So much for Military hates Trump


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2019
South Central KY
Brad Osborn, a Marine veteran who served from 2008-2012 during Obama’s first term, confirmed to TGP that those orders were indeed handed down by supervisors.

“Most of us are middle class people who support President Trump. It seems that we are not allowed to show our support during Democrat Congressman Andrew Kim’s visit,” Osborn explained.

He went on to explain that when he was serving under Obama, there were recommendations that you not speak ill of any president when you are serving. Now Obsborn says it seems like the exact opposite, that supporting your Commander-in-Chief is now not only frowned upon, it is becoming forbidden.

“Free speech should protect against this type of thing. When you serve, the president is your boss and you respect him.”

Military Facility In New Jersey: REMOVE ALL TRUMP GEAR Before Dem Congressman’s Visit
Brad Osborn, a Marine veteran who served from 2008-2012 during Obama’s first term, confirmed to TGP that those orders were indeed handed down by supervisors.

“Most of us are middle class people who support President Trump. It seems that we are not allowed to show our support during Democrat Congressman Andrew Kim’s visit,” Osborn explained.

He went on to explain that when he was serving under Obama, there were recommendations that you not speak ill of any president when you are serving. Now Obsborn says it seems like the exact opposite, that supporting your Commander-in-Chief is now not only frowned upon, it is becoming forbidden.

“Free speech should protect against this type of thing. When you serve, the president is your boss and you respect him.”

Military Facility In New Jersey: REMOVE ALL TRUMP GEAR Before Dem Congressman’s Visit
I live in a military retirement neighborhood near a huge base....the military loves can bet on that.....

I rather like the idea of hiding all the Trump paraphernalia before this congressman arrives! The more the Left is kept in the dark about the real support Trump has, the better it is for everyone else. Let them keep acting upon the false dialog they put up for the media to believe. It only serves to inflame more supporters to vote for Trump while giving the Democrats a greater sense of confidence! I want these idiots going into November believing they have another total LOCK on the 2020 election! :eek:
Haha good viewpoint Toob. BY the way, avatar brings back memories. I was going for an EE in 72, we learned tube theory. Once the instructor brought in an IC chip, where he found it who knows. He said "this is the future, it can hold more than a telephone room" I still have one tube, a headphone amp, opted for the Russian tube. It kicks ass!


Yet another HORSESHIT LIE the Media is foisting on the American people. They go cherry pick a few disgruntled Vets who don't like President Trump and exclaim "SEE!?! THE ENTIRE MILITARY HATES TRUMP!!!!"
Hey Media :fu:
Hey shit-for-brains, check this out for cherry picking a sample total of 1630 active duty types ending last December, with a thumbs down to the Orange One KEEPING him underwater with the military.

"Support among military personnel for President Donald Trump is at its lowest since he became president, according to a new poll.

In the survey conducted by Military Times between the end of October to the start of December, nearly 42 percent of respondents said they had a positive opinion of the president. This comprised of 17.3 percent of respondents who had a "favorable" view and 24.3 percent who had a "very favorable" view of the president.

Meanwhile, just under 50 percent of respondents had a negative view, including 45.1 percent whose opinion of him was "very unfavorable."

These totals contrast Trump's ratings just after his election in November 2016, when 46 percent of troops had a positive view of Trump and only 37 percent had a negative view. The margin of error for most questions was around two percent."

Military support for trump slips as half of troops view president unfavorably, new poll shows

Bottom line is you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That "bone spurred", draft dodging piece of useless shit has continued to lose favor with active duty types polled by Military Times since he won the 2016 election when he polled best with only a 46% favorable. Facts are a bitch, huh Mikie!
Yet another HORSESHIT LIE the Media is foisting on the American people. They go cherry pick a few disgruntled Vets who don't like President Trump and exclaim "SEE!?! THE ENTIRE MILITARY HATES TRUMP!!!!"
Hey Media :fu:
Hey shit-for-brains, check this out for cherry picking a sample total of 1630 active duty types ending last December, with a thumbs down to the Orange One KEEPING him underwater with the military.

"Support among military personnel for President Donald Trump is at its lowest since he became president, according to a new poll.

In the survey conducted by Military Times between the end of October to the start of December, nearly 42 percent of respondents said they had a positive opinion of the president. This comprised of 17.3 percent of respondents who had a "favorable" view and 24.3 percent who had a "very favorable" view of the president.

Meanwhile, just under 50 percent of respondents had a negative view, including 45.1 percent whose opinion of him was "very unfavorable."

These totals contrast Trump's ratings just after his election in November 2016, when 46 percent of troops had a positive view of Trump and only 37 percent had a negative view. The margin of error for most questions was around two percent."

