So Liberals.

let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Every $15 an hour employee would pay around $4,000 a year in taxes. Think about it.
only if the tax code were changed. Right now they would most likely get it all back.
besides, 15k an hour would cost many jobs so the unemployment that would follow would not be made up by additional revenue from those lucky enough to still have a job.

Cost what jobs? We still need what we need.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Every $15 an hour employee would pay around $4,000 a year in taxes. Think about it.
only if the tax code were changed. Right now they would most likely get it all back.
besides, 15k an hour would cost many jobs so the unemployment that would follow would not be made up by additional revenue from those lucky enough to still have a job.

Cost what jobs? We still need what we need.
self checkouts are much less costly to an employer. Ever been to a sub place that has the computer that you order on? there is no need for the person to take your order, much less expensive than paying an employee. So many jobs that dont require an actual person to do it. I cut my own grass, I bet others can do the same. worked at a place once that made us clean our own office space so they could get rid of outside cleaning companies and save money.
lets not forget that the consumer price is going to go up on many items.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Every $15 an hour employee would pay around $4,000 a year in taxes. Think about it.

That's 80 billion going INTO the government's fund. If 20 million people were making $15 an hour that would put 560 billion more dollars into circulation spent here adding to the gross for our businesses and manufacturers.
Do you realize that in Seattle where $15.00 an hour went into effect employees asked for less hours so they could still qualify for their democrat handouts?
We have self service gas stations
Self service checkouts
Self service car washes
We have self order self pay kiosks in many restaurants.

How many lost jobs is that?
People who won't spend their own money on skills for high paying jobs will suddenly care and work hard when someone else pays it for them. What do you suppose could be wrong with that theory?
As Westwall mentioned earlier, I would imagine the program would have to be similar to other E/U countries where grades matter or testing for it matters... it's not given to every student, but offered to those with good grades/ or aptitude, and the others were put in to trade/vocational schools? I don't know?

I was never a supporter of free State college for everyone under the Sun...

When I was young, a State college was affordable for students who worked full time in the summer and part time through the school year with maybe a little bit of financial help from mom and dad.....but back then the minimum wage was worth more, you could buy more with it, pay for more with it, than you can today.

I worked and paid most of my way through college, but I earned way more than minimum wage. I graduated with $4K in debt while getting a double major in Math & Computer Science from the University of Maryland in 1988. And I had to take an extra semester because of the double major. I earned $10 an hour doing odd jobs summers, nights, weekends, breaks. I was good and had endless work. When are you saying minimum wage would have paid for college?
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this? You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?And single payer? Who will pay for this? From where will the revenue come? Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.
Is any of this actually in the platform? The $15 minimum wage isn't. It was voted down. Where are your getting your info?

"We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union and will work in every way we can—in Congress and the federal government, in states and with the private sector—to reach this goal. We should raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour."
well, the $15 an hour minimum wage would be years out, and those who buy the products minimum wagers produce would pay....just like when all other business expenses rise in cost...they are prorated and spread out in to the retail of their products sold.

College, I have no idea how that would be funded initially, but in the long term, higher paying jobs will get the gvt's money back in to the coffers via their higher salaries with higher taxes collected on the higher salaries...

Pay for maternity leave for the mother, is provided by most companies now, but for small businesses, the gvt would have to come in and help these small for it. This would not amount to much...because we only have about 4 / 5 million women each year having babies, not all of them work for small businesses that can not afford the leave with pay benefit...for our gvt taxes to come in and pay for them.

The problem with the 15 buck an hour minimum is all it accomplishes is to cause inflation. It really does nothing else. Those who actually have skills will complain that they are being paid minimum wage, so they demand higher wages (naturally, and logically) which causes all of the things that they produce to increase in price and you are right back where you started at. Only the actual money is worth less. In other a lot of glad handing feel good legislation that accomplishes nothing.

