So Liberals.

let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If it was to come it would have come a long time ago. They don't exist except in a few cities. Tax breaks are worthless unless people at the level it is pretentiously geared toward work day time. Two, why in the hell would you add grade 13 and 14 unless of course there is more ching-ching to be extorted from the public coffers.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If it was to come it would have come a long time ago. They don't exist except in a few cities. Tax breaks are worthless unless people at the level it is pretentiously geared toward work day time. Two, why in the hell would you add grade 13 and 14 unless of course there is more ching-ching to be extorted from the public coffers.
one of the things that a college education shows a prospective employer is that the person has enough discipline and initiative to strive to be better. Give it away for free and make it mandatory and that aspect of it is no longer valid.
The problem today is that people seem to think they are owed everything in life just because they were born.
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If it was to come it would have come a long time ago. They don't exist except in a few cities. Tax breaks are worthless unless people at the level it is pretentiously geared toward work day time. Two, why in the hell would you add grade 13 and 14 unless of course there is more ching-ching to be extorted from the public coffers.
one of the things that a college education shows a prospective employer is that the person has enough discipline and initiative to strive to be better. Give it away for free and make it mandatory and that aspect of it is no longer valid.
The problem today is that people seem to think they are owed everything in life just because they were born.

Gee, is that what people seem to believe? Does that include Wall Streeter's or is it reserved only for those people you choose to despise?
Last edited:
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If it was to come it would have come a long time ago. They don't exist except in a few cities. Tax breaks are worthless unless people at the level it is pretentiously geared toward work day time. Two, why in the hell would you add grade 13 and 14 unless of course there is more ching-ching to be extorted from the public coffers.
one of the things that a college education shows a prospective employer is that the person has enough discipline and initiative to strive to be better. Give it away for free and make it mandatory and that aspect of it is no longer valid.
The problem today is that people seem to think they are owed everything in life just because they were born.

Make the cost prohibitive to 90% of the population and how can those who can't afford college prove to a prospective employer they are disciplined and have the initiative to do a good job?
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?
Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

If there was a need for full time day care someone would do market research, especially the people that operate thethe thousands of day care centers now in operation.
What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

How many lawsuits are there against regular universities for providing a nice, very expensive "education" and then the graduate not being able to find a job? I can think of three right off the top of my head over the last few years.

How many of them have won their lawsuit?

I believe they are still in the Courts.

A regular University doesn't claim a degree will open the doors to a job. As an undergrad I went to CAL and no one ever asked what my career goals were. As a grad student at SF St U I needed to write a short paragraph on the application on my goals for earning a graduate degree, but no promises were made of a job once I completed the program.
As for illegals we are obliged to educate them so they eat up a large portion of our education dollars. Obama gave the dreamers access to food stamps, another hit on the middle class. Their in the labor force so they have actually driven down wages. See the problem with democrats is they don't look too far down the road. They will sell out Americans to get the illegal vote.
What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

If there was a need for full time day care someone would do market research, especially the people that operate thethe thousands of day care centers now in operation.
If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

How many lawsuits are there against regular universities for providing a nice, very expensive "education" and then the graduate not being able to find a job? I can think of three right off the top of my head over the last few years.

How many of them have won their lawsuit?

I believe they are still in the Courts.

A regular University doesn't claim a degree will open the doors to a job. As an undergrad I went to CAL and no one ever asked what my career goals were. As a grad student at SF St U I needed to write a short paragraph on the application on my goals for earning a graduate degree, but no promises were made of a job once I completed the program.

They don't? Geez, you must never have seen a single university TV advertisement then.:eusa_doh:
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

1. The very word comprehensive means there is a lot of bad stuff in the bill.

2. The Democrats would filibuster any bill the Republicans offered.

Everything they tried to do was filibustered by Obama's lap dog, Harry Reid.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

I like the idea of adding grades 13-14. Good thinking!
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
if we build a wall and deport 14 million illegals that are mostly either collecting some sort of social service or working under the table and sending money back to their home country, then we save enough there not only to pay for the wall but to also fund the extra two years in school and give child care.
And Im still not all for the college or child care, I took care of my own out of my pocket when it was needed, I dont understand how so many cant do the same.

We would have to see what the equation looks like after the illegals are gone. 14 million new job opportunities would change things a lot.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

I didn't know we were "housing" illegals.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.

Even if we had money sitting there unspent, it would quickly run out. Then what? And it costs billions to house, feed and educate the illegals that come through.

It's also costing billions to care for the refugees.

So, where will the money come from? The proposals are going to be a yearly cost, not a one-time deal. And with costs going up, it means more money each year.

Q. So why hasn't Ryan and McConnell, self proclaimed fiscal conservatives, brought comprehensive immigration reform up for a vote?

A. Because it is a wedge issue and they can manipulate people like you to vote for them, in spite of the fact they do nothing but wag their lips.

Since 2010 the Republicans have been in control of the congressional agenda. What have they done in those six years to make you proud?

It's all Obama's fault! OBVIOUSLY!!!!!

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