So Liberals.

let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.

You really don't understand the cost of deportation. I've posted the costs several times but will provide you with an executive summary:

  • Cost to find 14,000,000 people in the shadows
  • Cost to detain 14 million (lease jail space from counties, cities, etc.)
  • Cost to feed three meals a day, one hot, for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide medical / dental care for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide hire Deputy US Attorney's to prosecute
  • Cost to hire or contract private immigration lawyers to defend defendants
  • Cost to hire or contract lawyers to act as Administrative Law Judges
  • Cost to rent or lease courtrooms, jail space and US Marshall's to transport defendants to and from court, medical or dental appointments
Now do you understand how much bullshit Donald Trump is tossing your way?
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

1. The very word comprehensive means there is a lot of bad stuff in the bill.

2. The Democrats would filibuster any bill the Republicans offered.

Everything they tried to do was filibustered by Obama's lap dog, Harry Reid.

The republicans can't seem to write and pass a clean bill. It's on them.
We have self service gas stations
Self service checkouts
Self service car washes
We have self order self pay kiosks in many restaurants.

How many lost jobs is that?

All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.

You really don't understand the cost of deportation. I've posted the costs several times but will provide you with an executive summary:

  • Cost to find 14,000,000 people in the shadows
  • Cost to detain 14 million (lease jail space from counties, cities, etc.)
  • Cost to feed three meals a day, one hot, for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide medical / dental care for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide hire Deputy US Attorney's to prosecute
  • Cost to hire or contract private immigration lawyers to defend defendants
  • Cost to hire or contract lawyers to act as Administrative Law Judges
  • Cost to rent or lease courtrooms, jail space and US Marshall's to transport defendants to and from court, medical or dental appointments
Now do you understand how much bullshit Donald Trump is tossing your way?

All true but the vast majority of Americans are convinced that we should remove the illegals from our midst. They don't consider the cost. They just hear the constant bleating by people like Trump and somehow think it will just "happen".
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

1. The very word comprehensive means there is a lot of bad stuff in the bill.

2. The Democrats would filibuster any bill the Republicans offered.

Everything they tried to do was filibustered by Obama's lap dog, Harry Reid.
All that blocking and filibustering and distortion really blows. The Right is just as guilty as the left. Agreed?
We have self service gas stations
Self service checkouts
Self service car washes
We have self order self pay kiosks in many restaurants.

How many lost jobs is that?

All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?
We have self service gas stations
Self service checkouts
Self service car washes
We have self order self pay kiosks in many restaurants.

How many lost jobs is that?

All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?
Also paying illegals a sub livable wage isn't the answer either
We have self service gas stations
Self service checkouts
Self service car washes
We have self order self pay kiosks in many restaurants.

How many lost jobs is that?

All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?

Bullshit. If they are paid a reasonable wage for that sort of work they will do it. And yes, EVERYONE will have to pay more for their food. Of course, with ALL wages going up because the illegal pressure to drop them will be gone, they will be able to afford them. Those that can't will still be getting their welfare so the net result is the middle class improves, and all others stay the same.
We have self service gas stations
Self service checkouts
Self service car washes
We have self order self pay kiosks in many restaurants.

How many lost jobs is that?

All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?
average white Americans?
why cant the black Americans, and Hispanic Americans also be included in this work force.
racist fuck.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

I didn't know we were "housing" illegals.
cant speak for the rest of the country but the illegals are housed in Maryland.
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.

You really don't understand the cost of deportation. I've posted the costs several times but will provide you with an executive summary:

  • Cost to find 14,000,000 people in the shadows
  • Cost to detain 14 million (lease jail space from counties, cities, etc.)
  • Cost to feed three meals a day, one hot, for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide medical / dental care for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide hire Deputy US Attorney's to prosecute
  • Cost to hire or contract private immigration lawyers to defend defendants
  • Cost to hire or contract lawyers to act as Administrative Law Judges
  • Cost to rent or lease courtrooms, jail space and US Marshall's to transport defendants to and from court, medical or dental appointments
Now do you understand how much bullshit Donald Trump is tossing your way?
find 14,000,000 illegals.
Make it illegal to hire them and don't allow for any social services and they will deport themselves.
Detain? why? if they are leaving turn your back, wish them well and watch them go, the got here on their own they can leave on their own.
Three meals a day? why, we have citizens in this country that don't have that. Besides, shouldn't take more than 2 or three meals to get them back across the border.
medical/dental? they can get that when they get home. and if they have bad teeth, they wont be eating as much anyway.
prosecute? if they are leaving give them our blessing and leave them alone unless they commit a crime.
defend them? they are not citizens and should not be afforded any rights under the constitution. No defense needed.
administrative law judges are already in place, no need for more, as a matter of fact, less will be needed as the beaners leave.
no need to transport the anywhere other than the border. as far as jails? they will end up there regardless if they commit crimes beyond the crime of being here illegally.,

Now do you understand how much bullshit you are swallowing from the Anti American socialists party?
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.

