So much for the false narrative that Obama was "repairing" our reputation with the world

The War Mongerer Barack Obama is on the war path again and has us on the verge of a major war with a world super-power. And each time it has been to help muslims topple a leader and spreads radical islam.

At least when George W. Bush took us into conflicts, it was for U.S. interests (response to 9/11, prevent future 9/11's). When Barack does it, it's for muslim interests. The Middle East is on fire. He completely destabilized the entire region. The place is a mess and his watch has given rise to ISIS and spread the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s Colossal Mistake That Could Get Us Into a Proxy War With Russia
Our closest allies (England and Israel) now hate us. And our biggest enemies (Russia and China) hate us more than ever and are showing aggression towards us on a consistent basis.

Now relations have fallen apart with the Philipines thanks to Obama's bungling of foreign relations. President Rodrigo Duterte is furious with Obama (as most of the world is) and Obama has cancelled his trip there like a scared child.

This is what happens when a community organizer and an ideologue decides he wants to play "Commander in Chief".

Philippines leader curses Obama; meeting canceled -
Look at the bright side....Iran still hates us.....:lol:
Our closest allies (England and Israel) now hate us. And our biggest enemies (Russia and China) hate us more than ever and are showing aggression towards us on a consistent basis.

Now relations have fallen apart with the Philipines thanks to Obama's bungling of foreign relations. President Rodrigo Duterte is furious with Obama (as most of the world is) and Obama has cancelled his trip there like a scared child.

This is what happens when a community organizer and an ideologue decides he wants to play "Commander in Chief".

Philippines leader curses Obama; meeting canceled -
Look at the bright side....Iran still hates us.....:lol:
What? I thought Obama was going to repair that relationship make Iran adore us? I mean....he was the chosen one. He was the most brilliant mind the U.S. (or Kenya :lol: ) had ever produced. Ivy League pedigree. And he was this amazing persona. "No Drama Obama". And he was charismatic. Nobody could resist him. He literally was like Jesus Christ. He was special. Nobody could possibly dislike him or reject him.

I wonder if there will ever be a day where progressives will be able to admit to themselves that he was an immature idealist community organizer who conned his way into the Oval Office.
Real bank up job there Barack "repairing the reputation of the U.S. around the world". Our allies can't stand us and our enemies hate us more than ever. What an idealistic buffoon. He really believed that rolling over like a dog and showing submission to bad people would make them like us... :eusa_doh:

‘You can go to hell, Mr. Obama’: Philippine president targets Obama in yet another tirade
Funny how fast the feeble minded right forgets about the Bush administration foreign policy. He totally embarrassed us with hio Iraq War Look at the coalition put together by Obama & Clinton to force ran to the table. And I see you dipsticks have found a new hero in the Philippines. Obama has improved our standing in the world & your stomping your feet and having a tantrum doesn't change it.
Obama has improved our standing in the world & your stomping your feet and having a tantrum doesn't change it.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Reality (something you progressives reject) says otherwise sparky.... Just read all of the articles I have posted in this thread alone. Iran, Russia, the Philippines and Cuba have mocked Obama and hate us more than ever. Our allies like us less than ever.
Obama has improved our standing in the world & your stomping your feet and having a tantrum doesn't change it.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Reality (something you progressives reject) says otherwise sparky.... Just read all of the articles I have posted in this thread alone. Iran, Russia, the Philippines and Cuba have mocked Obama and hate us more than ever. Our allies like us less than ever.
Reality (something you progressives reject)
What reality are you referring to? The reality that Russia and Cuba are only allies if you choose to live in fantasy land? The reality that going and paying a visit to a leader who, by his own choice, compares himself to Hitler is usually considered a bad idea? Or is it the reality that the data contradicts your OP completely?
What reality are you referring to? The reality that Russia and Cuba are only allies if you choose to live in fantasy land? The reality that going and paying a visit to a leader who, by his own choice, compares himself to Hitler is usually considered a bad idea? Or is it the reality that the data contradicts your OP completely?
No. None of that. I'm not referring to the progressive propaganda that you choke down faster than a glutton at a hot dog eating contest. I'm talking about reality.

Where relations between the U.S. and Russia are far more strained than ever. Where Vladimir Putin is instructing his jets to aggressively engage the U.S. Naval fleet within feet. Where Russia newspapers are predicting nuclear war with the U.S. (because Obama has illustrated to the world that he's a spineless coward). Where Obama offends and insults our allies while sucking up to Fidel Castro (who then mocks him). Where Obama sucks up to Muhamed Ahmadinejad (who then mocks him).

I know you're incapable of separating reality from your precious progressive propaganda but you'll just have to trust your shrink when you see him.
What reality are you referring to? The reality that Russia and Cuba are only allies if you choose to live in fantasy land? The reality that going and paying a visit to a leader who, by his own choice, compares himself to Hitler is usually considered a bad idea? Or is it the reality that the data contradicts your OP completely?
No. None of that. I'm not referring to the progressive propaganda that you choke down faster than a glutton at a hot dog eating contest. I'm talking about reality.

Where relations between the U.S. and Russia are far more strained than ever. Where Vladimir Putin is instructing his jets to aggressively engage the U.S. Naval fleet within feet. Where Russia newspapers are predicting nuclear war with the U.S. (because Obama has illustrated to the world that he's a spineless coward). Where Obama offends and insults our allies while sucking up to Fidel Castro (who then mocks him). Where Obama sucks up to Muhamed Ahmadinejad (who then mocks him).