Furthermore as you force employers to pay untrained people more, you eventually get to the point where robotics makes more sense. They don't go on strike, they actually work, on time, and without personal animosity. More and more you are going to see this happen. As far as the wall go's the reason why I am for it is to drive the illegals back home where they can have the revolution that Mexico has needed for the last 100 years. Right now illegal aliens cause a two tier wage system to be created. That keeps ALL wages artificially low which hurts all Americans, especially the middle class.

What most progressives who want free college for everyone don't seem to know is even in Europe that is not a true policy. In Germany, and most of the European countries you take a test in Middle School, the results of that test determine if you even GET to go to college. Score low and college is never even a possibility.
1) $15 Minimum wage....yes, there are very few minimum wage workers, so the cost of this alone would NOT cause inflation, but as you mentioned, the surrounding jobs paying that amount now for skilled workers would have to pay their skilled workers more and the highly skilled more and so on and so forth...

but THE MINIMUM kept artificially LOW due to the minimum wage being kept so low and not rising at the same level as inflation is the main reason why ALL working Americans have not seen a rise in income compared to inflation/the cost of living....the businesses take what the minimum is, then pay their skilled worker a certain percentage above that depending on their by keeping the minimum low, they can keep the skilled worker's pay, comparably low...and THIS hurts every one of us in the middle class and has been hurting us for decades now.

As far as inflation...employee pay is only one expense for the business, just a portion of their expenses for what determines the retail price of the product to the consumer...and as with the cost of goods when they rise, the retail and what we pay will rise somewhat...depending on what is being sold, and whether material goods or services, etc and what prices workers are being paid now for the goods or service.... not all goods or services will be affected... and as with all things that make their costs rise, the business will try to cut expenses and become more efficient in other areas before raising the price when faced with crisis as these... they become better business people...they dot more eyes and cross more tees to help cover the unexpected expense...

Will that lead to more robots sooner? Maybe? But we are heading that way regardless of the minimum wage...

Yes their is only around 3% and almost 50% of workers make less then $15 an hour, do you seriously think by raising minimum wage those $15 bucks an hour workers will now be making $21 bucks an hour??? No they might get a 50 cent raise..

Everything will be affected

You just made 50 percent of the work force poor as hell

Trickle up poverty..

Almost Half of All American Workers Make Less Than $15 an Hour
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.
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let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this? You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?And single payer? Who will pay for this? From where will the revenue come? Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.
Is any of this actually in the platform? The $15 minimum wage isn't. It was voted down. Where are your getting your info?

"We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union and will work in every way we can—in Congress and the federal government, in states and with the private sector—to reach this goal. We should raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour."

vis a vis

People who won't spend their own money on skills for high paying jobs will suddenly care and work hard when someone else pays it for them. What do you suppose could be wrong with that theory?
As Westwall mentioned earlier, I would imagine the program would have to be similar to other E/U countries where grades matter or testing for it matters... it's not given to every student, but offered to those with good grades/ or aptitude, and the others were put in to trade/vocational schools? I don't know?

I was never a supporter of free State college for everyone under the Sun...

When I was young, a State college was affordable for students who worked full time in the summer and part time through the school year with maybe a little bit of financial help from mom and dad.....but back then the minimum wage was worth more, you could buy more with it, pay for more with it, than you can today.

I worked and paid most of my way through college, but I earned way more than minimum wage. I graduated with $4K in debt while getting a double major in Math & Computer Science from the University of Maryland in 1988. And I had to take an extra semester because of the double major. I earned $10 an hour doing odd jobs summers, nights, weekends, breaks. I was good and had endless work. When are you saying minimum wage would have paid for college?
In the late 70s early 80s...

I got minimum wage or 8%of my sales, whichever was higher....sold shoes in a dept store....So I too made more than minimum wage if I husseled....learned quickly, the harder I worked the more money I made but close friends were only making minimum, my older sister was only making a flat minimum wage and did it in the early to mid 70s.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Every $15 an hour employee would pay around $4,000 a year in taxes. Think about it.

That's 80 billion going INTO the government's fund. If 20 million people were making $15 an hour that would put 560 billion more dollars into circulation spent here adding to the gross for our businesses and manufacturers.

