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So Much For 'Every Woman Must Be Believed': Abrams Says '$crew Women' In Sucking Up To Joe For VP Chance

First of all, fuck off. If you make an argument, be prepared to back it up. Don't expect me to research out and prove or disprove what you say.

I did back it up. I spoon-fed you updated news and gave you the information. God forbid on a discussion board we might expect / hope snowflakes are informed and prepared to intelligently engage in discussions....or are willing to educate themselves....

Second, who has identified the Larry King caller as Reade's mother?

Okay, I am going to stop talking / responding to you now because, again, you have proven you are not current on information and have no interest in engaging in any effort to educate yourself...and when I spoon-fed you last time instead of being grateful you just got pissed.

Good luck with all of that.
Okay, I am going to stop[ talking / responding to you now because, again, you have proven you are not current on information and have no interest in engaging in any effort to educate yourself...and when I spoon-fed you last time instead of being grateful you just got pissed.

Good luck with all of that.

No, you're going to stop talking/responding to me because I'm done with you, and I have no further use for you.

You may go be someone else's bitch now.

No, you're going to stop talking/responding to me because I'm done with you, and I have no further use for you.

Of course you have no more use for me because I pointed out the fact that you are uninformed, you have no desire to educate yourself, and when someone does back up their comments by spoon-feeding you information that hurts yoiur argument (or attempt to deny reality) you get pissed.

Your refusal to engage in informed conversation / discussion when you have proven you are ill-prepared to do so is no loss.
Do you even know how to work 'Google'?
Do you even try to keep up with the news?

Spoon-feeding reality-avoiding/denying snowflakes gets so tiresome.....

In addition to Reade's family / mother, one woman who supports Reade's claim and has come forward with information is Lynda LaCasse. Then you have just about anyone who has seen the Larry King tape footage...and there's more...much more than Dems had with which to accuse kavanaugh.

First of all, fuck off. If you make an argument, be prepared to back it up. Don't expect me to research out and prove or disprove what you say. That would be monumentally stupid of you.

Second, who has identified the Larry King caller as Reade's mother? Reade? If the show's producers and/or call screener identify her, that'd be one thing. Has that happened? I honestly don't know.

According to you, though, "just about anyone" who heard the tape should be able to do it. That's stupid. I've heard it, and nothing in that call suggests that Reade is the woman being discussed, and I sure as Hell can't identify the voice of Tara Reade's mother.

Can you?

Read(e) did identify that voice as her own mothers. Or do you really believe some woman called in, who's daughter was also attacked by a "prominent Senator" during that same period?

I know Reade identified the caller as her mother.

Unfortunately, she didn't identify her as the caller until all of this bullshit. Think about how differently politics in this country would've gone if Biden was held accountable when, you know, it actually happened.

Here's my problem with it: Reade is making this a really big deal and, if it's true. It is a big deal. But here's the thing, if it's true, it's been a big deal for the last 27 years, and it's just too coincidental that she brings it up now, just as it was too coincidental for Blasey-Ford to make her accusations when she did...
No, you're going to stop talking/responding to me because I'm done with you, and I have no further use for you.

Of course you have no more use for me because I pointed out the fact that you are uninformed, you have no desire to educate yourself, and when someone does back up their comments by spoon-feeding you information that hurts yoiur argument (or attempt to deny reality) you get pissed.

Your refusal to engage in informed conversation / discussion when you have proven you are ill-prepared to do so is no loss.

I knew you couldn't help yourself. You're weak and needy.

Watch, you'll prove me right again...
No, you're going to stop talking/responding to me because I'm done with you, and I have no further use for you.

Of course you have no more use for me because I pointed out the fact that you are uninformed, you have no desire to educate yourself, and when someone does back up their comments by spoon-feeding you information that hurts yoiur argument (or attempt to deny reality) you get pissed.

Your refusal to engage in informed conversation / discussion when you have proven you are ill-prepared to do so is no loss.

This is less about who is to be believed or not. It's more an issue of the blatant hypocrisy on the left. They all said they supported Blazy with not one ounce of supporting evidence, and now are giving their nod to Biden when this has been in the media for couple of weeks now.
No, you're going to stop talking/responding to me because I'm done with you, and I have no further use for you.

Of course you have no more use for me because I pointed out the fact that you are uninformed, you have no desire to educate yourself, and when someone does back up their comments by spoon-feeding you information that hurts yoiur argument (or attempt to deny reality) you get pissed.

Your refusal to engage in informed conversation / discussion when you have proven you are ill-prepared to do so is no loss.

This is less about who is to be believed or not. It's more an issue of the blatant hypocrisy on the left. They all said they supported Blazy with not one ounce of supporting evidence, and now are giving their nod to Biden when this has been in the media for couple of weeks now.

Oh, there's no question about the hypocrisy from the left.

But that hypocrisy lives on the right, as well...
Here's my problem with it: Reade is making this a really big deal and, if it's true. It is a big deal. But here's the thing, if it's true, it's been a big deal for the last 27 years, and it's just too coincidental that she brings it up now, just as it was too coincidental for Blasey_Ford to make her accusations when she did...

Interesting...none of that seemed to be a problem for you ' snowflakes when Ford was dragged out into the spotlight, one she never wanted to be it, to be used to conduct a political hit on Kavanaugh...