I know you're incapable of separating reality from your precious progressive propaganda but you'll just have to trust your shrink when you see him.
Our closest allies (England and Israel) now hate us. And our biggest enemies (Russia and China)
Official data clearly states favorability rating with both Israel and England has gone up since the Bush years. Russia's has gone down but china's has gone up. All since Obama took over.1. America’s Global Image These stats are no partizan, unlike your opinions.
No. None of that. I'm not referring to the progressive propaganda

Unless you are suggesting that this interview is faked I prefer my ears to your opinion.
Yeah....several progressive "studies" also said that the polar ice-caps would be completely melted in 2014. But reality showed that the polar ice-cap actually expanded an astounding 60% (over 900,000 sq miles).
Look another flat out lie from a pseudo-con. Sure they did, let see the links to those studies that made that claim!
Ok BlindBoo - it's time for you to admit that you are not only astoundingly ignorant but also a liar.

"Speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, Mr Gore said new computer modelling suggests there is a 75% chance of the entire polar ice cap melting during the summertime by 2014."

Dude...why do you attempt to argue with me? It is painfully clear that you're completely clueless about what is going on in the world and I have proven time and time again that I am well informed. You are just proving to everyone that you are ignorant and a liar.

Copenhagen climate summit: Al Gore condemned over Arctic ice melting prediction

You claimed what Gore said was "the polar ice-caps would be completely melted in 2014".

Two keys to your lie is "ice caps" is plural and "could be" and "would be" have different meaning altogether.


Al Gore's Speech in Bali: Video and Nearly Complete Transcript
I noticed you conveniently skipped over John Kerry's proclamation...

"Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013."

Let us know when you're willing to admit that you're both ignorant and a liar.

There were a few scientists who did predict an ice free arctic by 2013. Most scientists agree we can expect an ice free arctic but there is variance as to when. We should also note that some predictions were made years earlier & premised with "if we don't take action". We have made reductions in greenhouse gas emissions since 2006. To take these predictions as some sort of proof there is no MMGW is quite naive & uninformed.
Excuse? Do you in fact think the US president has the ability to control everything in the world? Ludicrous. We are not supposed to be the world police. It's high time you people quit expecting the president to ratchet up tensions just because some piss-ant little man in some other country said bad things about us. We give those little Napoleons legitimacy every time we act as if we even notice their shenanigans.
Liberals blamed Bush for every bad thing that happened in the world, and still do.
All kinds RW nationalist bs goes on during a world depression. lol. Great job!
So what's Obama's excuse. I mean by listening to liberals we are in the best times as ever.
We have the best economy in the world. If the mindless bought off GOP would get out of the way, we could lift the world out of their depression.
Obama has gotten just about everything he wanted, so what's the problem?
Evidently you do not follow US Senate Actions & the House of Representatives since Jan of 2011.
There were a few scientists who did predict an ice free arctic by 2013. Most scientists agree we can expect an ice free arctic but there is variance as to when. We should also note that some predictions were made years earlier & premised with "if we don't take action". We have made reductions in greenhouse gas emissions since 2006. To take these predictions as some sort of proof there is no MMGW is quite naive & uninformed.
You're right. And I would never take any one piece of information alone (all though that is pretty damning considering the exact opposite occurred). It is two rounds of Climate Gate, rebranding from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change", and a host of other information along with this above that makes it indisputable that "Global Warming" was a left-wing hoax designed for power and wealth.
Liberals blamed Bush for every bad thing that happened in the world, and still do.
All kinds RW nationalist bs goes on during a world depression. lol. Great job!
So what's Obama's excuse. I mean by listening to liberals we are in the best times as ever.
We have the best economy in the world. If the mindless bought off GOP would get out of the way, we could lift the world out of their depression.
Obama has gotten just about everything he wanted, so what's the problem?
Evidently you do not follow US Senate Actions & the House of Representatives since Jan of 2011.
Since Feb 4, 2010, when Scott Brown was seated. And before 7/7/2009 when Al Franken was finally seated.
There were a few scientists who did predict an ice free arctic by 2013. Most scientists agree we can expect an ice free arctic but there is variance as to when. We should also note that some predictions were made years earlier & premised with "if we don't take action". We have made reductions in greenhouse gas emissions since 2006. To take these predictions as some sort of proof there is no MMGW is quite naive & uninformed.
You're right. And I would never take any one piece of information alone (all though that is pretty damning considering the exact opposite occurred). It is two rounds of Climate Gate, rebranding from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change", and a host of other information along with this above that makes it indisputable that "Global Warming" was a left-wing hoax designed for power and wealth.
The idea you think there was anything damning in Climategate is proof of your lack of knowledge on the subject. Global Warming is a form of climate change. When thew term Global Warming is used, you whiners run in circles screaming about cold weather. extra special fail by Obama. Not only does this clearly illustrate his ineptitude at "repairing relations" with Russia like he claimed he would but it also illustrates his astounding ineptitude and overseeing top secret operations.

He couldn't wait to go running to the press within an hour or two of getting Bin Laden despite the fact that it completely compromised our ability to exploit the treasure trove of information recovered during the raid. This time - he was so inpatient he actually went to the press before the operation was even launched.

The CIA is prepping a possible cyber strike against Russia
Just astounding incompetence and failure by Barack Obama. He literally achieved the exact opposite of everything he claimed he would while campaigning.

"Netanyahu’s remarks come at a time of heightened tensions between the United States and its ally Israel"

Obama managed to turn one of our staunchest allies into a nation with "heightened tensions" between us.

Benjamin Netanyahu responds to John Kerry and the outgoing Obama administration in fiery speech
NOT ISRAEL, the biggest a-hole in the history of Israel, dupe.

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