Military support for trump slips as half of troops view president unfavorably, new poll shows

Bottom line is you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That "bone spurred", draft dodging piece of useless shit has continued to lose favor with active duty types polled by Military Times since he won the 2016 election when he polled best with only a 46% favorable. Facts are a bitch, huh Mikie!
Yes facts are a bitch. The fact is a significant majority of the military supports President Trump. Polls are all skewed Left as anyone with a modicum of intelligence can surmise. That lets you out.
Haha good viewpoint Toob. BY the way, avatar brings back memories. I was going for an EE in 72, we learned tube theory. Once the instructor brought in an IC chip, where he found it who knows. He said "this is the future, it can hold more than a telephone room" I still have one tube, a headphone amp, opted for the Russian tube. It kicks ass!



I began my life and career in electronics with tubes and I wouldn't have them anymore. A lot of people say they like the sound but what they are hearing is distortion introduced by tubes add tube circuits.
My aim was always liner reproduction without distortion then adding in whatever distortion you may want but with tubes it's always there whether or not you may like it. I used to call tube fans in guitar amp circles tube boobs.
Yet another HORSESHIT LIE the Media is foisting on the American pefoesople. They go cherry pick a few disgruntled Vets who don't like President Trump and exclaim "SEE!?! THE ENTIRE MILITARY HATES TRUMP!!!!"
Hey Media :fu:
Hey shit-for-brains, check this out for cherry picking a sample total of 1630 active duty types ending last December, with a thumbs down to the Orange One KEEPING him underwater with the military.

"Support among military personnel for President Donald Trump is at its lowest since he became president, according to a new poll.

In the survey conducted by Military Times between the end of October to the start of December, nearly 42 percent of respondents said they had a positive opinion of the president. This comprised of 17.3 percent of respondents who had a "favorable" view and 24.3 percent who had a "very favorable" view of the president.

Meanwhile, just under 50 percent of respondents had a negative view, including 45.1 percent whose opinion of him was "very unfavorable."

These totals contrast Trump's ratings just after his election in November 2016, when 46 percent of troops had a positive view of Trump and only 37 percent had a negative view. The margin of error for most questions was around two percent."

Military support for trump slips as half of troops view president unfavorably, new poll shows

Bottom line is you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That "bone spurred", draft dodging piece of useless shit has continued to lose favor with active duty types polled by Military Times since he won the 2016 election when he polled best with only a 46% favorable. Facts are a bitch, huh Mikie!

Does this mean the democrats won't try to hide military votes
Yet another HORSESHIT LIE the Media is foisting on the American people. They go cherry pick a few disgruntled Vets who don't like President Trump and exclaim "SEE!?! THE ENTIRE MILITARY HATES TRUMP!!!!"
Hey Media :fu:
Hey shit-for-brains, check this out for cherry picking a sample total of 1630 active duty types ending last December, with a thumbs down to the Orange One KEEPING him underwater with the military.

"Support among military personnel for President Donald Trump is at its lowest since he became president, according to a new poll.

In the survey conducted by Military Times between the end of October to the start of December, nearly 42 percent of respondents said they had a positive opinion of the president. This comprised of 17.3 percent of respondents who had a "favorable" view and 24.3 percent who had a "very favorable" view of the president.

Meanwhile, just under 50 percent of respondents had a negative view, including 45.1 percent whose opinion of him was "very unfavorable."

These totals contrast Trump's ratings just after his election in November 2016, when 46 percent of troops had a positive view of Trump and only 37 percent had a negative view. The margin of error for most questions was around two percent."

Military support for trump slips as half of troops view president unfavorably, new poll shows

Bottom line is you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That "bone spurred", draft dodging piece of useless shit has continued to lose favor with active duty types polled by Military Times since he won the 2016 election when he polled best with only a 46% favorable. Facts are a bitch, huh Mikie!
Yes facts are a bitch. The fact is a significant majority of the military supports President Trump. Polls are all skewed Left as anyone with a modicum of intelligence can surmise. That lets you out.
Yes facts are a bitch. The fact is a significant majority of the military supports President Trump.
Really HotShot? We agree that facts are a bitch, but your dumb ass hasn't presented any, nada, ZIP! I presented the facts from the recent Military Times poll but all you have to rebut is your worthless OPINION and cheering for the Orange Clown. You opinion is worthless when the FACTS contradict your dumb ass so take your propagandized dreams, stuff them in a sock, lite up and draw deep Mikie!
I began my life and career in electronics with tubes and I wouldn't have them anymore. A lot of people say they like the sound but what they are hearing is distortion introduced by tubes add tube circuits.
My aim was always liner reproduction without distortion then adding in whatever distortion you may want but with tubes it's always there whether or not you may like it. I used to call tube fans in guitar amp circles tube boobs.