That $4000 is an assumption that every $15 and hour employee works 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. Not very many of those.
People who won't spend their own money on skills for high paying jobs will suddenly care and work hard when someone else pays it for them. What do you suppose could be wrong with that theory?
As Westwall mentioned earlier, I would imagine the program would have to be similar to other E/U countries where grades matter or testing for it matters... it's not given to every student, but offered to those with good grades/ or aptitude, and the others were put in to trade/vocational schools? I don't know?

I was never a supporter of free State college for everyone under the Sun...

When I was young, a State college was affordable for students who worked full time in the summer and part time through the school year with maybe a little bit of financial help from mom and dad.....but back then the minimum wage was worth more, you could buy more with it, pay for more with it, than you can today.

I worked and paid most of my way through college, but I earned way more than minimum wage. I graduated with $4K in debt while getting a double major in Math & Computer Science from the University of Maryland in 1988. And I had to take an extra semester because of the double major. I earned $10 an hour doing odd jobs summers, nights, weekends, breaks. I was good and had endless work. When are you saying minimum wage would have paid for college?
In the late 70s early 80s...

I got minimum wage or 8%of my sales, whichever was higher....sold shoes in a dept store....So I too made more than minimum wage if I husseled....learned quickly, the harder I worked the more money I made but close friends were only making minimum, my older sister was only making a flat minimum wage and did it in the early to mid 70s.

You said they paid their way through school on minimum, but you didn't mention school in your answer. Clarify please.

And just to be clear, so you think workers are all the same? If companies have to pay more, they won't hire better employees and leave the ones who earn the current minimum wage workers unemployed? Really?

Two questions:

1) What percent of workers make minimum wage today?

2) What percent of those workers made minimum wage three years ago?

Both are incredibly low. You really think the lowest end workers with the fewest skills and worst work habits are worth more than they make now? You really think companies would pay them more not fire them and hire someone who is worth the wage they have to pay? You really believe in the tooth fairy and the moon is made of cheese?
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

A liberal preaching economics, that's classic

How's that Bush Great Recession backing up your claims to knowing anything about 'economics'?

You live in memes, not reality.

LOL, what a tool.

Yes, W and Obama had the same policies and they had the same results, a crappy economy. You're the one who thinks the same actions led to different results.

Damn, you think I support W? :lmao:


The Stock Market went from 6,000 under Bush in 2008 to 18,000 under Obama this month.
Unemployment went from 10.2% under Bush to 4.9% under Obama.
The national defecit per year under Bush was at 1.4 trillion dollars a year, under Obama it has been recuded yearly to 400 billion.
When Obama took office the Bush/Republican economy was losing 750,000 jobs A MONTH, under Obama we've had years of job growth and lower unemployment than under Reagan.

You people have your fantasies that you cling to, but make no mistake, they are fantasies. Reality is the opposite of what you see and believe.

So solly.

Yes. The WEALTHIEST 1 percent have done better under obummer than at any time in the last 50 years. They have made more money, and ripped off the middle class at a rate unheard of under a repub admin. And you sit back and let it happen.

there was an intentional effort, thought tax policy to benefit them while leaving the rest of our workers' wages stagnant.

i don't know who "obummer" is but middle class wages have flatlined since the 70's. president obama (if that's what you were looking for) could not alter our tax policy to make things more fair by himself. in case you didn't notice, our president does not legislate. the congress does. and the first bill passed by the 110th congress of wackos was a "personhood bill"...because that is so important in terms of dealing with economic issues.

facts matter

Absolutely untrue. The POTUS sets tax policy and the IRS implements it. That's how the executive branch works. The POTUS when needed also tells the legislative branch to pass laws that further the POTUS' goals. Frequently those laws are so poorly written by the lobbyists that the Judicial Branch rules them illegal and the process starts over. Yes, wages have been stagnant. But overall the middle class has kept their heads above water because their net worth was still increasing. Under the big o they have seen their net worth drop for the first time since the 1970's.