You really don't understand the cost of deportation. I've posted the costs several times but will provide you with an executive summary:

  • Cost to find 14,000,000 people in the shadows
  • Cost to detain 14 million (lease jail space from counties, cities, etc.)
  • Cost to feed three meals a day, one hot, for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide medical / dental care for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide hire Deputy US Attorney's to prosecute
  • Cost to hire or contract private immigration lawyers to defend defendants
  • Cost to hire or contract lawyers to act as Administrative Law Judges
  • Cost to rent or lease courtrooms, jail space and US Marshall's to transport defendants to and from court, medical or dental appointments
Now do you understand how much bullshit Donald Trump is tossing your way?
find 14,000,000 illegals.
Make it illegal to hire them and don't allow for any social services and they will deport themselves.
Detain? why? if they are leaving turn your back, wish them well and watch them go, the got here on their own they can leave on their own.
Three meals a day? why, we have citizens in this country that don't have that. Besides, shouldn't take more than 2 or three meals to get them back across the border.
medical/dental? they can get that when they get home. and if they have bad teeth, they wont be eating as much anyway.
prosecute? if they are leaving give them our blessing and leave them alone unless they commit a crime.
defend them? they are not citizens and should not be afforded any rights under the constitution. No defense needed.
administrative law judges are already in place, no need for more, as a matter of fact, less will be needed as the beaners leave.
no need to transport the anywhere other than the border. as far as jails? they will end up there regardless if they commit crimes beyond the crime of being here illegally.,

Now do you understand how much bullshit you are swallowing from the Anti American socialists party?
You were doing so good until you used the word beaner.... Come back after you've graduated from the trailer park
We have self service gas stations
Self service checkouts
Self service car washes
We have self order self pay kiosks in many restaurants.

How many lost jobs is that?

All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?

There have been guest worker programs for harvesting crops for at least the last 40 years.
All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?

Bullshit. If they are paid a reasonable wage for that sort of work they will do it. And yes, EVERYONE will have to pay more for their food. Of course, with ALL wages going up because the illegal pressure to drop them will be gone, they will be able to afford them. Those that can't will still be getting their welfare so the net result is the middle class improves, and all others stay the same.


See: Policy Basics: An Introduction to TANF | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?

Bullshit. If they are paid a reasonable wage for that sort of work they will do it. And yes, EVERYONE will have to pay more for their food. Of course, with ALL wages going up because the illegal pressure to drop them will be gone, they will be able to afford them. Those that can't will still be getting their welfare so the net result is the middle class improves, and all others stay the same.


See: Policy Basics: An Introduction to TANF | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Call it whatever politically correct name you want. Its welfare. One person stealing from another by way of government giveaways.
Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.

You really don't understand the cost of deportation. I've posted the costs several times but will provide you with an executive summary:

  • Cost to find 14,000,000 people in the shadows
  • Cost to detain 14 million (lease jail space from counties, cities, etc.)
  • Cost to feed three meals a day, one hot, for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide medical / dental care for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide hire Deputy US Attorney's to prosecute
  • Cost to hire or contract private immigration lawyers to defend defendants
  • Cost to hire or contract lawyers to act as Administrative Law Judges
  • Cost to rent or lease courtrooms, jail space and US Marshall's to transport defendants to and from court, medical or dental appointments
Now do you understand how much bullshit Donald Trump is tossing your way?
find 14,000,000 illegals.
Make it illegal to hire them and don't allow for any social services and they will deport themselves.
Detain? why? if they are leaving turn your back, wish them well and watch them go, the got here on their own they can leave on their own.
Three meals a day? why, we have citizens in this country that don't have that. Besides, shouldn't take more than 2 or three meals to get them back across the border.
medical/dental? they can get that when they get home. and if they have bad teeth, they wont be eating as much anyway.
prosecute? if they are leaving give them our blessing and leave them alone unless they commit a crime.
defend them? they are not citizens and should not be afforded any rights under the constitution. No defense needed.
administrative law judges are already in place, no need for more, as a matter of fact, less will be needed as the beaners leave.
no need to transport the anywhere other than the border. as far as jails? they will end up there regardless if they commit crimes beyond the crime of being here illegally.,

