So much for the false narrative that Obama was "repairing" our reputation with the world

Our closest allies (England and Israel) now hate us.

Did the above "conclusion" hurt coming out when you sat on that toilet bowl....???
One can always count on a progressive to say something either related to extreme sexual deviance or going potty. That's what happens when immaturity meets ignorance. You get progressives.
One can always count on a progressive to say something either related to extreme sexual deviance or going potty. That's what happens when immaturity meets ignorance. You get progressives.

No, no...don't get me wrong. You have every right to get on your horse and warn us that, "the Brits are coming, the Brits are coming..."
Do you think he should go on an 'apology tour' then?
No, he tried that and got criticised at home.
He did that. It was a spectacular failure. He made sure that the entire globe was aware the the U.S. had someone who was weak and timid sitting in the Oval Office.
The Philippines periodically undergoes a spasm of authoritarianism, they then come to their senses and remember who their friends are. This may come as a shock but not everything has to do with America and it's president. The Philippines are just dealing with their own version of Trump by giving us a little example of what happens when you vote with your rage.
That's it? That's the best silly excuse you can come up with? Wow... :lmao:
Excuse? Do you in fact think the US president has the ability to control everything in the world? Ludicrous. We are not supposed to be the world police. It's high time you people quit expecting the president to ratchet up tensions just because some piss-ant little man in some other country said bad things about us. We give those little Napoleons legitimacy every time we act as if we even notice their shenanigans.
Well...I thought Obama was going to work wonders with regards to relations with other nations. That's what he said and that's what you progressive minions parroted. Now that the complete opposite has occurred, you people have completely changed your narrative.
The "complete opposite"? We've dealt with Philippine dictators before, remember Marcos? Maybe Obama should attempt to become pals with a murdering asshole like Reagan did? In the end the guy can do and say whatever, no one gives a fuck, he knows not to screw with our bases or jeopardize our protection. He talks trash but we are still the boss of him where it counts.
Maybe Obama should attempt to become pals with a murdering asshole...
Um....he already did. He attempted to become pals with Fidel Castro (who then bashed him). He attempted to become pals with Vladimir Putin (who then bashed him). He attempted to become pals with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who then bashed him).

Those are all "murdering assholes" and Obama sucked up to each and every one of them and desperately tried to make nice-nice. What world do you live in that you are completely uninformed of the past 8 years?!?
Our closest allies (England and Israel) now hate us. And our biggest enemies (Russia and China) hate us more than ever and are showing aggression towards us on a consistent basis.

Now relations have fallen apart with the Philipines thanks to Obama's bungling of foreign relations. President Rodrigo Duterte is furious with Obama (as most of the world is) and Obama has cancelled his trip there like a scared child.

This is what happens when a community organizer and an ideologue decides he wants to play "Commander in Chief".

Philippines leader curses Obama; meeting canceled -
Are you trying to pretend that the world likes Obama less than even GWB? If thats the case you couldn't be more wrong.
Maybe you can tell us why England now hates the US, or maybe even Israel?
So much for this false narrative, again.

1. America’s Global Image
So let me get this straight...a poll carries more weight with you than reality? Really? Wow. Russia is more aggressive than ever (indisputable fact) and Russian newspapers are predicting imminent military conflict. Iran rejected Obama and is now on the path to nuclear weapons. Foreign leaders (such as Fidel Castro) who Obama has catered to have shown zero respect for him.

But hey....that Pew poll sure looks nice, doesn't it? :eusa_doh:
So much for this false narrative, again.

1. America’s Global Image
So let me get this straight...a poll carries more weight with you than reality? Really? Wow. Russia is more aggressive than ever (indisputable fact) and Russian newspapers are predicting imminent military conflict. Iran rejected Obama and is now on the path to nuclear weapons. Foreign leaders (such as Fidel Castro) who Obama has catered to have shown zero respect for him.

But hey....that Pew poll sure looks nice, doesn't it? :eusa_doh:

He brought a poll and you brought nothing. And you're the one complaining?
Maybe you can tell us why England now hates the US, or maybe even Israel?
It would take far too long to cover it all. Did you simply refuse to pay attention over the past 8 years or you intentionally being disingenuous?

It started with one of Obama's first few days in office when he shipped a bust of Winston Churchill back to them that they sent to us as a gift shortly after 9/11. He did so because of a false family story about England torturing grand daddy and Obama made is contempt for England clear.
White House admits it did return Winston Churchill bust to Britain

In addition - Obama has attempted to place the blame of his catastrophic bungling of Libya at the doorstep of England
Why the U.S.-U.K. Relationship Is Less Special than Ever

Where to even begin with this one? Obama globally insulted Benjamin Netanyahu when he was caught saying "imagine how I feel, I have to deal with him all the time". In addition, he allowed and even facilitated the Iranian nuclear program that Israel desperately does not want them to have (and as their allies, we should have assisted them in preventing).

The list goes on and on with both of these. I've given you more than enough. Do your own homework now and be informed.
Are you trying to pretend that the world likes Obama less than even GWB?
I don't need to pretend - it's simply the reality. Our enemies (Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.) no longer fear us and our allies (England, Israel, etc.) no longer like us.
So much for this false narrative, again.

1. America’s Global Image
So let me get this straight...a poll carries more weight with you than reality? Really? Wow. Russia is more aggressive than ever (indisputable fact) and Russian newspapers are predicting imminent military conflict. Iran rejected Obama and is now on the path to nuclear weapons. Foreign leaders (such as Fidel Castro) who Obama has catered to have shown zero respect for him.

But hey....that Pew poll sure looks nice, doesn't it? :eusa_doh:

Those are reflected in the Pew survey. (well Russia anyway, no data on Iran) Hey, Jordan hates us and so does Pakistan, so you must be glad about that too, huh?
Are you trying to pretend that the world likes Obama less than even GWB?
I don't need to pretend - it's simply the reality. Our enemies (Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.) no longer fear us and our allies (England, Israel, etc.) no longer like us.

You lie. I posted the facts. Compared to 2008 and Bush, the US under Obama has a more favorable rating from practically every country in the world.
So much for this false narrative, again.

1. America’s Global Image
So let me get this straight...a poll carries more weight with you than reality? Really? Wow. Russia is more aggressive than ever (indisputable fact) and Russian newspapers are predicting imminent military conflict. Iran rejected Obama and is now on the path to nuclear weapons. Foreign leaders (such as Fidel Castro) who Obama has catered to have shown zero respect for him.

But hey....that Pew poll sure looks nice, doesn't it? :eusa_doh:

Where do you derive your reality from, guy-on-internet?
I don't need to pretend - it's simply the reality. Our enemies (Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.) no longer fear us and our allies (England, Israel, etc.) no longer like us.

You're getting desperate in your Obama hatred.....Give it a rest.

Our enemies DO fear us, otherwise we are WASTING $600 billion to fund the Pentagon.....Russia's economy is 1/16th of ours and Putin needs to prance before his people as Mussolini did......

Our allies are more dependent on us then ever before and your "no longer like us" is a moronic attempt to slam Obama...Count how many British caskets are coming back to England under Bush versus Obama......

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