Yes, facts matter. ALL of the facts matter. The ACA has seen a wholesale reduction in wages for workers. That's a fact. The ACA has caused employers to limiting the total number of workers. That's a fact. EPA policy (enacted due to obama's wishes) has seen thousands of workers laid off because they are no longer able to do their work. Energy prices have increased across the board under obama which has led, inevitably, to a reduction in the net worth of the middle class as they struggle to pay those energy prices. That is a fact.

There are more Americans not in the work force than at any time since the 1970's. That is a fact. Millions of jobs no longer exist thanks to obama's policies. That is a fact. Those jobs have disappeared overseas thanks to obama's policies. That is a fact. So long as those policies are in place those jobs will never come back. That too is a fact.

You and I see eye to eye on many thing jillian but I have been around a long time and the fact is that progressive economic policies enrich the wealthiest and drive every one else into the poor house. They have always done that, and they will always DO that.
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

How many lawsuits are there against regular universities for providing a nice, very expensive "education" and then the graduate not being able to find a job? I can think of three right off the top of my head over the last few years.
The savings from not building a trillion dollar wall.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

If there was a need for full time day care someone would do market research, especially the people that operate thethe thousands of day care centers now in operation.
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

How many lawsuits are there against regular universities for providing a nice, very expensive "education" and then the graduate not being able to find a job? I can think of three right off the top of my head over the last few years.

How many of them have won their lawsuit?
I didnt realize were already paying for building the wall, but lets look at this.
15 an hour, college and child care are all items that are always going to be requiring a revenue source, the wall is something that will cost but be paid off at some point.

Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

If there was a need for full time day care someone would do market research, especially the people that operate thethe thousands of day care centers now in operation.
Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

How many lawsuits are there against regular universities for providing a nice, very expensive "education" and then the graduate not being able to find a job? I can think of three right off the top of my head over the last few years.

How many of them have won their lawsuit?

I believe they are still in the Courts.
Be careful with that child care. The way it has been promoted is as a tax credit. The problem is that the vast majority of day care centers are 6 AM-6PM M-F. Most people work completely different schedules and there are no day cares, unless in specific locations, to accommodate them. So, it's a feel good measure that doesn't do shit.

What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

If there was a need for full time day care someone would do market research, especially the people that operate thethe thousands of day care centers now in operation.
What is the cost benefit of building a wall? What are the cost benefits of child care? It seems providing 24-7-365 child care is an industry whose time has come as shift workers, those who routinely work OT and on call employees have child care needs too.

What are the cost benefits of adding grades 13 & 14, providing training for those not academically inclined yet needing the skills necessary to compete for 21st Century Jobs.

If there was a market for 24/7 365 child care, don't you think there is an entrapaneur or a businessman that would start one up?

As far as job training foes, there are thousands of vocational schools that have part and full time day and night schedules for those that work and are willing to go to school to gain or further their skills. There are apprenticeship programs and on-the-job training in the private sector as well.

I am probably wasting my time since you are probably talking about government tax paid for programs. We could have a Secretary of Day Care in the cabinet.

Maybe no entrepreneur or business person has done the market research.

A school like Trump U or other private schools who rip off students, are you serious? The unemployed and unemployable - for lack of skills - don't need to go into debt which is a requirement to enroll in many, maybe most - vocational schools. They promise much, but the follow through upon earning a certificate is piss poor, their claims of 80 to 90% of jobs within weeks of graduation are in most cases nothing more than a sales pitch.

Taxes can have a cost benefit or a cost deficit. The cost deficit to pay members of Congress is in the millions, most members spent half of the time they are in session - which is less than 6-months on the job - on the phone seeking money to support their next election.

How many lawsuits are there against regular universities for providing a nice, very expensive "education" and then the graduate not being able to find a job? I can think of three right off the top of my head over the last few years.

How many of them have won their lawsuit?

I believe they are still in the Courts.

How soon do you think they will be laughed out of court?

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