it was altered to preparation for college in most areas.

This is an old article that might kind of give you an idea of one of the reasons they dropped out of sight:
Vo-techs find new niche but fight old image

Vo-Tech high school combo
BCCTC | Special Needs
Programs and Courses secondary page | CHOICE High School and Technical Center
Maybe the GOP should stop blocking training for tech jobs then...stupid a-holes...
The Obama administration has released a final version of regulations targeting for-profit colleges that is significantly weaker than the initial rules proposed earlier this year, caving to complaints and legal threats from industry lobbyists. The regulations could still shut down 1,400 programs at for-profit colleges, which collectively enroll about 840,000 students.

The administration has made reining in the for-profit college industry a key component of its education agenda. For-profit college companies, like Apollo, which owns the University of Phoenix, and DeVry Education Group, receive billions of dollars of taxpayer money each year in the form of federal financial aid, drawing as much as 90% of their revenue from the federal government. Many of the biggest for-profits are mired in lawsuits from organizations like the Justice Department, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and dozens of state attorneys general, which allege a raft of violations, from misleading enrollment claims to predatory lending schemes.

For-profit college students make up just 11% of the total higher education population, but take out a disproportionate percentage of federal loans, defaulting on them at high rates. Their earnings after graduating from programs targeted by the employment regulations, such as medical assisting and cosmetology, are relatively low, and students sometimes pay up to four times as much for their educations as they would have done at a community college.
Obama Administration Backs Down On For-Profit College Regulations

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