Now do you understand how much bullshit you are swallowing from the Anti American socialists party?
You were doing so good until you used the word beaner.... Come back after you've graduated from the trailer park
Where do you send the people who use the word cracker?
All that started WAY before this talk of a higher min wage.
Some did. Not all.

After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?

There have been guest worker programs for harvesting crops for at least the last 40 years.

Key facts for the Bracerio Program:

  • August 4, 1942 – the Mexican Farm Labor Program Agreement is signed by the governments of Mexico and the United States, the first establishing the legalization and control of Mexican migrant workers along America’s southern border area
  • April 29, 1943 – the Mexican Labor Agreement is sanctioned by Congress though Public Law 45
  • The agreement guaranteed a minimum wage of 30 cents per hour and “humane treatment” for workers
  • With many braceros remaining in the United States after their contracts ended, the Immigration and Naturalization Service began Operation Wetback in 1954. Many US-born children of Mexican braceros were wrongly repatriated, along with their parents.
  • The Bracero program ended in 1964
What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.

You really don't understand the cost of deportation. I've posted the costs several times but will provide you with an executive summary:

  • Cost to find 14,000,000 people in the shadows
  • Cost to detain 14 million (lease jail space from counties, cities, etc.)
  • Cost to feed three meals a day, one hot, for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide medical / dental care for those incarcerated
  • Cost to provide hire Deputy US Attorney's to prosecute
  • Cost to hire or contract private immigration lawyers to defend defendants
  • Cost to hire or contract lawyers to act as Administrative Law Judges
  • Cost to rent or lease courtrooms, jail space and US Marshall's to transport defendants to and from court, medical or dental appointments
Now do you understand how much bullshit Donald Trump is tossing your way?
find 14,000,000 illegals.
Make it illegal to hire them and don't allow for any social services and they will deport themselves.
Detain? why? if they are leaving turn your back, wish them well and watch them go, the got here on their own they can leave on their own.
Three meals a day? why, we have citizens in this country that don't have that. Besides, shouldn't take more than 2 or three meals to get them back across the border.
medical/dental? they can get that when they get home. and if they have bad teeth, they wont be eating as much anyway.
prosecute? if they are leaving give them our blessing and leave them alone unless they commit a crime.
defend them? they are not citizens and should not be afforded any rights under the constitution. No defense needed.
administrative law judges are already in place, no need for more, as a matter of fact, less will be needed as the beaners leave.
no need to transport the anywhere other than the border. as far as jails? they will end up there regardless if they commit crimes beyond the crime of being here illegally.,

Now do you understand how much bullshit you are swallowing from the Anti American socialists party?
You were doing so good until you used the word beaner.... Come back after you've graduated from the trailer park
Where do you send the people who use the word cracker?
That would be the ghetto I believe... Although cracker is more comical than derogatory so it's not a very fair comparison
After we kick out the illegals there will be plenty of produce picking and lawn care jobs.

Yes. There will. And, more to the point, they will have to raise the wages they pay to get the workers they need. And thus the illegal's creation of a two tier wage system will collapse and the American workers will get the wages they deserve. It's not rocket science. If you have a population that is willing to live on the fringes of society and work for far less than the indigenous population is ALL wages drop because of that.

There will NEVER be enough average white Americans to tend the crops. The farmers will have to pay crazy high wages to get us to pick produce which will be passed on all the way to the supermarket. $10 for a head of lettuce?

Bullshit. If they are paid a reasonable wage for that sort of work they will do it. And yes, EVERYONE will have to pay more for their food. Of course, with ALL wages going up because the illegal pressure to drop them will be gone, they will be able to afford them. Those that can't will still be getting their welfare so the net result is the middle class improves, and all others stay the same.


See: Policy Basics: An Introduction to TANF | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Call it whatever politically correct name you want. Its welfare. One person stealing from another by way of government giveaways.

Read the damn link, you've once again proved you have no idea about the issues on which you rant.

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