....thus the massive hypocrisy on display now by the Democrats, liberal MSM, and snowflakes.
No, you're going to stop talking/responding to me because I'm done with you, and I have no further use for you.

Of course you have no more use for me because I pointed out the fact that you are uninformed, you have no desire to educate yourself, and when someone does back up their comments by spoon-feeding you information that hurts yoiur argument (or attempt to deny reality) you get pissed.

Your refusal to engage in informed conversation / discussion when you have proven you are ill-prepared to do so is no loss.

This is less about who is to be believed or not. It's more an issue of the blatant hypocrisy on the left. They all said they supported Blazy with not one ounce of supporting evidence, and now are giving their nod to Biden when this has been in the media for couple of weeks now.

Oh, there's no question about the hypocrisy from the left.

But that hypocrisy lives on the right, as well...

In what way? Can you give me an example?
Liberals are only political beasts. They are hypocrites all day every day.
Well Joe Biden doesn't have a history of assautling females like Tramp does.
Trump has no such history, moron.

He has a history of adulty and of assaulting women and that doesn't take in effect his NDAs.

You trampers are dumber than a box of rocks.

You have been challenged several times to post the evidence of alleged assaults against President Trump, how come you still haven't done it?
Liberals are only political beasts. They are hypocrites all day every day.
Well Joe Biden doesn't have a history of assautling females like Tramp does.
Trump has no such history, moron.

He has a history of adulteries and of assaulting women and that doesn't take in effect his NDAs.

You trampers are dumber than a box of rocks.

Who did he assault?
Liberals are only political beasts. They are hypocrites all day every day.
Well Joe Biden doesn't have a history of assautling females like Tramp does.
Trump has no such history, moron.

He has a history of adulteries and of assaulting women and that doesn't take in effect his NDAs.

You trampers are dumber than a box of rocks.

Who did he assault?

In other words you don't know because it never happened. I expected such a reply.
Ford was DRAGGED out - against her will / wishes - when she made it clear to Democrats she did not want to be.
The accusation was DECADES old. There was no evidence. Ford herself could not even remember details....yet the media ran it 24/7 while they, Democrats, and snowflakes declared the NEW legal premise 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent' be the basis for all allegations against Republicans / Conservatives...

When the story broke about how Democrat politicians had not only engaged, facilitated, and had HIDDEN their criminal sexual misconduct but how they had also CREATED A SPECIFIC US GOVT TAX-PAYER-FUNDED COMMITTEE WHOSE SOLE PURPOSE WAS TO PAY FOR THE SILENCE OF VICTIMS OF THEIR CRIMINAL SEXUAL MISCONDUCT....the Media kept the lid on it, buried the story instead of playing it 24/7 like they did with Kavanaugh, and allowed these sexual predators to quietly retire without having to repay tax payers for the money they used to silence their victims, without any investigations being conducted, and without any of them being punished...

This was a HUGE F*ING scandal that dwarfed the false allegation made against Kavanaugh but one kept quiet and those involved protected....

Now we come to Joe Biden...and a legit case that even potential 2020 VP Kamala Harris said she believes is valid / true....yet still wants to be Biden's running mate....

No, you're going to stop talking/responding to me because I'm done with you, and I have no further use for you.

Of course you have no more use for me because I pointed out the fact that you are uninformed, you have no desire to educate yourself, and when someone does back up their comments by spoon-feeding you information that hurts yoiur argument (or attempt to deny reality) you get pissed.

Your refusal to engage in informed conversation / discussion when you have proven you are ill-prepared to do so is no loss.

This is less about who is to be believed or not. It's more an issue of the blatant hypocrisy on the left. They all said they supported Blazy with not one ounce of supporting evidence, and now are giving their nod to Biden when this has been in the media for couple of weeks now.

Oh, there's no question about the hypocrisy from the left.

But that hypocrisy lives on the right, as well...

In what way? Can you give me an example?

Seriously? Sure.

Those on the right vehemently defended Kavanaugh against what was widely considered to be a political hit job. Those same conservatives are now feigning shock at the fact that the left is defending Biden...
Any Democrat who believed Trump's accusers and Kavanaugh's accuser, without the benefit of actual evidence, now finds themselves in a ridiculously difficult position. They can try to obfuscate all they want but, at the end of the day, every single one of them will have to explain why they believe Tara Reade isn't credible but believed Blasey-Ford was...

Tara Reade has not testified under oath to this episode in front of millions of viewers as did Dr. Ford, nor has she been subjected to the type of cross examination that the Republican Senators put her under in the Kavanaugh hearing; Kavanaugh supporters lambasted Dr. Ford, Biden's supporters simply denied the allegation without attacking the alleged victim. The hypocrisy of the author of the OP stinks of partisanship, this author of this OP has attacked every Democrat who ran for the office who was a gaining traction since the first debate.

1993 was 27 years ago, why did the "victim" not report such an act until March of 2020 to the Capitol Police? Why did she not speak out to the public when Sen. Biden was running for VP in the summer of 2018?

See: Joe Biden sexual assault allegation - Wikipedia

This is a classic "He said, She said" conundrum, wherein the supporters of trump conveniently ignore past indiscretions of trump and all but convict the former Sen. and VP. It is another "lock her up" situation, that is another effort of character assassination which is the dominant theme used by trump and his obsequious sycophants.

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