You an EE Dick? Oh yes, better came along for sure. Funny the tube boobs! I did progress into the IC world, amazing to say the least.
Brad Osborn, a Marine veteran who served from 2008-2012 during Obama’s first term, confirmed to TGP that those orders were indeed handed down by supervisors.

“Most of us are middle class people who support President Trump. It seems that we are not allowed to show our support during Democrat Congressman Andrew Kim’s visit,” Osborn explained.

He went on to explain that when he was serving under Obama, there were recommendations that you not speak ill of any president when you are serving. Now Obsborn says it seems like the exact opposite, that supporting your Commander-in-Chief is now not only frowned upon, it is becoming forbidden.

“Free speech should protect against this type of thing. When you serve, the president is your boss and you respect him.”

Military Facility In New Jersey: REMOVE ALL TRUMP GEAR Before Dem Congressman’s Visit

That's because it's not Trump that matters. It's the office of the president. That is who you support.

Wearing political gear while on the job is not, I suspect approved regardless of who occupies the position.
Not all of those that are in the military supports Pres.Trump. Over the years that the Deep State has been infiltrating in the military with their kind of people. But still there's not enough of them to dominate the military. It is because it's around 70% of this country are Christians. And then that there are some from other religions. And so they has put a freeze on recruiting, until they has dropped the population of Christians in this nation. By conversion or having them killed especially across seas. That is why they taunt and tease the Muslims across seas. To have the Muslims to do their job for them.

Owen Shroyer Arrested For Silent Protest

Not all of those that are in the military supports Pres.Trump. Over the years that the Deep State has been infiltrating in the military with their kind of people. But still there's not enough of them to dominate the military. It is because it's around 70% of this country are Christians. And then that there are some from other religions. And so they has put a freeze on recruiting, until they has dropped the population of Christians in this nation. By conversion or having them killed especially across seas. That is why they taunt and tease the Muslims across seas. To have the Muslims to do their job for them.

Owen Shroyer Arrested For Silent Protest


Freeze on recruiting? WTF are you babbling about?
Not all of those that are in the military supports Pres.Trump. Over the years that the Deep State has been infiltrating in the military with their kind of people. But still there's not enough of them to dominate the military. It is because it's around 70% of this country are Christians. And then that there are some from other religions. And so they has put a freeze on recruiting, until they has dropped the population of Christians in this nation. By conversion or having them killed especially across seas. That is why they taunt and tease the Muslims across seas. To have the Muslims to do their job for them.

Owen Shroyer Arrested For Silent Protest


Freeze on recruiting? WTF are you babbling about?
Why you think Pres.Trump is now building back up the military that Obama was trying to down-sized;

Failure by Congress to end budget sequestration could force the services in fiscal 2014 to freeze military promotions, suspend recruiting and halt all change-of-station moves, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned in letter Wednesday to leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Freeze Possible On All Promotions, Recruiting

Though constraints like sequestration have limited the money available for the U.S. military, the Obama policy calling for a smaller standing ground army reflects a deliberate strategy shift and not just a response to cost-cutting, since some other parts of the military are not being reduced. Obama’s Military Policy: Down-Size While Threats Rise
Not all of those that are in the military supports Pres.Trump. Over the years that the Deep State has been infiltrating in the military with their kind of people. But still there's not enough of them to dominate the military. It is because it's around 70% of this country are Christians. And then that there are some from other religions. And so they has put a freeze on recruiting, until they has dropped the population of Christians in this nation. By conversion or having them killed especially across seas. That is why they taunt and tease the Muslims across seas. To have the Muslims to do their job for them.

Owen Shroyer Arrested For Silent Protest


Freeze on recruiting? WTF are you babbling about?
Why you think Pres.Trump is now building back up the military that Obama was trying to down-sized;

Failure by Congress to end budget sequestration could force the services in fiscal 2014 to freeze military promotions, suspend recruiting and halt all change-of-station moves, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned in letter Wednesday to leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Freeze Possible On All Promotions, Recruiting

Though constraints like sequestration have limited the money available for the U.S. military, the Obama policy calling for a smaller standing ground army reflects a deliberate strategy shift and not just a response to cost-cutting, since some other parts of the military are not being reduced. Obama’s Military Policy: Down-Size While Threats Rise

What does any of that have to do with Christianity?

Also, you are talking 2014. WTF, over?

I work for Army Recruiting. Our mission is doubling in 2021.

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